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Ibby 04-18-2007 02:28 PM

Anyone... 'celebrating'?

I might be getting stoned for the first time come friday... but I'm totally not sure. I want to try it, but I dont want to make my girlfr-... uh, best friend mad at me.

Cloud 04-18-2007 02:29 PM

it's almost here . . . and I'm ready!

BigV 04-18-2007 02:31 PM

Ah, no. Thanks, but no.

elSicomoro 04-18-2007 02:32 PM

I keep threatening to get high's been 8 years. But life and alcohol are good enough for me.

Undertoad 04-18-2007 04:11 PM


I might be getting stoned for the first time come friday... but I'm totally not sure. I want to try it, but I dont want to make my girlfr-... uh, best friend mad at me.
First time it often doesn't do anything at all.

If she gets mad at you for this, she ain't worth it.

Be sure to listen to music. And don't freak out, there is no reason at all to freak out, you can't OD or "lose it".

SadistSecret 04-18-2007 04:47 PM

I'm celebrating.

footfootfoot 04-18-2007 05:40 PM

As someone who only tried pot once, and never exhaled, I'd suggest skip it. All things considered its negatives outweigh its positives for me.

Now mushrooms on the other hand...

Cloud 04-18-2007 05:53 PM

you never exhaled? You must be as blue as a Smurf by now.

Appropriate if you're hanging out under those logs looking for fungus.

freshnesschronic 04-18-2007 05:58 PM

I need a summer job and I need to pass my drug test. I can't. :(

Undertoad 04-18-2007 06:02 PM

Mushrooms are much more dangerous... and also the one time I tried, I had the worst time of my life, so there's that.

Cloud 04-18-2007 06:05 PM

good trips take planning!

Sheldonrs 04-18-2007 06:42 PM

I've been wrong all this time?!!! I was using the 4/20 date as the one day per year that I DIDN'T smoke!!! :eek:

Weird Harold 04-18-2007 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 334886)
First time it often doesn't do anything at all.

If she gets mad at you for this, she ain't worth it.

Be sure to listen to music. And don't freak out, there is no reason at all to freak out, you can't OD or "lose it".

You forgot to mention, rent a Cheech, and Chong movie.

DucksNuts 04-18-2007 08:15 PM

Ok....ignorant aussie ;)


Ibby 04-18-2007 08:17 PM

Any album suggestions? I honestly cant decide what would be best getting-high music. If I do, that is.

freshnesschronic 04-18-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 334886)
First time it often doesn't do anything at all.

If she gets mad at you for this, she ain't worth it.

Be sure to listen to music. And don't freak out, there is no reason at all to freak out, you can't OD or "lose it".

First time? Nothing? Are you kidding?

Well maybe it's cause I did 3 bowls between me and my friend...but I was pretty blazed my first time. I was actually kind of scared that I would never feel normal again...when I wasn't laughing or convulsing.

breakingnews 04-18-2007 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 334986)
Any album suggestions? I honestly cant decide what would be best getting-high music. If I do, that is.

dark side of the moon - probably my personal favorite for tokin time.

and then watch Half Baked - so dumb, but a great stoner movie.

SadistSecret 04-18-2007 08:21 PM

I can get a first timer so gone they can't make a coherent sentence to save thier lives.

You musta had some bunk stuff your first time.

Ibby 04-18-2007 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by breakingnews (Post 334990)
dark side of the moon - probably my personal favorite for tokin time.

and then watch Half Baked - so dumb, but a great stoner movie.

Sounds like a plan. I love that movie, even sober. Its so bad, but so so funny.

zippyt 04-18-2007 08:28 PM

I second Dark Side of the moon , also Rush is good as well

Stoned , Half Baked makes SOOOOO much sence !!

rkzenrage 04-18-2007 08:29 PM

Can't get high any longer. When I smoke my body uses it for other things. Many people are unaware that this is the case for medical conditions.

Perry Winkle 04-18-2007 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 334997)
Can't get high any longer. When I smoke my body uses it for other things.

Like building stilts? I can see how that'd be dangerous...

Undertoad 04-18-2007 08:47 PM

The key with music is to pick something you know fairly well, that has interesting complexities to it. 70s Floyd, 80s XTC, 90s Radiohead, 00s Flaming Lips.

breakingnews 04-18-2007 09:15 PM

My friends were always big into watching the Big Lebowski, but while I love the movie, I never thought of it as a real stoner flick.

Dazed and Confused is a good one, though. And Entourage was my most recent favorite for hazy days in NYC.

rigcranop 04-18-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 335005)
The key with music is to pick something you know fairly well, that has interesting complexities to it. 70s Floyd, 80s XTC, 90s Radiohead, 00s Flaming Lips.

Aren't you a Zappa fan, Ibrahm? Try Zoot Allures.

rigcranop 04-18-2007 09:26 PM

Sorry I misspelled your name.

rkzenrage 04-18-2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by grant (Post 335003)
Like building stilts? I can see how that'd be dangerous...

Who said anything about dangerous? Are you reading something else?

Ibby 04-18-2007 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 335023)
Who said anything about dangerous? Are you reading something else?

Just celebrating a little early, maybe?

rkzenrage 04-18-2007 10:11 PM


Perry Winkle 04-18-2007 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 335023)
Who said anything about dangerous? Are you reading something else?

Nope. That's just my round-the-corner way of asking what your medical condition makes your body do with smoke now. (note: I don't know what your medical condition is other than the fact that it is very painful)

And dangerous comes from my brain walking a tree of associations (I'm leaving out some steps and simplifying): side-effects -> disincentives -> danger

If you still don't understand what I'm trying to say, don't worry about it. I've stopped tearing people down when they can't understand me. Apparently, I'm fairly incomprehensible.

Ibby 04-18-2007 10:24 PM

Actually I think he means it helps but doesnt get him high - just closer to right and fine on the other side of sober.

Perry Winkle 04-18-2007 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335041)
Actually I think he means it helps but doesnt get him high - just closer to right and fine on the other side of sober.

"I see," said the blind man to the guy with the really cool messenger bag. But the blind man didn't know of the really cool messenger bag. He's blind after all.

Ibby 04-18-2007 10:31 PM


Okay yeah, someone has GOT to be hittin' the bong.

Perry Winkle 04-18-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335044)

Okay yeah, someone has GOT to be hittin' the bong.

No bong. No pipe. No motorcars. Not a single luxury.

I'll translate my previous post into not-Grant.

'"I see," said the blind man to the guy with the really cool messenger bag. But the blind man didn't know of the really cool messenger bag. He's blind after all.'


"If what you say is the case, I understand what rkzenrage meant."

You're the guy with the messenger bag. I am the blind man, because until rkzenrage chimes in I do not know if what you say is the case. The "I see" part should be self-explanatory.

This concludes your introduction to the way Grant's mind works. Feel free to return to your regular dimension.

rkzenrage 04-18-2007 10:46 PM

It helps, when your body is in pain and/or in other conditions to the point where it produces its own cannaboids(sp?) and you smoke/eat it naturally assigns the new to what your body is using it's own for instead of it building up and storing in the brain and you getting high.
There are cannaboids in breast milk so babies can deal with their rapid growth with less pain and discomfort, it boosts their own cannaboid production the same way smoking does for those in chronic pain, muscle discomfort and/or nerve damage/disorders.
It helps with muscle spasms, muscle pain, nerve damage issues and a myriad of other issues.
It also helps me sleep and with nausea and to eat when pain causes me to lose my appetite.
Much of this more than any other meds, with nausea as no medication that exists for myself and 60% of the population.

But, those against legalization want those like me to be without it and to suffer more.
Yes, wanting one is to want the other.

Perry Winkle 04-18-2007 10:55 PM

Interesting, rkzenrage. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Smoke on. :earth:

rkzenrage 04-18-2007 11:03 PM

Unfortunately, I have a family and will not keep illegal substances in my home.
When I get VERY bad, sometimes a friend will come over, but it is very rare.

lumberjim 04-18-2007 11:30 PM

I got high for the first time at age 15.

i had tried previously, but it was such low quality homegrown, dusty old hooch, that i mainly remember coughing and having a raw and sore throat. That first attempt was in 9th grade, so i must have been 14. We smoked with a toilet paper roll bowl....and i coughed, and blew the bowl all over with my first hit. lame

the second, successful time was a different matter. I was at my Dad's apartment with his neighbor's son, Carl. ( who later developed a bad stutter that he had never previously had, btw) and we were down by the pool (closed for the season) on our bikes. He had a litle crescent moon shaped candy tin .....with a bowl and a crinkled up baggie inside. We smoked...and as it came on, I realized that i had to be back at my dad's in half an hour or so......

i had to walk my bike back cuz i just couldn't conceive of riding it. When i got back, i immediately ran up to my room and laid down....trying to cope with this new sensation and paranoia. the yellow walls in that room pulsed and swelled. after about 20 minutes, my dad announced that we were going to Wendy's for dinner. oooookay. flash forward to wolfing a bowl of chili....and my dad saying....."hungry?" in an odd tone.

it went down much like that.

later, i realized that my dad was a stoner. I started smoking with him at 18 or 19......he must have known. I've never asked him.

Ibby 04-18-2007 11:47 PM

I'm having a moral dilemma here.

When I decided to become buddhist, I decided to give up (or just not start) eating meat, drinking, smoking, etc. Completely voluntary...

Except Caro also had declared that she would dump me if I started doing drugs. Weed was totally out.

Except she dumped me anyway.

So now I'm trying to reconcile my buddhism-rooted belief that while that shit aint bad for you, i dont wanna do it because... okay i dont even know why, because buddha sorta advised against it (not FORBADE it, nothing's technically forbidden and all that - just kinda advice, kind of a powerful suggestion). I know a lot of buddhists dont care about that/dont believe in it, but I told myself i wasnt going to do that stuff so now i kinda want to be true to what i told myself...

At the same time, I really want to know what it's like at least once. And I see no real reason not to (except, you know, the whole 'crazy-ass asian head-chopping-off thing...and the whole school-being-rabid-about-drug-tests... and all that...).


rkzenrage 04-18-2007 11:53 PM

Many Buddhists do not believe that pot falls under the definition of intoxication if used for mind expansion, relaxation, or just occasionally and not to excess when you do.
Also, if you have not taken the lay vows, you are not held to them even as a practicing Buddhist.
Not trying to talk you into it, just saying guilt for guilt's sake is not healthy either, if you are not doing harm to yourself.

Ibby 04-18-2007 11:59 PM

I know I'm not like, FORBIDDEN from doing it for ANY reason (except, you know, the LAW, like I care) but I told myself I wouldnt. I want to hold myself to that, but at the same time... I dont.

I dunno what to do.

Undertoad 04-19-2007 12:17 AM

If you made up an arbitrary rule for yourself to follow, couldn't you just make up a new arbitrary rule that says the original arbitrary rule isn't in effect?

piercehawkeye45 04-19-2007 12:39 AM

I don't think I will be celebrating but if someone asks I won't deny it.

Do what you think is right, not what others tell you what is right. If you are buddhist but disagree about not being able to smoke pot, what is holding you back? If you want to do it but your mind tells yout hat you are morally against it, then you probably should avoid it but if you are not morally against it, you are just missing out on a new expierence.

wolf 04-19-2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 334986)
Any album suggestions? I honestly cant decide what would be best getting-high music. If I do, that is.

I assume that everyone else has already suggested Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.

So ... I will add The Beatle's White Album and Mahavishnu Orchestra's Visions of the Emerald Beyond.

Oh, yeah, and Klaatu's first album, if you can find it.

Along with Yes - Tales from Topographic Oceans and Fragile.

You'll do what you're going to do, of course, but IMHO, you can do without the weed. Just spend the time listening to the music and eat a ton of Oreo cookies.

rkzenrage 04-19-2007 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335073)
I know I'm not like, FORBIDDEN from doing it for ANY reason (except, you know, the LAW, like I care) but I told myself I wouldnt. I want to hold myself to that, but at the same time... I dont.

I dunno what to do.

What feels right, healthy.

Right action.
I hate that I used to love to listen to Dark Side when I got high. Used to put on fractals and just relax.
Also fond of the Hendrix Blues album.
I am only recently into Trance... wonder how it would sound/feel? I likes some early techno. Nothing like good trance of today.
Was really fond of Gyotu Monks and Tibetan Chants, also listened to Native American storytellers.

Beestie 04-19-2007 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 334831)
I want to try it, but I dont want to make my girlfr-... uh, best friend mad at me.

I wouldn't waste your time practicing being PW'd. There will be plenty of OJT for that.

You want to celebrate? Then celebrate. Whilst you still can.

zippyt 04-19-2007 01:29 AM

"God made beer to make us happy " Ben F.

I feel the same about pot !!!

IB , do what you feel is right , morialy and spirityaly ( spelln')

RK , in 96 my Mother was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer( the day AFTER my birthday) they tried HARD kemo and radiation , opened her up said SHIT !!!! She had 3 months TOPS to live ( she was diagnosed on on 9/11 and she died on 12/26) After the kemo , Rad and surgery she said "FUCK ALL this SHIT , if this is my time then this is my time !!"
A close friend of hers was a nurse , she was indespenceble thru ALL this !! Annyhow , after ALL this hate and discontent I asked Nancy ( the nurse ) " I heard that Pot can help relive pain and anxiety " she said ( and I quote ) " Releves pain , anxiety , and gives her the munchies . ( Mom was haveing problems eating at this point ) OK see if she wants to try it " She did try , and it DID help !!
Weird smokeing a joint with your Mom though !!!
She eventualy went so far down she went into the hospitol to be sedated while she waited for the end , they knocked her out , and she slept thru the nite , then woke up in the am and had one LAST coherent day ( ALL the extended family came that day ) , later that afternoon she started fadeing in and out and , when she was with us she wanted a coke a bag of plain chips and a cig , i disconnected the oxegen and let her have a smoke and a snack , she was happy and looked up at me and said " so do you have a joint with you ??? " I did , we smoked it , she smiled and went to sleep , 3 days later she died .

The thing that got me was she smiled and went to sleep!!!!!

wolf 04-19-2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335073)
I know I'm not like, FORBIDDEN from doing it for ANY reason (except, you know, the LAW, like I care) but I told myself I wouldnt. I want to hold myself to that, but at the same time... I dont.

I dunno what to do.

You're in a communist country, dude. They could cane you or send you to one of those foreign prisons like in Midnight Express. No diplomatic immunity for you, American Pig Dog Imperalist Junkie!

wolf 04-19-2007 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 335089)
I hate that I used to love to listen to Dark Side when I got high. Used to put on fractals and just relax.

When I used to get high (I had to walk uphill both ways in a snowstorm to score an ounce of weed that would set me back a WHOLE FORTY DOLLARS) we didn't have fractals. We had to make do with our own imagined visualizations. Or an out-of-focus ViewMaster projector. Or whatever we had handy.

rkzenrage 04-19-2007 02:01 AM

Well, back in tha' day.. sure.

Ibby 04-19-2007 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by wolf (Post 335099)
You're in a communist country, dude. They could cane you or send you to one of those foreign prisons like in Midnight Express. No diplomatic immunity for you, American Pig Dog Imperalist Junkie!

After fighting Mao for twenty or thirty years (30s - 50s), the Taiwans (cant call them taiwanese cause that means the ones who were already here... no joke, technical political term is 'taiwans') would be preeeetty pissed at you for saying that.

Sundae 04-19-2007 06:33 AM

If you do decide to do it, don't raise your expectations too high. I've known quite a few people who were horribly sick their first time (and it put about a third of them off ever trying it again). I think it's because they weren't feeling what they expected quickly enough, so they tried some more and then some more. And then were sick and fell asleep!

Just make sure you are somewhere secure where you can relax - not because there's a danger of you freaking out, but because your guard will be down and it's better to be safe.

There are common elements to being stoned in the same way there are common elements to being drunk - you don't know exactly how you'll react so take it slowly, discover it for yourself and enjoy it.

I'm not very musically astute, so anything with close harmonies and guitars fills me with intense pleasure stoned. I'll have incredible insights about bubblegum pop that I can never quite remember afterwards.

I actually prefer watching familiar comedy to listening to music. My stoned position is semi reclined with a dopey smile and half closed eyes. I'll often sway gently from side to side and repeat words and phrases from the TV or conversation in the room - 10 minutes late and totally out of context. From the outside I appear totally wasted, but I do know my own personal limits - I just retreat into myself quite quickly and then stay there and enjoy it.

ravenranter 04-19-2007 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by wolf (Post 335101)
When I used to get high (I had to walk uphill both ways in a snowstorm to score an ounce of weed that would set me back a WHOLE FORTY DOLLARS) we didn't have fractals. We had to make do with our own imagined visualizations. Or an out-of-focus ViewMaster projector. Or whatever we had handy.

Don't forget the strobe lights, the blacklights and those classic blacklight posters: 1.) The panther on the branch and 2.) New York City and The Statue of Liberty overgrown by a jungle.

elSicomoro 04-19-2007 08:31 AM

Music-wise, I'd recommend late 60s/early 70s Miles Davis: Miles in the Sky, Nefertiti, In a Silent Way, Bitches Brew. And maybe some Aphex Twin.

Shawnee123 04-19-2007 08:50 AM

Anything by Steely Dan is good for smokin'

Then again, I like to hear some old stuff like Baby Elephant Walk by Mancini, or any of the Dionne Warwick doing Bacharach and David songs.

Listened to Floyd's Ummagumma once in college when I was oh so stoned. I vaguely remember what I think was "Several Species of Small Furry Animals..." and you could hear creatures running around in a forest or something. It was a trip.

Jazzy is good. Not fake Kenny G type jazz (he just plays the scales over and over) but artists like Najee or Tom Scott.

Clodfobble 04-19-2007 10:10 AM

I would just like to say that you're all a bunch of dirty hippies.

Carry on. :)

rkzenrage 04-19-2007 12:07 PM

Can I crash on your couch.. got anything to eat, some change?

Cloud 04-19-2007 01:51 PM

Hippies-- you know, it's strange. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was 11 years old in the Summer of Love. But after that, people said, "there are no real hippies" anymore, because of course the "scene" at Haight-Ashbury degenerated when all that was left were the hard-core druggies. And yet, and yet --- they seem to linger on.

I was too young to participate, except vicariously, at the time. I saw the Grateful Dead three times; I went to a concert at the Fillmore West, I rode a plane with Janis Joplin. I was present for the birth of FM radio. I didn't drink alcohol on a regular basis until I was well into my 20s (cause I didn't need it--there were better things). I dropped out and tuned in.

and yet . . . my daughter, age 24, considers herself a hippie. Strange

Perry Winkle 04-19-2007 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 335343)
and yet . . . my daughter, age 24, considers herself a hippie. Strange

There are many, many flavors of hippieness now: granola, throw-back, yogic, food, tech, and more that I can't think of. Rock 'n Roll and Hippies are here for the rest of the ride.

Undertoad 04-19-2007 08:01 PM

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