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YellowBolt 06-16-2004 10:55 PM

This is not porn

And yes, ladies and gentlemen, it really ISN'T porn. It's a strange site, with lots of puzzle solving and shrewd logic. Check it out, try to solve the pages! The first page should be easy enough, but the next starts to get a little hard... then the difficulty escalates. You'll probably need the help of the rest of the Cellar on some of them.

And no, I'm not giving answers, not until you catch up with me that is. :P

Catwoman 06-17-2004 06:24 AM

That's bizarre. OK I get the second page you have to cut and paste and it's some kind of picture but can't work out what. Is there any point to this website?

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 09:41 AM

I'm not sure. I haven't gotten far enough to find any point to the site yet. From what I've heard the person that made the site is young, but really smart.

russotto 06-17-2004 10:16 AM

Alpha hotel sierra papa november whiskey romeo sierra foxtrot romeo? OK, what does that signify? AHSPNWRSFR means nothing to me.

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 10:29 AM

Shit, I can't even get past the first page...

jaguar 06-17-2004 10:53 AM

well the first page has a riddle hidden the ascii,

Alexander cut me
An oracle predicted me
A future king tied me
Say my name to clear your path

no idea.

glatt 06-17-2004 10:56 AM

If that's a riddle the answer is the something knot. It was a knot that coudn't be untied. The person who untied it was supposed to rule the world or something. Alexander the Great cheated and cut it. Then proceeded to rule the world.

Don't remember the name of the knot, but it had one.

I got a D on that paper I wrote in college. Can you tell?

glatt 06-17-2004 10:58 AM

Google says it's the Gordian knot.

glatt 06-17-2004 11:11 AM

And Jaguar, that's a good catch, finding the riddle in the ascii text. I was looking for something in the ascii text, but it formats wrong on my screen. I didn't see it until I viewed the source.

My popup killer kept killing a popup for the first page. When I disabled the killer, a popup saying "help I am drowning" appeared. It only displays for a fraction of a second, then closed automatically.

Don't know what any of this means.

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 11:13 AM

Yeah, there's the riddle, and the quickly disappearing "Help I'm drowning!!!" window, and the string of numbers that the audio file keeps repeating... and yet still ASIA AWAITS... :P

jaguar 06-17-2004 11:49 AM

Well unless it's some kind of odd capitalisation or something other than them both being the same (user and pass) we're going to ahve to dig a tad deeper. Maybe the popup represents one half the and riddle the other? Not sure.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 12:03 PM

You've found everything you need. Now figure out the username and password.;)

jaguar 06-17-2004 12:08 PM

This is annoying me
Does he rules by the sword dies by the sword' have anything to do with this?

russotto 06-17-2004 12:13 PM

Doesn't seem to. Alexander the Great lived by the sword, but died by disease.

jaguar 06-17-2004 12:15 PM

it has to be there for the reason, I know how people who make things like this think, I've made similar little pizzles myself, it means something.

i've tried things like


but no luck.

russotto 06-17-2004 12:21 PM

Checking back -- it says "He who rules by the sword" -- it doesn't have the "dies by the sword" part. Once you get that, you end up at the page with Alpha Hotel etc.

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 12:22 PM

What do you mean "once you get that?"

I've tried every Username/Password combination involving "dies by the sword" and knots that I can think of.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 12:29 PM

Username: Alexander
Password: Gordian

Should I be making it this easy for you?

perth 06-17-2004 12:29 PM


YellowBolt 06-17-2004 12:54 PM

Okay. I'll shut up now. :)

jaguar 06-17-2004 01:02 PM

there are 3 sets of 3 number groups on the enxt page, my guessing is they are ascii codes (random guess + looking at number range and distribution) but I can't seem to find anything on my mac that'll let me enter them, on a PC just hit hold down alt and type th number, can someone do this?


079 110 032 116 104 101 032 090 117 105 100 101 114 122
101 101 013 010 084 104 097 116 032 111 108 100 032 102 105 115 104 105 110 103
032 115 101 097 044 013 010 084 104 101 032 070 097 101 105 114 105 101 115 032
115 116 111 108 101 044 013 010 084 104 101 032 098 111 121 115 032 111 102 032
077 097 114 107 101 110

084 104 101 032 111 108 100 032 110 097 109 101 032 111 102 032 116 104 101 032 115 105 116 101 032 111 102 032 116 104 101 032 098 111 121 039 115 032 100 105 115 097 112 112 101 097 114 097 110 099 101 032 105 115 032 116 104 101 032 110 097 109 101 032 111 102 032 116 104 101 032 112 108 097 099 101 032 121 111 117 032 109 117 115 116 032 103 111 046

104 101 098 098 097 110 032 111 108 108 097
032 118 111 103 097 108 097 032 110 101 115 116 097 115 032 104 097
103 117 110 110 097 110 032 013 010 104 105 110 097 115 101 032 104
105 040 099 041 032 040 101 041 110 100 097 032 116 104 117 032 013
010 117 117 040 097 116 041 032 117 110 098 105 100 097 040 110 041
032 040 117 117 041 101 032 110 117

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 01:15 PM

Hold down Alt? Holy crap, then I wasted SOOOO much time translating from an ASCII table. :mad:

jaguar 06-17-2004 01:29 PM

I knew I was on the right track ;)

If you really wanted to waste time you could apply some more basic oldschool cryptoanalysis and work it back from there based on letter distribution but it's hard to do it with a sample size that small.

russotto 06-17-2004 01:44 PM

The first two are plain ascii

On the Zuiderzee
That old fishing sea,
The Faeiries stole,
The boys of Marken

The old name of the site of the boy's disappearance is the name of the place you must go.

The third is:

hebban olla vogala nestas hagunnan
hinase hi(c) (e)nda thu
uu(at) unbida(n) (uu)e nu

The Dutch message (De jongen....) is babelfish-translated as "the boy will only die", but I suspect a bad translation.

(The Zuiderzee IS the old name... the new name is IJsselmeer)

(grumble... it's dot-htm, not dot-html)

Happy Monkey 06-17-2004 01:49 PM


Originally posted by YellowBolt
Hold down Alt? Holy crap, then I wasted SOOOO much time translating from an ASCII table. :mad:
Alt, and type all three digits (including leading zeros, if any) of the number on the numeric keypad.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 01:57 PM


Originally posted by russotto
(The Zuiderzee IS the old name... the new name is IJsselmeer)

(grumble... it's dot-htm, not dot-html)


jaguar 06-17-2004 01:58 PM


(The Zuiderzee IS the old name... the new name is IJsselmeer)

(grumble... it's dot-htm, not dot-html)
doesn't work for me.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 02:00 PM

That ought to work... I must say, you're all solving these at a lightning-fast pace. It took me and some other people a whole day to get this far.

Beestie 06-17-2004 02:10 PM

I copied that sound from the first page. Its a series of numbers. It took a while to filter out the static but here's what I came up with:

8, 2, 7, 5, 1, 2, 6, 7, 5, 1, 2, 6, 3, 9, 2, 0, 5, 3

No guarantees - best I could do.

Not sure what its good for but maybe it'll help later :confused:

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 02:16 PM

Got the tree sign one pretty fast but I'm stuck at the "in the darkness" page, the CuriosityKilledTheCat prompt.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 02:17 PM

Let me tell you guys right now, you will NEVER get the password for CuriosityKilledTheCat. Should I tell it to you?

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 02:20 PM

If it's so impossible to get, how did you get it? Surely there's a clue somewhere.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 02:24 PM

Someone got it off another forum because we spent so long trying to figure it out. There are clues to the answer, but I doubt you'll get it.

Anyways, after this page you'll be caught up with me and most of the rest of the world.

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 02:26 PM

Ok, answer this: are the clues all on that page or are they from previous pages?

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 02:27 PM

That page, and the one before with the building. Those are the only pages which give hints to the answer.

jaguar 06-17-2004 02:31 PM

More bloody ascii messages, can someone translate them for me or just tell me the newer one's address?

glatt 06-17-2004 02:36 PM

cut and paste the ascii codes here

jaguar 06-17-2004 02:45 PM


084 104 101 032 111 108 100 032 110 097 109 101 032 111 102 032 116 104 101 032 115 105 116 101 032 111 102 032 116 104 101 032 098 111 121 039 115 032 100 105 115 097 112 112 101 097 114 097 110 099 101 032 105 115 032 116 104 101 032 110 097 109 101 032 111 102 032 116 104 101 032 112 108 097 099 101 032 121 111 117 032 109 117 115 116 032 103 111 046

119 104 097 116 099 111 109 101 115 097 102 116 101 114 119 101 116 105 114 101 111 102 099 104 097 115 105 110 103 119 105 108 100 115 104 101 101 112 063
Second one is content of some sort for the popup and probably not relevant but better to be safe than sorry.

glatt 06-17-2004 02:55 PM

The first one is a repeat from the earlier page,
and the second one translates to this:


Clodfobble 06-17-2004 02:59 PM

Jag, are you past the page with the road and the car driving away from you?

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 03:00 PM

Just click on the left side of where the license plate is.

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 03:07 PM

Mm. Letters. I love letters.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 03:08 PM

Yes. This is where everyone is stuck. The name of the page, the Hyperciumperfota-whatever, is the scientific name of St. John's Wort. And there appears to be a pictuer of a candle... with the letters JA made obvious to the eye.

glatt 06-17-2004 03:14 PM

OK. I must be dense. I can't figure out how to get past the tree with the ingrown sign.

What were the clues to get past it?

All I found was: whatcomesafterwetireofchasingwildsheep?

Last we heard from Jaguar, he was on the same page.

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 03:14 PM

Have you noticed the spot on the image that causes a popup?

glatt 06-17-2004 03:18 PM

When I mouse over the sign, I get a blank popup. I couldn't figure anything out with that.

Is that what you are talking about?

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 03:21 PM

That's the spot. Look closely at it. (I actually had to rightclick --> save the picture and view it zoomed in a separate image program.)

glatt 06-17-2004 03:24 PM

I saw that before, but didn't think anything of it.

Thanks for the tip.

Somthing HEAD. I'll zoom in.

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 03:56 PM

Hey YellowBolt, something interesting I discovered, probably means nothing, but the pattern of letters starts over at the beginning shortly after the white JA.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 04:02 PM

Really... I'll keep a note of that. You never know what is useful in here...

If you noticed, on the truck page there's the number 73 in the bottom right corner, and the email link is different.

And on the black letters page, there's nothing interesting in the source except for this:


, hgrzdz mlgvovph wvniz vml Z

glatt 06-17-2004 04:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey Clodfobble,
I can't seem to read what that first word is. Can you tell me what it says?
I've tried FINTH, FIXTH, EIXTH, etc. etc. With the first three letters pretty much illegible for me, there are scores of possibilities.

The first letter looks like a E or a F
Second letter looks like a I or L
Third letter looks like a K X N
Fourth letter is pretty clearly a T
Fifth Letter is pretty clearly a H.

Maybe my Irfanview just isn't up to the task.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 04:11 PM


glatt 06-17-2004 04:14 PM

Thanks. I was going batty.

Happy Monkey 06-17-2004 04:24 PM

Here's Zardoz.

Wierd flick.

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 04:42 PM

Also, the only letters represented on the page are A-J, which would correspond nicely with 0-9, but I've tried a bajillion number-for-letter substitutions trying to pull an ASCII message out of it, and I got nothing.

FWIW, I highly suspect this one is like the IJsselmeer page, where you must type in your new location in the address bar.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 04:44 PM

Methinks it's a cipher. Since the Z is all by itself, it's safe to assume that Z->A or Z-I, right? Now we've got to figure out the rest.

I wonder if this has anything to do with zardoz?

EDIT: Oh oh oh! Guess what! The only letters used on that page are A thorough J! The first 10 letters of the alphabet!

Clodfobble 06-17-2004 04:52 PM

:) I was just about to post the cipher bit, it reads

"A one armed skeleton awaits" backwards.

edit: it's a straight reverse-correlation, a=z, b=y, c=x, etc. I checked it with some other nonsense from previous pages, the building page read "whereisthesheepman" at the bottom.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 04:52 PM

Sweet. Thanks for that.

jaguar 06-17-2004 04:57 PM

Not, it's not, handmade ciphers can be remarkably complex.


Is what we are really lookin at.
There is also this string

There is a description of the resort as well, i might look in that direction first.

YellowBolt 06-17-2004 05:05 PM

Googling up "one armed skeleton" gives me this interesting book:

Senner's Gold
Helen Corbin
Historian Tom Kollenborn and former attorney general Bob Corbin finally reveal their search for the Superstitions other treasure.

A diary found in an attic trunk told the story of a cowboy-miner, his search for forbidden gold and of the other lives forever changed because of it.

The Mammoth - one of Arizona's richest mines - broken lives - lost treasures and a skeleton in a shallow grave.

About the Author:

After the success of The Curse of the Dutchman's Gold, the lore of the lost treasure compelled the author Corbin to write Senner's little known story. An exciting factional account based on a true story that occurred in the Arizona Territory over a hundred years ago.

The Map found in a faded diary led to a lost camp, a hidden cache
and a one-armed skeleton.

Corbin, winner of awards from the National and Arizona Press Women, is married to Bob Corbin. They reside in Phoenix, Arizona.

I'm gonna investigate about Senner's Gold, hold on.

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