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Lola Bunny 11-13-2011 01:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Vietnamese New Year is fast coming, and I need to get in shape! As an undisciplined person, I need to follow some kind of program. So, here's to Insanity! I'm also gonna be crazy and post up my before and after picture. Uh...yeah. Took the pictures yesterday, and I'm gonna start the program tomorrow. And yes, I know I look like a fat, naked smurf. :yelsick: :lol:

Any advice or encouragements y'all have are much appreciated. Criticisms are fine too, as long as they're not too harsh. I'm sensitive. :thepain: :lol: :lol:

limey 11-13-2011 01:16 PM

If you stood up straighter instead of sticking your tummy out you'd be done! That's the shape I wanna be!

Pico and ME 11-13-2011 01:31 PM

Seriously amp up your activity level while seriously cutting down what you eat. If you give yourself a short-term plan (like the two months you have) you might be able to find the wherewithal to stay disciplined. You probably already have good muscle tone, so I would suggest concentrating purely on aerobic exercise.

Why not post here what you eat everyday?

footfootfoot 11-13-2011 01:43 PM

Don't lock your knees, stand up straight. You look great. srsly.
You look great. Now I'll photoshop a face onto your torso.

Sundae 11-13-2011 02:07 PM

I only opened this thread because I knew there'd be a photo :)

As you're unhappy with the way you look now, I'll second Pico.
Go crazy on the activity front.

When I had to lose 4 stone to win a bet I never stopped moving.
And it became sheer joy as things became easier. I would use any excuse to squat down (in my retail job) knowing I could get down and stand up again in one smooth movement.

I'd also bounce on my toes when the shop was empty, or go up two extra flights of stairs at lunchtime in the office, in order to bounce down them again. Even waiting in queues I'd shift from foot to foot.

I doubt any of that was as important as all the walking I did, the work on my mini-stepper and the exercise DVDs, but I enjoyed my constant motion far more than I ever did the above (the DVDs were a form of torment - I still can't hear the songs from them without feeling profound unhappiness).

I lost the weight though.

Lola Bunny 11-13-2011 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 772473)
Don't lock your knees, stand up straight. You look great. srsly.
You look great. Now I'll photoshop a face onto your torso.

I see the face outline now...:lol: Have fun with photoshop if you want. I won't mind. ;)

As for slouching, I did not realize I was doing it! UGH! I told my sister ppl thought I was slouching but in fact, my tummy is just that round. She said I was slouching but thought I did it on purpose to look especially bad so my "after" picture would look good. :rolleyes: Uh...ok. I was thinking of retaking the sideways picture but am too lazy. :p:

Pico: If I don't get too lazy, I just may post what I eat. But then again, that's if I don't get too lazy and I'm just an awfully lazy person. :blush:

Sundae: Now that's an idea. I know this girl who did or does what you did. She does some form of exercise whenever and wherever she could. She has two kids, so she doesn't have a long stretch of time to exercise. She does 5 mins here 5 mins there. At work, she would squat, lunge, whatever when she had the chance. She's thin as a stick, so I guess this is her way to keep in shape. Thanks for the suggestion, Sundae. :)

Limey: Thanks for your reply. :D

orthodoc 11-13-2011 02:42 PM

Along with the aerobics/cardio, some work with weights would tone and sculpt in ways you'd probably like. Do you have access to a gym with a personal trainer - maybe one or two sessions just to set up a program for a couple of months? If not, taking every chance to move against your body weight (those squats, like Sundae said) and lift things will add to the cardio in good ways.

monster 11-13-2011 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 772465)
If you stood up straighter instead of sticking your tummy out you'd be done! That's the shape I wanna be!

This was my first thought too. That's a terrible posture! Tilt your pelvis forward. If you carry yourself like that all the time, I'm surprised you don't have a bad back.

Gravdigr 11-13-2011 04:07 PM

Lola, srsly:


Ya look great.

monster 11-13-2011 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 772502)
This was my first thought too. That's a terrible posture! Tilt your pelvis forward. If you carry yourself like that all the time, I'm surprised you don't have a bad back.

(in other words, you look awesome, stop putting yourself down)

Clodfobble 11-13-2011 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny
Sundae: Now that's an idea. I know this girl who did or does what you did. She does some form of exercise whenever and wherever she could. She has two kids, so she doesn't have a long stretch of time to exercise. She does 5 mins here 5 mins there. At work, she would squat, lunge, whatever when she had the chance. She's thin as a stick, so I guess this is her way to keep in shape. Thanks for the suggestion, Sundae.

This is the way I exercise. Except I do it less by sneaking in random moves, and more by just sabotaging myself. Like always park at the back of the parking lot, wherever you go. An added bonus is that you avoid the stress of hunting for a "good" spot, and actually end up getting inside the store faster than those people who relentlessly creep around the parking lot looking for the closest spot they can manage.

Aliantha 11-13-2011 04:36 PM

lola, you're gorgeous and there is nothing about your body that you should be ashamed of. Like others have suggested, it's probably more toning that you need, so I'd suggest a weights regimen at the gym about 3 to 4 times a week for around 45 mins would probably be about all you'd need. Over here we call them circuit classes where you do one or two circuits of all the weights equipment to get an all over workout. It's not so much cardio work, but I personally think that if you were to tone up you'd have nothing to worry about. You'd also be inclined to slouch less because your muscles would hold you up more easily. ;)

classicman 11-13-2011 10:10 PM

Lola dear,

The only thing that needs to change is those godawful crocs you are wearing.

ZenGum 11-14-2011 12:24 AM

The only insanity in this thread is Lola thinking she is fat.

Seriously, Bunneh, google image search for fat people. Compare. You are teh yummeh bunneh.

Lola Bunny 11-14-2011 09:12 PM


I did the fit test, as on the schedule. I will post my results tomorrow. By the way, I retook the before sideway picture. Did not realize how much I was slouching. :blush: Anyways, gonna watch Hawaii 5-O now so I will get back to this thread later. :D

footfootfoot 11-15-2011 09:59 PM

Is it just me or is everyone else having a seizure-like deja vu?

classicman 11-15-2011 10:32 PM


Lola Bunny 11-16-2011 12:48 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 773221)
Is it just me or is everyone else having a seizure-like deja vu?

Hehehe....well, I'm doing the same thing as before but instead of P90X, I'm doing the Insanity program. But you are right, doing the same old thing is rather boring. It didn't occur to me until after I've inputted "DAY 1" blah, blah, blah. I've thought it over and decided that rather than inputting my exercises on a daily basis, I'd just update my results whenever I have to do the Fit test and post those results instead. Hmm...and maybe post a picture? Not sure if a posting a picture that often is a good idea.

Anyways, I want to thank everyone for your comments. Y'all are really nice. I also want to thank everyone for commenting on my horrible posture. :yelsick: I was lazy but decided to retake the sideways picture. And to answer Classic about the godawful crocs :lol:, they are my house slippers. I know they're ugly but hey, they help prevent my foot from hurting. I used to walk barefooted and although I have plush carpet at home, my left foot started to hurt badly. Someone gave me these and although it's a size too big and not pretty, I didn't have to spend money buying something myself. And who cares if you wear ugly shoes in the house, right? Nobody notices unless you take a picture in them. :p:

And now, here is my Fit test results and my "Before sideways" picture again. This time, unlocked knees and no more slouching. :D

footfootfoot 11-16-2011 01:14 PM

Much better. Now smile.

wolf 11-16-2011 11:22 PM

I'm surprised any of the boys even noticed the shoes.

Lola Bunny 11-18-2011 02:58 PM

My goodness...these workouts are crazy tiring. :dead3: I guess that's why it's called Insanity. :3_eyes: Anyways, I was thinking that I'm gonna try for 2 weeks and if I don't improve some by then, I should switch to something more manageable so my weight/fat loss would be more effective. Man, a person has to be really fit to do this program. UGH!


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 773373)
Much better. Now smile.

Umm....I was smiling. :p:


Originally Posted by wolf (Post 773535)
I'm surprised any of the boys even noticed the shoes.

Well, I wasn't wearing anything sexy. :rolleyes:

Big Sarge 11-22-2011 04:05 PM

Lola - the only way for us to properly judge is to post nude pics. Then we can better judge your progress.

SamIam 11-22-2011 04:42 PM

Down, Sarge. Down!

Hows it going Lola? I want to lose weight, too. If I could get down to the size you are in your pix, I'd be delirious with joy!

Lola Bunny 11-24-2011 12:41 AM

Sam: Thanks for your comments. I'm actually not doing well, which I'll explain later. Just got home and I'm tired. Don't get discouraged like me just yet! :p: I'll come back more encouraged and motivated. :D

zippyt 11-24-2011 09:51 AM

I'm actually not doing well, which I'll explain later

WTF ??? You ok kiddo ????
No being sick allowed !!!

Big Sarge 11-24-2011 04:37 PM

Lola please don't get any smaller. You are already so small one of my farts might just blow you away. I think you ned to add some weight. Like I told you before if you came over here to live, I'd have you up to 250+ in no time!!

Aliantha 11-24-2011 04:57 PM

You know lola, I was looking at your pic, and I can't believe you think there's something wrong with your tummy. Could it be that you're trying to get an hourglass type of figure? I have come to the conclusion that maybe you're comparing yourself and your profile to women with larger breasts maybe?

You have such a sporty figure, and we've seen you in some really slim fitting outfits before and honestly, you have a gorgeous figure.

I think we all sometimes forget that we can only do a certain amount with what god gave us. If you want to test out my theory, put the same clothes on and fill your bra up with oranges or something and take another picture. You might be surprised at the difference in how you perceive your belly after that.

Please feel free to totally disregard this post if you think I'm way off the mark, and please, I know I'm sailing close to the wind with these comments, so please please please don't be offended. I think you're so beautiful and I'm just stumped as to why you'd think there's a thing wrong with your figure so I've been puzzling on it for a few weeks now.


Lola Bunny 11-24-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 775371)
I'm actually not doing well, which I'll explain later

WTF ??? You ok kiddo ????
No being sick allowed !!!

Sorry, I am not sick. What I meant is that I'm not doing well on my diet and exercise regimen. I actually quit doing Insanity because the thought of doing it scared me. I did it for a week and when the second week started, I couldn't make myself do it anymore. Then I took a blood test and found out my cholesterol level is 270, and my body mass is above range. That's right, Sarge, I am NOT too small; I am actually a bit too big and I have the numbers to prove it. With that cholesterol number, I had to rethink of my diet and exercise strategy. After a few days of self-pity and feeling depressed, I finally pulled myself out of it. I have yet to come up with a complete plan when I spoke to my cousins, the ones who did Insanity a few months back. They convinced me that I should really give it a try again. The girl said it's just the first 6, 7 days that are the hardest. Okay, so on Monday, I'm gonna give it a shot again. Hopefully, this time I can stick it out.

Big Sarge 11-24-2011 06:42 PM

Lola - it was just my clumsy attempt of saying I think you are beautiful the way you are. Sometimes I come across wrong because my idioms are so different from most on here

infinite monkey 11-24-2011 07:02 PM

Lola, you stick it out, on average, 90 percent longer than I do.


monster 11-25-2011 10:22 AM


Lola Bunny 11-25-2011 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 775443)
Lola - it was just my clumsy attempt of saying I think you are beautiful the way you are. Sometimes I come across wrong because my idioms are so different from most on here

Sarge, I understood you. I wasn't upset at you. I've been on edge and not feeling too happy, so I'm sorry if I had come off being a bit testy. That wasn't my intention at all. I guess I've been sitting here looking at my situation and how I need to be on some kind of diet. It really annoys me that I have to be on a diet. :blush: :lol:

Monster: Thanks, hehe. You know, I'm down to only one cigarette a day because my heart doesn't feel well when I smoke. Why not just quit, right? I'll get there one day. :D

Lola Bunny 12-26-2011 10:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I quit Insanity because I was too scared to do the workouts, hehe. Fortunately, my sister decided to join me and dragged my behind each morning to workout. So, here is two weeks later after I restarted the program. :D And yes, I fulfilled the bet, but it was dropped because the guy whom I did the bet with is a jerk. Anyways, my waist has gone down to 26". :D Got pix but, umm....maybe I'll wait til my waist got smaller to post. Dunno...I haven't been able to paste the two front view and sideways view together yet. Another month to go before Vietnamese New Year. :D

monster 12-26-2011 11:28 PM

Means nothing to me, but you go, gurl!

Lola Bunny 12-27-2011 11:18 AM

This is an example of the fit test. I posted a video so y'all can see what the exercises are.

(I will fix the youtube later. Just putting the link in for now.)

Lola Bunny 12-27-2011 08:29 PM

monster 12-27-2011 09:31 PM

OK, now it makes more sense, thanks. So why did he only do power knees one way? He's going to be uneven.

Looks like you've made some serious progress there.

I bet i couldn't do one push up jack after all the rest of that stuff.....

Sundae 12-28-2011 05:15 AM

That's quite remarkable.

And I have no intention of ever doing it.

Lola Bunny 12-28-2011 11:59 AM

Monster, Sundae: Thanks. I'm very proud of myself. :)

Monster: There are breaks between each exercises, the guy just didn't show it. Trust me, my movements aren't as strong as that guy in the video. I do my best though. :p:

Sundae: Yeah, don't do it. Unless you've been exercising, done something intensive like P90X, don't try Insanity. It's crazy tiring. To be perfectly honest, I needed supplements to do this workout. I didn't have enough strength and energy. I bought some vitamins geared for women who exercise hard. I also bought creatine to help my overworked muscles recover.

xoxoxoBruce 12-29-2011 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 775437)
...and my body mass is above range. That's right, Sarge, I am NOT too small; I am actually a bit too big and I have the numbers to prove it.

I was in a nutrition class at the hospital, and they had the guy that runs the hospital fitness center come in and pitch joining up. This dude has been fitness training for almost 30 years, and believe me, he's in shape. His belly sticks out over his belt about a quarter inch.
Everyone was floored when he said his body mass index numbers put him in the obese category. He said don't be fooled by those bullshit charts.:headshake

Lola Bunny 12-29-2011 08:51 PM

Hehe....actually, I'm mostly responding to my vanity. I don't expect to look like a Victoria's Secret model, but I want to look good in clothes. I just don't like it when my tummy sticks out. :p: Furthermore, my cholesterol level is too high, so that's something to watch out for too.

As for that dude in fitness training, how could he be obese if his tummy only sticks out 1/4 inch over his belt? Doesn't sound that big.

monster 12-29-2011 09:10 PM

technically I'm obese too. those numbers are bullshit. no-one who knows me thinks I weight anything like as much as I do. I heard a story on the radio about a woman -same height same weight- who tried to smuggle knives into prison in between her rolls of flab!!!! I don't have any rolls. I might be able to conceal a breadcrumb or two if i leant to one side! I do have some belly but it doesn't roll ffs! But my leg muscles are so well defined that I won't be borrowing the new boots I just bought for my daughter.... You are way fitter than me and work out more than me, you should not be paying attention to any stats involving weight/height.

xoxoxoBruce 12-29-2011 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 783705)
As for that dude in fitness training, how could he be obese if his tummy only sticks out 1/4 inch over his belt? Doesn't sound that big.

All they did was take the long outdated height vs weight charts and give them a new name, to make people think they'd been updated. The more muscle you have, the more you'll weigh, regardless of height.
How can anyone expect a 5'10" Jr High teen and a 5'10" College Linebacker, to weigh the same?

The cholesterol you should work on, however.;)

monster 12-30-2011 12:18 AM

I'm kinda in the "cholesterol is BS too if you're generally fit and heathy" camp......

my count was nuts, I told my doc my diet the previous week was bad she said oh no, no way that would affect the test it's a long term thing...... Retest proved her wrong. So now I just eat super-healthily a few days before my test and all is awesome ;)

classicman 12-30-2011 01:10 PM

I has a very high cholesterol reading, altered my diet and it came down pretty quickly (3 months)
My sister has high cholesterol as well, but hers is apparently genetic or something.
She needed meds to get hers under control.

Lola Bunny 12-31-2011 10:18 AM

Monster: I'm only starting to workout more, so I'm only beginning to become fit. :p: But I get what you're saying. Thanks. :D

As for my cholesterol, I'm starting to eat right. Not only will that will help me lose fat and look better, it will be good for my overall health. I intend to check my cholesterol again in 3 months. And I'll be sure to eat right that week. Thanks for the tip, Monster. :D By the way, do y'all know that the fish orange roughy brings your cholesterol level way down low? I can't find it on the market anymore. Oh well....

xoxoxoBruce 12-31-2011 05:52 PM

They're hard to find because they mature and grow slowly, living to 150, so they're easily over fished. Try looking for deep Sea Perch.

Lola Bunny 12-31-2011 10:27 PM

I will check out deep Sea Perch. Orange roughy lives to 150? Now I feel bad for eating them.

monster 01-01-2012 12:21 AM

Try Soylent Green

Lola Bunny 01-01-2012 03:47 PM

I did a search on deep sea perch and found out it's another name for orange roughy. :p: I dunno.....after finding out that they live til 150, I feel kinda bad eating them. Maybe I'd just eat tons and tons of oat bran instead. :D

Monster: Soylent Green...I thought it's some kind of food to reduce cholesterol. Turns out it's a movie. :p:

xoxoxoBruce 01-01-2012 03:49 PM

Well knowing that family of fish is called Slimeheads, may help. ;)

monster 01-01-2012 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 784350)
I did a search on deep sea perch and found out it's another name for orange roughy. :p: I dunno.....after finding out that they live til 150, I feel kinda bad eating them. Maybe I'd just eat tons and tons of oat bran instead. :D

Monster: Soylent Green...I thought it's some kind of food to reduce cholesterol. Turns out it's a movie. :p:

"Soylent Green is PEOPLE!"

Lola Bunny 01-01-2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 784361)
"Soylent Green is PEOPLE!"


richlevy 01-02-2012 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 784350)
I dunno.....after finding out that they live til 150, I feel kinda bad eating them.

That's nothing compared to lobsters. Maybe they should take lessons from Leroy the Uninterrupted (Avoid the cages!) NPR link.

kerosene 01-02-2012 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 784361)
"Soylent Green is PEOPLE!"

Great! Now you ruined it for me! ;)

plthijinx 01-17-2012 09:45 PM

ok so where do you stand now and can we loose the smurf outfit and put on a bikini?

limey 01-18-2012 09:13 AM

Phlthy, the thought of you in a bikini just doesn't do it for me!

Lola Bunny 01-19-2012 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by plthijinx (Post 788706)
ok so where do you stand now and can we loose the smurf outfit and put on a bikini?

Well, I'm a week past halfway into the program. I was supposed to do the fit test last weekend, but it was scheduled with the new workouts, which was an hour rather than 40 mins and more intense. UGH! Been too tiring. But my waist has dropped from the original 28" to at the moment 25 1/2". :D But now, I'm not too happy with my waist again. I want to see muscles, hihi. Yes, greed is part of human nature and I'm just human. :cool:

I will take an "after" pix this weekend. By the way, don't you know I'm a smurf? Dude, I'm already naked in the pix. :rolleyes: :lol:


Originally Posted by limey (Post 788849)
Phlthy, the thought of you in a bikini just doesn't do it for me! about a mankini then? :eyebrow:

footfootfoot 01-19-2012 09:20 AM

2 Attachment(s)

BigV 01-19-2012 12:05 PM

That's how the pros do it. Anybody you've ever seen on the cover of a magazine is using footfootfoot's diet.


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