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jimhelm 11-09-2010 10:08 AM

A Game of Thrones
I can't freaking wait

Cloud 11-09-2010 10:10 AM

oooh, when? And did ol' George finish that series? Is it done now?

jimhelm 11-09-2010 10:16 AM

spring 2011?


On October 10, 2010, at the New York Comic Con, Spectra senior editor Anne Groell states that Martin has announced he has five chapters remaining, with sections of the chapters already completed. She also wants to get the manuscript completed by December.[26]

his not a blog journal

Happy Monkey 11-09-2010 10:43 AM

I think she probably has wanted the manuscript done by December several times already. Maybe the prospect of releasing the book with the show's premier will help him over the hump.

Cloud 11-09-2010 10:46 AM

pretty much why I stopped reading them. Looked to be a Robert Jordan kind of thing.

Wish they would have made the "Wild Cards" movie.

wolf 11-09-2010 11:38 AM

I saw the ad the other night. I've read a lot of George RR. (loved Tuf Voyaging), but I don't think I ever got around to these.

jimhelm 11-09-2010 11:46 AM


wolf 11-09-2010 11:57 AM

Sent samples of the first two to my Kindle.

Urbane Guerrilla 11-09-2010 01:00 PM

They're long books; the characters are fucking savage or quite simply savages period, celibate or otherwise. What's been tough for me is to figure just what motivates these characters to go to the extremes they do -- their prize does not seem worth their efforts or their slaughters.

The supernatural Others seem even nastier and if anything even more pointless. So I tend to read that series with a gradually increasing sense of WTF.

jimhelm 11-09-2010 01:14 PM

Clodfobble 11-09-2010 04:15 PM

I, too, have been waiting for this miniseries forever, and the 5th book for even longer than that. However, I don't have HBO, so I'll have to wait for Netflix to get it. :(

Gravdigr 11-10-2010 12:43 AM

I've read Game of Thrones, and a couple others, I think. Game of Thrones was pretty good. I was weaned into those types of stories on RA Salvatore. Everything else is just pretty good.


I remember some 'Forgotten Realms'/'Dragonlance'/'Dungeons & Dragons'-type books where the stories all revolved around this horse-culture-type situation. The horse is like their equivalent of buffalo to the American Indian. The horse is woven into almost every nook of their society. They drink fermented mare's milk, everything is made from horses, like leather, blankets, etc.

Put me in mind of Mongolian Hordes, yurts, and khans.

Anybody know what I'm rambling about?

Griff 11-10-2010 05:41 AM

I'm trying to knock off the last book in the thrones series, but it is caught up in a 5 book rotation...

GD, If you like that Mongol stuff Conn Iggulden has an excellent series of books. He took the time to live the life and it comes through in the writing.

Gravdigr 11-10-2010 02:03 PM

Thanks for the tip.

Sperlock 11-10-2010 10:36 PM

Horselords by David Cook, by chance? (Link to Amazon). I remember the book, though I did not read it.


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 693562)
I've read Game of Thrones, and a couple others, I think. Game of Thrones was pretty good. I was weaned into those types of stories on RA Salvatore. Everything else is just pretty good.


I remember some 'Forgotten Realms'/'Dragonlance'/'Dungeons & Dragons'-type books where the stories all revolved around this horse-culture-type situation. The horse is like their equivalent of buffalo to the American Indian. The horse is woven into almost every nook of their society. They drink fermented mare's milk, everything is made from horses, like leather, blankets, etc.

Put me in mind of Mongolian Hordes, yurts, and khans.

Anybody know what I'm rambling about?

Gravdigr 11-11-2010 03:39 PM

Well, ain't you just a regular Sperlock Holmes? That may be the exact series I was talking about. Thanks a million!

Cloud 11-11-2010 03:42 PM

I think I read those, too. Didn't finish the series though

Cloud 11-22-2010 11:25 PM

found this article with pics:,,2038...442931,00.html

jimhelm 12-03-2010 10:19 AM

this actually gives me chills

skysidhe 12-03-2010 10:41 AM

Game of Thrones looks gooood. I wish I had HBO and the time to watch.

I looked up the books. A great place to start.

Happy Monkey 12-03-2010 05:06 PM

I want it now.

Clodfobble 12-04-2010 04:44 PM

I'm sorry, I believe you meant to say now now NOW.

Happy Monkey 12-05-2010 12:05 AM

wolf 12-05-2010 02:33 PM

The commercials look incredible. What I'm not sure about is whether I should just bask in the coolness of the series, or if I should read the books first.

Clodfobble 12-05-2010 03:16 PM

Read them. Even if the TV series is perfect, reading the books will give you an even better appreciation for how perfect it is. If it were anyone else, reading them before watching might take too long... but the way you tear through books, you'll easily have the first one done before the first season comes out. And once you read the first one, no one will have to encourage you to read the rest of them. :)

Griff 12-06-2010 06:26 AM

Shouldn't we be encouraging Martin to write the rest of them?:(

kerosene 12-07-2010 08:14 PM

So, all this talk about this series has convinced me to give it a read. I checked out A Game of Thrones from the library, today.

jimhelm 12-07-2010 08:20 PM


kerosene 12-07-2010 08:22 PM

So far I just got through the prologue.

jimhelm 12-07-2010 11:23 PM

the thing about these books is that there are SO many characters and subplots. I think I read that there are 500+ different characters mentioned throughout this series. I think my favorite character is Jon Snow (although I hate the actor they picked to play him), but Tyrian Lannister is cool too.

I'm betting that Peter Dinkleage will be the most famous-est Little Person EVAR after this plays out.


Pico and ME 12-08-2010 06:12 AM


I'm betting that Peter Dinkleage will be the most famous-est Little Person EVAR after this plays out.
He should be now...he's really good. I never forgot him after the first time I saw him in The Station Agent.

kerosene 12-11-2010 10:32 PM

I am almost finished with this book. I have to say, I can't seem to put it down, to my husband's dismay. I am going to have to give it to him when I am finished and will then be a widow for a while. I like Jon Snow and Tyrion is cool, too. I am also curious what will happen with the bastard who makes helms, but I haven't got to the end of the book, yet. Yes, there are so many characters I find myself getting confused. The only real problem I have, though, is figuring out how to pronounce the names of people in my head as I am reading. Consider me obsessed.

Clodfobble 12-11-2010 10:38 PM

You know there are three others after that, and a 5th one being released soon(ish,) right?

kerosene 12-11-2010 10:40 PM

Sorry to post again, but Sean Bean as Ned will certainly be apt. My mind pictures Ned much like him and I just now watched the preview.

jimhelm 12-12-2010 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by kerosene (Post 699639)
the bastard who makes helms.


kerosene 12-13-2010 10:12 AM

Well at least he is still alive (I think.) I finally finished.

wolf 12-22-2010 10:57 AM

I stayed up late finishing last night.

I liked it, but I'm not feeling really enthusiastic about it ... don't get me wrong, it's a really good book! But even understanding that it's the first book of an unfinished series, there are a lot more loose ends than I expected. And there weren't a lot of characters that I connected with, for one reason or another. Nobody that I outright liked, except perhaps Bran and Arya, I'm intrigued by Daenerys, but wanted a different resolution for her, and didn't fully understand her embracing of the Dothraki ways. Actually, most of the what happens to people you get to know really sucked when it comes down to it. I cared more about the direwolves. I'm going to continue on, but I have some borrowed books to read before I get to A Clash of Kings.

I do wonder how they're going to squash this monster down into a miniseries, though.

(I really like George RR Martin's writing ... I loved Tuf Voyaging)

Clodfobble 12-22-2010 11:16 AM

It's not going to be a miniseries, it's a full series--every book gets one whole season of episodes.

wolf 12-22-2010 11:18 AM

Even so, I can't figure out how they will squash this one book down into 6 episodes.

EDIT: the blogosphere seems to indicate ten episodes.

kerosene 12-28-2010 09:54 AM

I thought the same thing about Daenerys, wolf. That part did not end at all how I had expected. It was kind of a disappointment, actually. I want to read the next book, because I really like the way he tells a story. I just worry that he is going to break my heart again.

jimhelm 12-28-2010 09:58 AM

he's not afraid to kill a character (good or bad), that's for sure. but trust me, they just keep getting better, and the world he creates becomes more vivid and huge.

kerosene 12-28-2010 10:01 AM

Yeah, I need to get the next book from the library. I read that first one so fast, I lost my momentum.

I don't want to do what I did with the rest of the Dark Tower books and fly through them then end up thinking "what next?"

BigV 12-28-2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by kerosene (Post 702056)
Yeah, I need to get the next book from the library. I read that first one so fast, I lost my momentum.

I don't want to do what I did with the rest of the Dark Tower books and fly through them then end up thinking "what next?"

Unless the author pulls a "King" and paces the releases of the books years apart, you probably won't have that problem. I developed a habit of starting the whole series from the beginning each time a new book was (eventually) published. Maddening.

wolf 12-28-2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by kerosene (Post 702056)
Yeah, I need to get the next book from the library. I read that first one so fast, I lost my momentum.

I don't want to do what I did with the rest of the Dark Tower books and fly through them then end up thinking "what next?"

We're still waiting on the publication of the fifth book.

I'm chugging along through the second book, A Clash of Kings (62% done as of right this minute). More court intrigue and more battling. It's feeling like there's less actual plot advancement than the first book.

kerosene 01-11-2011 09:55 AM

So I am in the second book, now.

I feel better knowing that the metalsmith guy wasn't forgotten.

Clodfobble 01-11-2011 11:45 AM

Nobody, and I mean nobody, gets forgotten.

But that doesn't mean they get story resolution anytime soon. This is an epic tale. ;)

kerosene 01-11-2011 02:28 PM

I wouldn't seem in keeping with his style to forget anyone.

I am further impressed with Tyrion's character. Kind of confused about this business with Theon Greyjoy.

Griff 01-12-2011 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 704907)
Nobody, and I mean nobody, gets forgotten.

But that doesn't mean they get story resolution anytime soon. This is an epic tale. ;)


kerosene 01-12-2011 05:56 PM

Oh great.

kerosene 01-25-2011 06:03 PM

I am on A Storm of Swords now. I think I like Blackfish the best.

jimhelm 01-25-2011 06:35 PM

I just started listening to Game of Thrones again. this will be 3 times. I don't think I've ever read a book 3 times before.

kerosene 01-26-2011 02:03 PM

Come on now, seriously? They made her marry Tyrion?!

Happy Monkey 01-26-2011 03:18 PM

What do you have against traditional marriage?

kerosene 01-26-2011 05:05 PM

Not much, unless it's to a midget!

Griff 01-26-2011 08:04 PM

I loved Tyrion's character development.

Clodfobble 01-26-2011 11:20 PM

I'm completely sympathizing with him at this point. Then again, I sympathized with Gaius Baltar too, and a lot of people thought I was nuts for that as well.

wolf 01-27-2011 10:46 AM

I got enticed into starting A Storm of Swords. I was intending to let the series go for a bit and read other things, but it was just sitting there, beckoning, and next thing I knew, I read the prologue, and the first chapter ... and now I'm onto about chapter 10.

jimhelm 01-27-2011 11:15 AM

I was listening to this in the car with the kids yesterday on the way to and from skiing, and had to bring them up to speed on where the story was (only about 1/4 thru the first book) and it was a lot to tell. He builds a storyline pretty quickly. There are already 7 or 8 distinct plot-lines going at this early stage. And he just keeps intertwining and separating them... Lots of authors will run two or three plots through a book... Martin just keeps adding them on, and adding them on. It makes the story so ...big.

kerosene 01-27-2011 01:53 PM

Yes, I know...and it seems like the further into the series we get, the bigger the books get. I love it and curse it for addicting me so easily. He is an amazing story teller.

kerosene 01-27-2011 08:30 PM

Yeah, his plot lines get huge, but he makes up for it by slaughtering a good portion of the characters :mad2:

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