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Sundae 04-18-2014 03:01 PM

West Yorkshire
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This is just kick-starting a thread that I hope I will take with me on my relocation.
Currently unsure of how and where and when I'll be able to upload photos when I move. I won't be able to afford a PC or internet connection - at least not initially - and I'm using the shared family camera at present, since Dad lost mine and broke his.
I can't ask for a replacement as they've just paid out one months rent and another month as deposit!

Here are some shots while I still can :)
These are all taken in Bradford; I'll be moving to Otley. I'll Google Map you a ref at some point. Otley is a market town rather than a city.

- My hotel when I was on my reconnaissance mission.
It was probably only a mile from the coach station, but the night I arrived, alone, lonely, sad, it felt like I was walking for many more.

- View from walk up to hotel and then view from window.
Electricity a go-go.
BZZZZZZZZZZ (don't tase me bro)

Sundae 04-18-2014 03:06 PM

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See how Bradford is laid out on hills?
Stack upon stack of it.
It's quite arresting, and beautiful in the sunlight.

The hotel again, from a distance, showing the hill behind it.
And a different shot to show how the levels change in a very short distance.

Sundae 04-18-2014 03:20 PM

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Well I showed you the Rotunda in Glasgow, and mentioned we could have our secret Cellar base in the similar structure across the river. But I bet we could get a building in Bradford even cheaperer...

My resident expert (not Dana, although she knows this city) said that the reason the tide of conversion ebbed away from Bradford was that many of the industrial buildings were used for sorting wool. Over the years the lanolin seeped into the woodwork and left them highly flammable. He says they can go up like candles. Not ideal "loft-conversion" living.

I like a bit of decaying grandeur, me.
I doubt many other people would connect Bradford, Havana and the Coliseum, but I'm probably the only person on here to have seen all three with my own eyes, so you can't disagree with me ;)

Couple of examples.

Sundae 04-18-2014 03:24 PM

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Sundae 04-18-2014 03:28 PM

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What's not to like about a Spicy Corner?
(Okay, I didn't eat there)

Pikey funfair.

Sundae 04-18-2014 03:31 PM

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It's the fair of evil...
Fear, sorry.

DanaC 04-18-2014 03:43 PM

when I come over you can use my iphone to take some pics (that bit of the phone is ok, it's just the rest that's been shattered to crazy paving!)

infinite monkey 04-18-2014 04:45 PM

How come everywhere you go, it's interesting and beautiful?

You keep on keepin' on, Sundae. I think this is going to be a great thing for you. :)

Griff 04-19-2014 09:02 AM

Flammable or not those buildings have great bones.

Sundae 04-19-2014 10:39 AM

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Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 897132)
How come everywhere you go, it's interesting and beautiful?

That is such a kind comment, I've been thinking about it all day.

And yes, Griff, there is much to love about industrial architecture.

My friend Peter agreed to drive me to Otley.
I'd been fooled by the fact that it's often referred to as Otley, Leeds, and by the LS postcode into thinking it was closer to Leeds than it was. I knew I could travel Bradford to Leeds easily, and thought it would be a hop and a skip from there. No. It's on it's own little commuter route, and the best I could have done was get two buses. I had the time, but it was much more pleasant to catch up with an old friend and be chauffeured there. After my stress-stress-stress about what time the buses stopped running (two hour group interview starting at 17.00) he even said he would wait around and give me a lift back, which he did. If I'm lucky in anything it's in the amazing people who come into my life.

I didn't see much of the town, but this (Guardian article) will give you a little flavour.
Also check out this postcode for my new flat (second floor, number 51) on Google maps if you're interested: LS21 1AG
This was the ad on Gumtree, not sure if it will still be up.

The supermarket is larger than my branch, with longer counters and more lines - yes, sadly I could spot exactly what we didn't stock and they did! And the café is three times the size. I won't have time to miss my old store, that's for sure.

As mentioned previously, I had booked to see the flat above on Wednesday morning, but was offered an interview for a rival supermarket at approx the same time. I figured that the job was more important, so I went for the interview. Their place (in fact their HQ) was high on a hill and the area around it was a little run down. I got talking to a contractor while we waited for the shuttle bus which took me halfway back to the city centre. He said I was better off doing that than going out of the gates and getting public transport all the way back; it was a rough area. Now personally it didn't look bad enough for me to worry about waiting for a bus at 11.30 in bright sunlight, but it was interesting to hear.

The job on offer was one I was wary of too.
Kitchen work has always scared me slightly with its relentless pace. I can't even watch Hell's Kitchen. In fact the only team I remember watching and enjoying (in one of its incarnations, it may have changed since) were from an A&E department. Pressure? Ha! No-one's dying here tonight, what is this thing you think is pressure?

So anyway, second outing in my little blue and white dress (the one I travelled in when I went to Arran). Very blowy day, so as soon as I got back into Bradford I changed into my only other outfit of trousers and top in a McDonalds toilet. I'd hauled my jacket all the way up there (because Mum equates The North with the Arctic Circle) and never wore it, getting by with the addition of a woolly hat and a scarf when I felt chilly.

I was a picture in shades of lilac/ burgundy/ pink.
I didn't think about how matchy-matchy I was until my journey was well underway. Ah well, the fashion police failed to stop me in the street at least.

I had a wander while waiting for Dana.
Street artist had just started his dog sculpture. It's very basic at this point, when I passed him later it was more realistic and detailed. I guess you start off simple in order to get money while you're working. If no-one can tell what it is for the first two hours you're not going to get anything!

We looked for him later on, but I couldn't remember where he was in the warren of steep streets and cobbled alleyways.

Sundae 04-19-2014 10:54 AM

I met Dana.
And she was on time!
In fact I think she was early, as she was finishing a coffee when we met, so had had enough time to buy one and let it cool down.


We walked a very short distance to an all you can eat buffet.
I'd just walked past it on the way to the Interchange (buses, coaches and trains arrive and leave from there) and it seemed serendipitous. Especially as Dani is not allowed to have starters.

The food was really very good.
I looked askance at the empty dim sum area, but I had more than enough to eat, so that was just pure greed. There's only one dim sum I really crave anyway (char siu bao) and no guarantee they'd have had it even if the section was open.

I said to Dani that one of the many things I love about all you can eat is that you can have a little bit of bland alongside the new and exciting. I'd never order a whole portion of lemon chicken, but it was my ex-husband's go-to Chinese meal when we met (before I educated his palate and then broke his heart) so it was lovely to have a little blast from the past.

We talked and laughed of course. I pretty much nearly held it all together, although I was close to tears quite often. I was so overwhelmed and stressed out. I was still in the mode where all I wanted to do was go home and hide, even though I knew that not only was that not a grown up response, but also that my situation would not change if I did.

Dani help reiterate the mantra other wise minds have been chanting. One step at a time. Bite size chunks. This too shall pass.
The drip, drip effect has helped of course. But mostly it's not being in freefall re job and accommodation which has switched off the whistles and bells going off in my nervous system.

Anyway, back to Bradford for the next post.

Sundae 04-19-2014 11:06 AM

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Bradford City Park.

This is a wide, shallow pool in the centre of Bradford, drained every night and refilled every morning. And when I say shallow I mean ankle deep at its deepest.


City Park has many moods. It can be a cool, tranquil and misty space, a huge, reflective watery mirror, a bubbling, squirting, and splashing fountain display, a brilliantly lit aqueous interactive laser artwork or a thunderous water spout, shooting over 30 metres into the air
says the official website.

We saw it on a warm and sunny day, and children of all ages and races were enjoying it. Some families had come prepared with food, towels and swimsuits. Others just sat nearby watching their offspring roll up their trousers and skirts and paddle about. Other children were nearly completely dressed and completely soaked. Good luck getting them home on the bus!

It was a wonderful place, all in the shadow of Bradford's glorious gothic Town Hall.

Sundae 04-19-2014 11:09 AM

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This isn't some sort of frowned upon fountain invasion.
The water is chlorinated and there is a warden on hand to make sure proper safety guidelines are adhered to.
This is a place with sections of decking and an almost imperceptible incline rather than a lip to climb over.
I think it's a marvellous idea, and it was almost like being at the seaside. Excellent town planning.

Sundae 04-19-2014 11:20 AM

So the next phase is getting up there for my Orientation.

From what I gathered from my phone call, they want me there for 01/05/14, but that's not my official start date. It can't be anyway; I told them that I had a commitment here on Tuesday 6, which is the day Mum & I are going to London together. No way am I blowing that off, we have the whole day planned and tickets booked. Anything after that is fair game.

But the plan is for me to hire a car (ARGH!) take up as much as I can fit in which isn't essential to my living here, and the Diz-monster.
I put Diz in a cattery (double ARGH!) collect the keys, move in what I have with me and then drive back same night.
Exhausting but I can deal with that.
Expensive but Mum will pay for that.

Then I move whenever my truly wonderful friend and I/ my branch/ Otley branch can agree on a date. That's my proper move. I leave it maybe another day and then rescue my poor abandoned boy from the cattery via taxi.

It's all still quite terrifying, but it's the only way we can think of to make it work.
I can't turn up with Diz as soon as I move in - too obvious. And Mum wants him to have his jabs (Monday) and experience of a cattery because she wants to take me on holiday with them in September. She's paying, but she says it will be worth it to get some sun. She can't cope on her own with Dad abroad or travelling any more, and can't leave him at home alone.

September is another planet to me now.
Just let me get to the end of May safely.

glatt 04-21-2014 07:52 AM

Just seeing these now. Thanks for posting them. It's nice to see your new city.

Exciting times!

Sundae 04-22-2014 09:17 AM

Some changes to the plans.
New branch realises I don't need a full induction day. Quite right, much of it is statutory training I've already done. Silly for them to pay for me to attend when I can be working in another branch that day and being paid from their budget. Not being snarky; it is good business sense rather than tick-box thinking.

So no trip away on Dad's birthday, yay!

Instead I work until 05/05/14 in Aylesbury, go to London with Mum for paid and organised day out on the sixth. This will be wonderful.
While I am out enjoying myself, a certain Dwellar will be hiring a van and creeping down the country to Aylesbury to stay overnight.
I will have everything ready to go on that Wednesday morning, including the sedated Dizcat in his cat carrier. Off up the M1 to Otley. Diz goes into a gorgeous local cattery for three nights.
I start work the next week.

Probably more time off than I really need, but I am on other people's schedules. I can't move before the 6th or after the 8th. The cattery can't take Diz after the 10th. My new branch want me to start when there is adequate cover to train me.

All I am (immediately) worried about now is the lack of response from my new landlord...
Left him a message this morning.
Need him to acknowledge receipt of the deposit and first months rent, and agree a handover of keys.

All other worries can wait their turn in the queue.

limey 04-22-2014 02:51 PM

Return rail ticket to Leeds booked.
Van rental booked.
Accommodation sorted.
Thelma and Louise are gonna hit the road!

DanaC 04-22-2014 03:03 PM

Oh, watch out Leeds!

Sundae 04-24-2014 04:51 AM

Got a message from the landlord this morning.
Transfer received, flat is mine, phew.

Going to sort out my leaving date/ who is paying my annual leave when I get to work today.
Obviously it all comes from the same company, but just as obviously each branch has their own targets/ budgets/ staff costs. It's not up to me to sort it out for them, just to make sure everyone is informed all the way down the line.

Took my first shopping trolley worth of goods to the charity shop today.
Got my first box of things to move packed.
Filled my first binbag full of general rubbish, and put the equivalent in the recycling bin.
This is actually going to happen, people.

My anxiety levels are still spiking though. Waiting for a telephone appointment from the Doctor today re medication. I spent last night dozing in between muddled dreams about bakery starring the cast of Trainspotting, as I'm reading the prequel (Skagboys) right now. No more packing this morning, although maybe a little bit more before i go to work this afternoon. Little and often.

Griff 04-24-2014 05:37 AM

That would be a creepy dream!

Sundae 04-29-2014 08:57 AM

I just sent an unsolicited request for occasional employment to Heebies in Otley.
First time I've ever asked someone to employ me without knowing they had a vacancy since I was a teenager.
But it has such good reviews and seems right up my street.

Literally. It's on the street I'm going to be living on.

Far from telling me to bugger off, I had a lovely response suggesting that they do have peaks and troughs in their footfall and would be happy to talk to me about ad hoc employment opportunities. The Tour de France is coming "right past their door", which means right past mine - yay! - and there are various occasions and festivals which mean they may require extra staff.

I know my main job will need me.
But I also know that the old cliché a change is as good as a rest applies when it comes to second jobs. Donning an apron and serving tea and cake, or selling American candy and Harry Potter merchandise would be a wonderful way to earn extra money without feeling like I never got away from work.

I mean, seriously? Cakies, Merkin comestibles, Harry Potter, me?
Match made in heaven.

limey 04-29-2014 08:59 AM

Good thinking!

Sent by thought transference

monster 04-29-2014 09:05 AM

I think Hebe might have to fight you for that shop.... ;)

Good luck with the move

glatt 04-29-2014 09:06 AM

And once you get your foot in the door...

Sundae 04-29-2014 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 897877)
I think Hebe might have to fight you for that shop.

I know! I thought that. T'was common sense which stayed my typing hands in not using that as a reason for them to employ me :)

Originally Posted by glatt (Post 897878)
And once you get your foot in the door...

... you can let the vampires in.

Oh, sorry. Yes, I was hoping that if I worked a little they'd like the cut of my jib.
I even offered to work a free shift. Which they declined saying they believed in paying an honest wage for honest work.

Limes, you realise we'll have to go there for brekkers on the 8th, right?
Bacon rolls are on me.
I'm going to give them my contact details asap, because you never know.

limey 04-29-2014 09:26 AM


Sent by thought transference

infinite monkey 04-29-2014 10:01 AM

Nice! Things are looking up up up!

Sundae 04-29-2014 01:13 PM

Just got my confirmation from BT; I will have a landline and internet access from 15/05.
Better than I ever had in Leicester, but then I rely on y'all for my sanity more than I did then. Ditto being in contact with the 'rents.

There are still plenty of things I'm mentally shying away from, so I don't end up with sick in my mouth, but it's true that it is beginning to come together.

Oh, got a letter from the hospital yesterday. Dated 4 April. Nice.
It told (TOLD) my GP practice to continue my Baclofen and 2 x Vitamin B tablets on prescription. This is because I was utterly defeated and broken down when I saw the Consultant and it felt like she pretty much washed her hands of me. When she asked whether I was continuing my medication I told her the truth, that my GP did not have it on my repeat prescription and seemed to think someone else was prescribing it for me. So she did follow through at least.

I photocopied the letter (which they were already copied into anyway) and asked for a prescription without appointment. I may have detailed it here somewhere; I had to fight to get even a telephone appointment for what was effectively a repeat prescription... So we'll see how that goes down.

Carruthers 04-29-2014 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 897891)
Just got my confirmation from BT; I will have a landline and internet access from 15/05.

That's great news, Sundae. :thumb:

We can't have you incommunicado, can we?

limey 04-29-2014 05:01 PM

Excellent work, Sundae. Keep focused on all the bits that have come together. You've achieved such a lot! X

Sent by thought transference

limey 05-06-2014 03:37 AM

In the prequel to Lime Sundae (a remake of Thelma and Louise), Limey has set off for Leeds and already changed mode of transport twice (drove to ferry terminal, taken the boat, now on a train to Glasgow). Two more trains and a van - drive await ....

Sent by thought transference

Carruthers 05-06-2014 03:46 AM

I think that we should have a Mission Control moving map display for an operation of this magnitude and complexity.;)

limey 05-06-2014 03:49 AM

So do I. Amongst the deeply technical kit I carrying there is a kitchen table and a small teddy bear ...

Sent by thought transference

limey 05-06-2014 03:11 PM

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Am now ensconced in a "safe house" after miles of 50mph motorway (the signs said they're building a 'smart motorway'!?) and dinner at my dad's old local.
Carruthers! You missed a treat!
Attachment 47608

Sent by thought transference

Gravdigr 05-06-2014 03:18 PM

I'm not big carrot fan, but, that looks pretty damn tasty.

Carruthers 05-06-2014 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 898548)
Am now ensconced in a "safe house" after miles of 50mph motorway (the signs said they're building a 'smart motorway'!?) and dinner at my dad's old local.
Carruthers! You missed a treat!
Attachment 47608

Sent by thought transference

So it would appear!

limey 05-06-2014 03:24 PM

They weren't big carrots!

Sent by thought transference

Big Sarge 05-06-2014 04:13 PM

I've been gone for awhile. Is Sundae going into a witness protection program and Limey is her "handler" charged with relocating her and establishing her new alias?

limey 05-06-2014 04:15 PM


Sent by thought transference

xoxoxoBruce 05-06-2014 06:15 PM

Eat hearty, limey, you'll need your strength. :haha:

monster 05-06-2014 07:44 PM

DANA!!!!!!!!! Limey's eating Carrot!

limey 05-07-2014 01:55 AM

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I quite forgot to say that yesterday's journey meant that I got to travel on the Settle to Carlisle railway (in the other direction! ). This is a famous line, a remarkable feat of Victorian engineering and a tourist attraction in its own right. It was threatened with closure 25 years ago and saved by a vigorous public campaign.
The station architecture is relatively unspoilt Victorian rural, and some of the views very lovely indeed.Attachment 47615Attachment 47616Attachment 47617Attachment 47618

Sent by thought transference

Griff 05-07-2014 05:32 AM

What a lovely place!

glatt 05-07-2014 07:44 AM

Glad it didn't get torn down.

They are pulling out some really nice "no left turn" neon traffic signs that were probably hand blown decades ago, and replacing them with some gaudy LED things. Progress. I know. But neon work is a lost skill and you pretty much never see it on traffic signs any more.

If the old stuff still does the job well, leave it alone.

DanaC 05-07-2014 08:26 AM

That's my favourite train route!

Carruthers 05-07-2014 09:21 AM

I've travelled that route on just one occasion and it must be twenty+ years ago. Heavens, it frightens me how quickly time seems to pass.

xoxoxoBruce 05-07-2014 11:14 AM

Everyone pray for Limey today, as she goes forth to battle procrastination and distraction in an effort to install out Cellar agent in West Yorkshire... two flights up. :hug:

limey 05-07-2014 02:27 PM

Your prayers were answered in the form of fresh legs when we needed them most. DanaC saved the day by turning up just for the energising and energetic task of hauling an entire household up two flights of stairs. My old legs are still wibbly from my part in the action.
I'm not going to steal Sundae's thunder but we've been out for a wander round the town and it's wonderfully picturesque. I'm really looking forward to Sundae's reportage :)

Sent by thought transference

Carruthers 05-07-2014 02:34 PM

Thanks for that, Limey. Glad you all got there safely and mission accomplished.

Clodfobble 05-07-2014 04:05 PM

Hooray for friends! Limey and DanaC are the best.

glatt 05-07-2014 05:10 PM

West Yorkshire
Hip hip hooray! (That's a UK thing, right?)

Griff 05-07-2014 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 898643)
Hooray for friends! Limey and DanaC are the best.

Truly exceptional dwellars.

xoxoxoBruce 05-07-2014 09:40 PM

Bravo, bravo, you're excused from encores out of mercy. :D

BigV 05-08-2014 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 898506)
I think that we should have a Mission Control moving map display for an operation of this magnitude and complexity.;)


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 897284)
Just seeing these now. Thanks for posting them. It's nice to see your new city.

Exciting times!

And now *I'm* just now seeing them.


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 898637)
Thanks for that, Limey. Glad you all got there safely and mission accomplished.

Thankfully, it wasn't an Impossible Mission after all.

limey 05-09-2014 10:29 AM

Here's a couple of videos from my Carlisle to Settle rail journey:

limey 05-09-2014 01:47 PM


xoxoxoBruce 05-09-2014 04:38 PM

Nice videos, Limey. :thumb:

limey 05-09-2014 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 898789)
Nice videos, Limey. :thumb:

Thanks! They're only short, but representative of "England's green and pleasant land".

Sent by thought transference

Sundae 05-17-2014 11:34 AM

Spent today at Otley Show (agricultural show, first of the season).
It's known for its appalling weather, but today was clear, bright and sunshiney.
I have lots of pics to share when I finally get online.

Oh, forgot to tell you. Had a minor hiccup regarding the visit of the BT engineer on Thursday.
Said hiccup being I don't have a doorbell.
So I left a note with my mobile number on the door.
Oh he turned up. He described the door and the note in his call log. But apparently there was no answer when he called. Funny, I was waiting with growing impatience every minute from 08.00 and my mobile showed no missed calls whatsoever, and certainly no voicemail message. Seriously - if someone leaves a message on their door to say they ARE in and are waiting for you, wouldn't even basic courtesy be to leave a message and wait a few minutes?

I think he was running late, saw the note and saw a good opportunity to make up some time.

So. Repeat performance this Thursday.
Guess who is going to picnic on her front step, weeing into a bottle if necessary?
Check the Yorkshire Times for headlines "Slightly Mature and Slightly Overweight But Still Compellingly Attractive Lady Arrested For Public Decency Offence In Otley; Blames Texan Influence".
Okay, that's too long for a headline, but you get what I mean.

The entrance to the show was £8 but I was there for over four hours and had a wonderful time. Cheaper than the cinema and more healthy. I saw about £200 worth of things I'd have liked to buy, but instead had a hog roast bap (which cost nearly that) and an ice cream and the juice I brought with me. Good girl.

And it was splendid to be out in the sun - factor 50 - in the open air and seeing all the animals.
And taking photos for you.

Carruthers 05-17-2014 12:15 PM


I think he was running late, saw the note and saw a good opportunity to make up some time.
Or saw the chance of engineering (geddit?) an early finish and grabbed it with both hands.

Cynical? Me? But of course! :eyebrow:

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