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classicman 09-23-2012 09:56 PM

Popped in to say hello and catch up
Hope everyone is well. Tried low level laser therapy for son with TBI. Its been UNREAL. Major changes in memory, attitude and and and. Flabbergasted TBH. He started school again for the absolutely last year. Thats been fun since the school didn't know cough/bullshit/cough that he was returning and had nothing planned for him. Daughter graduated from college with her degree in education, was 2nd in her class, yet still couldn't find a classroom of her own. She did manage a part time gig as a substitute teacher.
I've been ridiculously busy since starting a company with a partner. Lotta fun, but no real money yet.

Got through 4 pages of threads... be well.

zippyt 09-23-2012 10:03 PM


orthodoc 09-23-2012 10:10 PM

Hey, classic. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate; all the best with the new business. What's TBI, if you don't mind my asking?

footfootfoot 09-23-2012 10:59 PM

Traumatic Brain Injury.

Clodfobble 09-23-2012 11:28 PM

Hey Classic, good to hear from you! Glad to hear the laser therapy is helping, I didn't know it could be used for TBI. Very cool.

DanaC 09-24-2012 05:20 AM

Good news all round!

Glad you're ok Classic. And thrilled to hear the laser therapy has had such an impact on your lad. Keep popping in as and when you can:)


Trilby 09-24-2012 06:22 AM

good luck classic! to you and yours.

Gravdigr 09-24-2012 12:43 PM

Good to hear from ya.

Gravdigr 09-24-2012 12:46 PM

I'm afraid I'm unaware of your situation.

How do they use the laser, in treating the injury itself, or are they mitigating the effects from the injury? Is it used as a stimulus?

If you don't mind talking about it that is...

Sheldonrs 09-24-2012 08:00 PM

It's good news and you sure deserve it! I hope things keep getting better.

Griff 09-24-2012 08:04 PM

Whoa! Tell us more about this laser business when you get a chance.

xoxoxoBruce 09-24-2012 08:14 PM

In the mean time.

BrianR 09-25-2012 11:46 AM

And tell us about the TBI too. I think I missed something.

Sundae 09-25-2012 01:44 PM

Classic that's wonderful news.
Glad you've been away for a good reason. Good luck for your daughter in finding a position.
And your son in going from strength to strength. And your business of course!

Yeah, good luck all round.

Big Sarge 09-25-2012 02:15 PM

hey man, what's up with the TBI? I must have missed it. Prayers to you & yours

Gravdigr 09-25-2012 04:28 PM

Thanks Bruce.

classicman 09-28-2012 12:08 AM


And tell us about the TBI
Three years ago July, my son was in a single car accident. Drunk driving a "friend's" car late at night home from a party. The friend, his ride to the party, was tossed because of some BS with a girl... My son ended up driving. Can't get to into it as we are being sued by said friend. Please don't ask. The fucker should rot in hell for what he is doing. It's nothing but a money grab. All the involved atty's agree. One of the worst cases they've ever been involved in. Oops did I type that out?


How do they use the laser, in treating the injury itself, or are they mitigating the effects from the injury? Is it used as a stimulus?
I don't know all the answers, heck I don't really know any of them. From my understanding the laser works on a cellular level. This is quite different than other conventional treatments. Somehow the laser stimulates the cells in ways that promote and create better/faster healing. It has been mostly used immediately following the injury to prevent swelling and limit damage to the brain.
Many people die not from the initial injury, but from the swelling of the brain within the limited space of the skull. As the brain size increases the pressure also does and the brain suffers decreased blood flow and a loss of oxygen. Natasha Richardson was was an example of one aspect of this. She still would have had to have a craniectomy, but the damage to the brain due to the swelling is the issue which laser could have potentially helped.

With my son we are pioneering this treatment for TBI's after the fact, if you will. We'll see

My son's accident was over three years ago. There has been sporadic improvement. With TBI's initially, things happen (or don't) fast an furious. There are improvements daily, weekly... but as time goes on the improvements get much smaller and much further apart. There has been very little change in him for many months.
Every single doctor basically told me/us we should be happy where we are. Think of those worse off. Think of how things could have been...
I got depressed about what my future looked like. Yeh, I said it. MY future. What a dick. Then one night that last one hit me. "Think of how things could have been!" Really? Is that what I wanted to be asking myself in 5, 10, 20 years? Did I want to look back and tell him I tried most stuff. Anyway, a little self kicking in the ass and A LOT of research led to us trying some things. Accupunture/accupressure, Craniosacral therapy, Chiropractic and LLLT. We are continuing with the latter two.
So far its been amazing. He's become a real PITA. Obstinate, argumentative, irrational, belligerent, emotional.. .. .. kinda like a teenager. WTF? THAT is a huge step forward. Memory, cognition, sarcasm, humor all things most people don't think about have gotten better. Even his teachers remarked that he had improved over the summer.

We are stepping it up and starting next week we are on a 2x a week and we'll see what happens. Docs are taking copious notes, as am I. No one else, that we know of, is really using it at this late stage of a TBI. We are a gain the guinea pigs, the pioneers. Hopefully we can help him and those that follow us. We'll see ...

Thanks all for the support. Means more than I'd like to admit.

BigV 09-28-2012 01:19 AM

that's transcranial low level laser light, in the infrared spectrum, right? Making it warmer inside his brain?

check this out

he's not the only one to benefit from warmer brains.


When the office temperature in a month-long study increased from 68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit, typing errors fell by 44 percent and typing output jumped 150 percent. Hedge's study was exploring the link between changes in the physical environment and work performance.
and for the record, those links from xoB that talked about inducing TBIs in mice with



We tested LLLT in a mouse model of closed-head TBI produced by a controlled weight drop onto the skull.
that makes me wince.


Clodfobble 09-28-2012 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 832068)
Docs are taking copious notes, as am I. No one else, that we know of, is really using it at this late stage of a TBI. We are a gain the guinea pigs, the pioneers. Hopefully we can help him and those that follow us. We'll see ...

Thanks all for the support. Means more than I'd like to admit.

Someone's gotta be the guinea pig. Good on you for fighting for him. You're an awesome dad.

BigV 09-28-2012 11:24 AM

Classic, you're an awesome Dad.

jimhelm 09-28-2012 11:51 AM

And Son is a sweet kid. we went bowling once. he was remarkable. and Classic IS an awesome dad.

Stormieweather 09-28-2012 03:18 PM

Good to see you're hanging in there, Classic. Hope the treatment is useful for your son. Sending you and your family positive vibes and strength.

orthodoc 09-29-2012 12:17 PM

You're a great dad, Classic. It takes a lot to keep fighting, keep looking for solutions in a tough, long-term situation. So glad you're seeing improvement in your son. Sending warm thoughts and support your way.

Pico and ME 09-29-2012 12:25 PM

Classic, it's great to read the good news about you and your family. I hope it continues to get better and better.

classicman 10-09-2012 12:33 AM

Thanks all. Just doing what I should for my kid.

After multiple discussions about the treatment, the docs concluded that they know of no one else doing this so far after the initial injury. We are apparently THE FIRST case study of this kind. The plan going forward is that everyone ( docs, teachers & parent) are to take copious notes and they are to be compiled at months end. We'll see where this goes from here.
Today he had an MRI done to get a baseline. One additional piece of info that came out is that his pituitary is now normal. This is a major change from just a few months ago. The only two variables are time and the LLLT. We are weaning him off ALL MEDS starting today. Best B-Day present ever!

orthodoc 10-09-2012 06:04 AM

His or yours? I'm guessing yours ... if so, Happy Happy Birthday! (If not, belated Happy Birthday. :P)

This is awesome. Your case study will end up in a journal, but more importantly, your son will end up benefitting (benefits are already accruing). Pituitary returning to normal is remarkable. Congrats! Keep us updated on how things are going!

classicman 11-16-2012 04:01 PM

Thanks all...

OK ... Been over a month. Damn time is flyin'.

Son has not taken ANY meds since last Thursday. He is officially off of EVERYTHING!
ZERO adverse reactions. None whatsoever. Un-fucking-believably awesome. Another "it'll never happen" according to the docs. Fuggem.
Had an MRI discussion and visit with his neurologist.
He still shows damage, but there is nothing new and nothing seems to have spread. Lotta technical jargon, but according to the Neurologist "things are much better than I expected."
The previous opinions were from the endocrinologist - whom we won't be seeing any longer. Yay!

The LLLT treatments have been continued 2x a week and everyone... let me be clear EVERY ONE has seen a difference in him.
He is far more obstinate, memory vastly improved and he's initiating conversations on his own far more than ever before.
He argues with me all the time about chores now. He leaves the house an walks around the neighborhood saying hello to people. He'll talk to them about his cat for as long as they'll allow. He also has a suddenly renewed interest in girls - HA!
For instance, "Scoop the litter boxes" Would always be followed with an "OK" or he's just do it.
Now its "I did them last time, Its your turn to do them." The cognitive difference between the two is huge.
His balance is a little better also, which is weird.

We also went to the dentist. He's got a few cavities and they're getting filled. Aside from that.

Last thing I'll share ... if your still reading...

We've been speaking for a number of groups/organizations for some time now. Well one young man who was at a DUI class goes to college near us. His name is "Tom"& he's the TKE Fraternity President. He emailed me and asked if we'd speak at his "Gatorade Pong Tournament" (What???) Yeh part of his community service project. Sure, I say, We're in.
We showed up thinking there would be like 2-3 dozen people there. As it turns out, the football team got wind of the event and somebody knew somebody who heard of my son.... anyway there were 195 people there.
Unbelievable! The event was awesome and they raised a ton of money for MADD. Dan was dancing with all these girls and they flocked around him... lol
Anyway, he gets some girls number and they wee texting back and forth for a few weeks when she asks him if he'd like to go bowling. She gets with me to set it all up. We drive up to the bowling alley and there were like 20 kids there from the school, including "Tom" the TKE President. He and some other guys pull my son aside and explain that they want to Honorarily induct him into the Frat.
The secret ceremony is this Sunday. Son is hugely excited. Dad is proud. Life goes on.

Be well.

limey 11-16-2012 04:04 PM

What wonderful news, Classic! I'm so happy for you!

Sent by thought transference

BigV 11-16-2012 05:47 PM

Holy moly!

What a great report! So wonderful, I'm just overjoyed for you and Dan.

Clodfobble 11-16-2012 05:50 PM

Very nice to hear things are going well for a change. You deserve it. Way to go!

DanaC 11-16-2012 06:04 PM

Oh. Classic, how marvellous. That last bit in particular gave me a lump in my throat.

You must be so proud. Of him, and of you and him.

footfootfoot 11-16-2012 06:55 PM

Crescent Fresh Classic!

Griff 11-16-2012 07:16 PM


orthodoc 11-16-2012 07:19 PM

Wow, so glad to hear how well things are going!

classicman 11-24-2012 11:05 PM

Thanks folks. :)

Sooooo - The plan was to drive Dan to the ceremony and listen to the Eagles game (shuddup - I just had to) in the car while they did their whatever.
Dan starts getting nervous and wants me to go in with him... OK. We go in and the TKE pres looks at me in my jeans and sweatshirt ... all WTF-ish and then tells me that they want to induct ME as well. Hahahahahahaha.... I didn't even shave. They were all in collared shirts & ties and all. "Sure, I'd be honored." I replied.
So we both went in, did the whole 2+ hour ceremony and I'm now a fratter too!
Dan and I are both struggling to remember the secret password, handshake and all that shit. Too funny. I'm like the least frat type person in the world, but they are doing a good thing and I'm happy to be a part of it. Dan is beside himself. I'm happy for him.

xoxoxoBruce 11-24-2012 11:40 PM

Oh you frat boys have all the fun. :haha:

Glad you dedication and persistence is paying off.

limey 11-25-2012 03:43 AM

What fun!

Sent by thought transference.

Spexxvet 11-26-2012 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 840372)
We go in and the TKE pres looks at me in my jeans and sweatshirt ... all WTF-ish and then tells me that they want to induct ME as well. Hahahahahahaha.... I didn't even shave. They were all in collared shirts & ties and all. "Sure, I'd be honored." I replied.
So we both went in, did the whole 2+ hour ceremony and I'm now a fratter too!
Dan and I are both struggling to remember the secret password, handshake and all that shit. Too funny. I'm like the least frat type person in the world, but they are doing a good thing and I'm happy to be a part of it. Dan is beside himself. I'm happy for him.

I hope you didn't do this at Widener, in 1977/1978. TKE was the dick football frat then. I'd rather pledge Lamda Lamda Lamda or Delta Tau Chi :-P

classicman 11-26-2012 10:21 AM

Thanks limey & xoB.

Yes Spexx, It was at Widener. I am aware of what it WAS.
This is a group of young men who are restarting the fraternity in the historical context of what a fraternity SHOULD be. A brotherhood of young men who FIRST & FOREMOST want to give back to the community & support each other. I will wholeheartedly support them and their efforts. Their first endeavor raised $4000 for MADD. As an adult adviser, I will do what I can to keep them focused in that direction as well. Their "hazing" is basically creating & organizing a community event to support and benefit those in need. There are no paddles, no beatings etc etc...

Thanks for your positive input though, nice to know some things/people never change.

Spexxvet 11-26-2012 10:41 AM

Yeah, Apparently you don't. Get a sense of humor.

classicman 11-26-2012 10:48 AM

That ^^^ is a great example of one of the main reasons I haven't been around.
Perhaps, its better that I stay away.

orthodoc 11-26-2012 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 840518)
That ^^^ is a great example of one of the main reasons I haven't been around.
Perhaps, its better that I stay away.

Wait, whoa! No, not better! Isn't there an 'ignore' button here? Better that than leaving. If you just find someone too abrasive, that is.

footfootfoot 11-26-2012 11:34 AM

I think classic would prefer a "wish into the cornfield" button in some cases. :D

DanaC 11-26-2012 11:39 AM

Spexx's original comment didn't seem that bad to me. Seemed more like a good humored poke than a nasty jibe.

Given it's completely understandable that classic might be very sensitive around this topic, though, perhaps a 'sorry mate, didn't mean it like that' would have been more in order than 'get a sense of humour'.

Just my tuppenorth.

Spexxvet 11-26-2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 840525)
Spexx's original comment didn't seem that bad to me. Seemed more like a good humoured poke than a nasty jibe.

Thank you, Dana.


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 840525)
Given it's completely understandable that classic might be very sensitive around this topic, though, perhaps a 'sorry mate, didn't mean it like that' would have been more in order than 'get a sense of humour'.

Just my tuppenorth.

Classic, I'm sure this present group of people are an outstanding bunch, and I'm glad that they are good to you and your son. My experience back in the day was different. Tri Lambs is the frat from Revenge of the Nerds, and Delta House is from Animal House.

classicman 01-06-2013 10:14 PM

More depositions for the lawsuits tomorrow. Oh joy.
Lemme predict how these will go ... PERFECT MEMORY on every issue beneficial to them,
but when something could be bad ... "Not sure" "Don't remember" "can't recall" ...
Amazing. Fucking asshole liars.

DanaC 01-07-2013 02:56 AM

That sucks. They deserve to have something awful happen.

classicman 01-07-2013 07:20 PM

Lawyer told me not to appear today. Opposing council is getting pissy about something and the whole deal is off. Gets better. The "kid" is going back to college and they won't be having them till the summer. Yay, we can dick around with this for another 6 months.
Mumble grumble mumble ... Fucking jerkoffs.

Lola Bunny 01-10-2013 12:30 AM

Good luck, Classic. Lawsuit sucks, and it can drag out for a long time. Lawyers will find reasons to drag it out when it benefits them and it will only cost you more money.

orthodoc 01-10-2013 04:13 AM

Sorry, Classic. Good luck in what sounds like a long, miserable process.

classicman 01-16-2013 12:01 AM

thanks ... I'm well adapted to the legal BS... Still bullshit. The opposing council has no case and she knows it. She thought they'd cave and since they didn't all she can do is drag it out appearing to make an effort.
I have done virtually all the legwork and supplied my atty with so much ammo its ridiculous. For example, kid claimed (under oath) he cannot raise his arm or use it like before ... I had over a dozen images, some of him holding girls up, dancing etc. etc. and a couple videos countering also. One included him skydiving and another of him skitching behind a quad.
Why we are still doing this is beyond me, but ...

BigV 01-16-2013 12:13 AM

will they settle?

Big Sarge 01-16-2013 02:30 AM

I hope you turn around and pursue a civil action for fraud against that lying little fucker. Great job on collecting the documentary evidence. That should make a big impact

classicman 01-17-2013 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 848258)
will they settle?

Depends. There are two different suits going on.
1) Other Kid in Car is suing Dan & others.
2) Dan suing Party holders/Alcohol providers.

Re: 1 - I wouldn't settle for a dollar.
Re: 2 Probably a year away from even knowing.


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 848271)
I hope you turn around and pursue a civil action for fraud against that lying little fucker. Great job on collecting the documentary evidence. That should make a big impact

Yeh, thanks. Thats kinda how I feel.

BigV 01-17-2013 11:21 AM

thanks for the clarification.

ZenGum 01-17-2013 06:19 PM

I'd like to see the DA charge the #$%&er with perjury. :jail:

Undertoad 01-17-2013 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 848645)
2) Dan suing Party holders/Alcohol providers.

Was that called for by the insurance people?

classicman 01-17-2013 10:41 PM

Yes. Apparently in cases like this it is common for countersuits to be filed.
For over two years I did nothing. I was focused on his "recovery" and never addressed the question:
What good will come of punishing the other kids who also mad a bunch of bad decisions?
Then the other suit was filed and I had to get real and admit that as much as he has "improved" from basically zero,
that he will always need some type of supervision, guidance, guardianship...
AND that he'll most likely never be independent, hold a full time job etc etc. There will be a need for someone to care for him forever.
I'm doing it now, but I'm not gonna be around forever & its not fair for his siblings to be forced to do it, so ...
As we got into the facts of what happened that night, the other suit was filed.
Meh, we'll see what happens. I have virtually no expectations, so its sort of a no loss situation for him.

classicman 01-28-2013 01:31 AM

Shock hit Friday with a call from the atty DEFENDING son (Case 1 in post #54).
The trail was to begin on 2/11. The Insurance Company settled with the little fucker.
W0W!!!! They initially wanted $150,000 for basically a night in the hospital.
Then the depositions came and all the work *I* did including images and videos of the bastard doing everything he said he could no longer do "surfaced" and were emailed around..
$125 - then $100 ... $75 ... $50 - the Ins Co offered them $30 and they took it.
Its great that the total will be paid from insurance and son will not have to deal with it, but they really REALLY deserve like $5000 for some unpaid medical bills.
At least its settled and over, but I'm still angry that they got anything. Fukkers.
Atty told me that by the time all is said & done, they'll end up with less than $10k.

As for Case 2 ... no clue. One down, I guess that's good.

orthodoc 01-28-2013 04:47 AM

People will commonly file frivolous lawsuits after MVAs, slip and falls, etc. There's no down-side for them and an excellent chance of collecting something. The only times they seem to get punished for doing it are if they're defrauding Workers Comp or the disability system. But private suits? It's far cheaper for the insurance company to settle than to go to court. Free money for them, higher premiums for the rest of us. :mad:

Your son's suit, where he will need ongoing care, is not frivolous.

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