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infinite monkey 11-15-2012 11:21 AM

I'm back. Oh my back.
Hello everyone.

I've been reading as I can. I've been off work with a back injury. More about that in a minute.

I can't give updates to the situation at work because I haven't been there. I took Friday off as a mental health day and I seriously started to feel better about things. Saturday I came here to the public library. I got a couple books and a couple movies. Had a nice chat with the librarian, and a nice old man commented to me about the weather as I was leaving and he was coming in. I felt good. I thought no matter what I can do this.

Dog had other ideas (you know, the Dog that dyslexic insomniacs think about all night?) As I got into my car it was BOOM to my lower back. I had no idea what happened. I got out of my car and tried to stretch. Great. I had a spasm, right? As many of you know I get those all the time in my upper back/shoulders.

Went to get lunch and I could not get out of my chair to leave. I was hanging on to the table for about ten minutes, trying to find the strength to straighten out without screaming. Finally I clutched the wall and made it out the door and into my car, crying all the way.

I thought I'd go home, rest it, ice it, heat it, ibuprofen it, acetominophen it. To no avail. I got up Sunday morning and drove myself to the ER (for those of you who live truly and completely alone...can I get a WITNESS?) I don't know how I did it. They finally gave me some sort of pain shot and the relief was unbelievable. They did every test but an MRI (they only do those on weekends if it's an emergency apparently) but I got a cat scan and xrays and this and that blood and urine tests. They had me get a ride because of the pain shot. Can you get a ride they asked, because we can give you something stronger? I can get five rides give me whatever you got. Mom came and got me which worked out because the girls were coming over for Sunday dinner and I was in little pain and got to enjoy that time.

I decided I could go home so dad took me to my car and followed me (he was going to his lake/land to meet a buddy and that is down from the hospital which is down from where I that worked out too.) Oh, and he took me to the pharm where mom and I had dropped off my prescriptions earlier.

They gave vicodin and a muscle relaxer. We were off work Monday for veteran's day. I thought time and the meds would do it. Well, no.

I called Tuesday and said I was going to my doc. He said they treated the symptoms but not the cause: the inflammation. Gave me a shot of prednisone and a script for percocet and more prednisone. (Vics are a joke and I don't know why pill lovers love them. they don't do shit.)

He said "you can't go to work" and gave me a note for until today. Have to go back tomorrow. That looks good I"m sure. An altercation with an asshat and then I'm off for a week. (Then again, asshat if from Nawlins and probably has a voodoo doll that looks like me: fat and old and tired, with a perpetual wrinkled forehead from pain and worry.)

(to be continued)

infinite monkey 11-15-2012 11:26 AM

My fucking phone won't hold an internet connection for more than a couple minutes at a time. Was able to respond to a PM from ortho (thanks, hon!) but that was dumb luck.

I came to the library today because I need to get out. I have to go to work tomorrow, you know? I'm sitting here in excruciating pain and I don't know how I can. I really don't.

It has to be more than muscular. Trying EVERYTHING and it seems like even the percocets aren't making a dent.

I hurt and I cry and YELL myself off the chair, or into the chair, or out of bed, because it hurts so much. Just sitting here, I"m almost in tears.

It's hard to drive, especially with my crappy rear view due to my convertible top, and I can't see behind me very well.

My 'best' friend made sure to text me to say to let her know when I feel better so I can come over and hang out. No 'do you need anything?' or some such. That's OK, I don't need anything I've been making short trips into town...but it sucks. Mom would do anything for me but I have been able to make it, so far.

eta: you know, the friends who owe me money, who I do all kinds of things for? I need to rethink that situation. Again. She's probably mad I am off work and have insurance, and I'll get paid because I'm almost maxed out on my vacation time as it is...nearing 240 hours, being so privileged and all.

eta eta: that was shitty. I'm feeling sorry for myself as I said.

infinite monkey 11-15-2012 11:28 AM

I read that monster has been having back issues too? I know she has had trouble (I've not been able or have had the gumption to bacefook) but this just proves we are twins seperated at birth. monster, if you're reading this I hope you feel better.

So life just sucks and I'mfeeling sorry for myself and I don't know how I"m going to get back out of this chair.

Miss you all. Thanks for listening.

BigV 11-15-2012 11:31 AM

yor back.

yor funny, even if your back pain isn't.

I'd tell you to heal, but that's a Dog thing, ain't it?

glatt 11-15-2012 11:36 AM

Damn! Sorry, Infi! That sucks big time. I hope you get better quickly.

infinite monkey 11-15-2012 11:42 AM

Thanks BigV, and glatt.

I've been wanting to talk to my friends here all week. Thanks for caring. :)

Oh, and I have to do physical therapy. They're supposed to call me.

orthodoc 11-15-2012 11:42 AM

Wow, sorry your back is still so bad! Getting out of the house is good ... just hope you can get back safely.

Wish we could send chicken soup and homemade bread electronically ... they might just team up with the meds to do the trick.

Feel better very very soon!

Beest 11-15-2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 839007)
I read that monster has been having back issues too? I know she has had trouble (I've not been able or have had the gumption to bacefook) but this just proves we are twins seperated at birth. monster, if you're reading this I hope you feel better.


no shit, this is like reading her story for most of the week, except I have been able to do the driving for a couple of days. Fortunatley we are out of the 6 am swim practice regime.

Same sorts of drugs but not obvioulsy effective.

One of the best things has been hot pads, folded damp towel, heat in microwave then put in gallon zip loc bag.

infinite monkey 11-15-2012 11:49 AM

Thanks ortho, and beest.

Beest, give monster a big hug for me. Almost typed bug hig...which is better. Give her a bug hig for me...she's not a hugger. I almost typed Hot a nugger. Hahahaha. Maybe the drugs at least keep me funny.

OK, now I'm really leaving. I just craved conversation so much. ;)

infinite monkey 11-15-2012 11:50 AM

One more thing: I'm thinking a twelve pack might help, added to the percs. Had I picked this week to stop being crazy? Bzzzzzt. Try again.


orthodoc 11-15-2012 11:57 AM

Yeah, try not to mix ... breathing is a good thing. So is a functioning liver. ;)

Not implying anything, it's the twelve-pack plus the acetaminophen - a one-two straight to the old hepatic cells that can give you acute hepatic failure. Really messes up your day.

Stormieweather 11-15-2012 12:30 PM


Gawd, I hope your back gets better. That sort of thing really sucks, particularly when you are self-reliant.

I don't know of a solution, but have you tried a chiropractor? I was in a car accident and had a pinched nerve that felt like that. I'd never been to a chiropractor until then, but he fixed me so I could walk and turn my head again.

Beest 11-15-2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 839015)
One more thing: I'm thinking a twelve pack might help,

This is indeed Dr. Monsters prescription, muscle relaxant and anaesthetic all in one handy dispenser.

On Pawn stars last night they had a 'medicanal use only' bottle of whisky from Prohibition you could get the doctor to prescribe.

jimhelm 11-15-2012 02:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 41676

Trilby 11-15-2012 04:19 PM

Oh, Infini! That's terrible-I'm just about an hour away so if you need anything (remember, it'll take an hour!) just call me!!

How awful. The percs are good, though, no?

Are you going to get an MRI soon to see what the heck is going on??

oh, kiddo. Maybe the Universe is just giving you a break-so treat it as such (even though you are in pain-Not that I'm giving medical advice-I'm NOT a doctor-but I've found the 1-2 every 4-6 to be more like 2 every 4)

hugs. :flower:

plthijinx 11-15-2012 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 839015)
One more thing: I'm thinking a twelve pack might help, added to the percs. Had I picked this week to stop being crazy? Bzzzzzt. Try again.


you take the percs....i'll drink the beer (hey! somebody's got to do it!)

get well soon hun!

SamIam 11-15-2012 10:23 PM

Sorry to read you're in such a painful situation (both physiologically and emotionally). Percs never did much for me either. I agree with Trilby's advise to up the dose slightly. Sometimes this will cause them to finally kick in. Get well soon!

Nirvana 11-15-2012 11:17 PM

Oh IM that sounds fucking awful! It sounds like a bulging disc. When I had one pain meds did nothing I had demerol shots at the hospital. Had to sleep on the floor no mattress and I cried for 4 days. I hope the steroids work for you. You need one of these for when you are better. Makes the muscles stronger holds the spine in place = no disc problems..

Griff 11-16-2012 05:31 AM

Jeez, sorry Infini. Back pain is the worst and shitty cow-orkers can help make it hellish. Chin up and listen to the pros.

limey 11-16-2012 06:23 AM

Owie ow ow! Sorry to hear you're in pain, Infi. :(

Sent by thought transference.

orthodoc 11-16-2012 07:14 AM

Hope your back is settling down, Infi. Sending good thoughts. Take care of yourself, feel better quickly!

infinite monkey 11-16-2012 08:08 AM

You all can't know how much your words mean to me, and the flowers and stuff. :)

I'm at work and not doing very well but I'm going to try to make it through the day. Driving in was awful.

The interim asst director was very sweet to me. And a couple cow orkers. Mr Ego Bruise isn't speaking to me as far as I can tell and that's OK: I was firm in my reply to his email and whatever happens happens.

Tril...never thought of it that way. Maybe this was the universe giving me a break...albeit a painful one. At least, putting things into perspective.

plt...please to drink many beers for me. I'd hate for miller to go out of business while I'm abstaining. ;)

You're all so good. Thanks so much.

glatt 11-16-2012 08:19 AM

Good luck making it through the day! You need a countdown clock.

skysidhe 11-16-2012 11:01 AM

Hoping you can see chiropractor. A deep muscle massage or something to bring relief.

Also hoping my once a month post isn't out of place as it feels but I can't leave without sending my best wishes.

footfootfoot 11-16-2012 11:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Perspective deary. perspective. (j/k im sorry about ur back :sniff:

infinite monkey 11-16-2012 11:35 AM

thanks sky! :)

I love that picture, foot. That makes me laugh. Laughter is the best medicine (when coupled with painkillers and alcohol...tee hee.)

And perspective is true. Imma get me some of that perspective.

plthijinx 11-16-2012 12:28 PM

for you hun, i'm going to leave work early today just to go drink some beer for you! :D although it will be Heineken and not Miller but we can pretend! ;)



infinite monkey 11-16-2012 12:30 PM

Awwwww...thanks buddy! :luv:

classicman 11-16-2012 03:08 PM

I just pooped (leaving that typo) in to say hell and all. Crap - First thread I see is this.
Sorry you're hurting IM. Hope the drugs help and you're on the mend soon.

infinite monkey 11-16-2012 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 839164)
I just pooped (leaving that typo) in to say hell and all. Crap - First thread I see is this.
Sorry you're hurting IM. Hope the drugs help and you're on the mend soon.

Thanks! That's so funny. I just pooped this morning, first time since Saturday. :lol:


Hope you are doing well. :)

DanaC 11-16-2012 04:01 PM

Sounds horrid :( Get well soon.

classicman 11-16-2012 04:03 PM

You're slippin IM, you missed the "hell and all" ;)

footfootfoot 11-16-2012 04:09 PM

I just re-read your thread title, I had thought it said "I'm back. On my back."

I am disappoint.

plthijinx 11-16-2012 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 839165)
Thanks! That's so funny. I just pooped this morning, first time since Saturday. :lol:


Hope you are doing well. :)

OMG! i um. no....not into the defecation but wow. you are an **** chick huh? (sorry, heineken and a JOKE!)

Big Sarge 11-16-2012 09:48 PM

Whiskey, Percocets, and Soma are a fun combo. You just have to be very careful. If you need a ride, I'll come pick you up in Cheri (my 67 Kaiser deuce). I believe in taking beautiful women for a ride in style!

Cheri is running on Kerosene and used transmission fluid now. I think it makes her gassy.

footfootfoot 11-17-2012 08:27 PM

I need to make some time to quiz you about the whole multi fuel thing. I am saving my pennies I seriously ass need one of those.

My street cred would be infinity to the infinitieth power.

Big Sarge 11-17-2012 08:52 PM

Mult-fuels can run on any flammable liquid except jetfuel. I am running kerosene & ATF in this tank. She holds 50 gallons. Since it is getting cooler, I might try waste motor oil thinned with gas. Of course you can run diesel or fuel oil (non-taxed).

footfootfoot 11-17-2012 09:15 PM

are they street legal or off road only?

BigV 11-18-2012 10:12 AM

you can use kerosene or gasoline, but not jet fuel? That doesn't make sense. Jet fuel *is* primarily kerosene, often mixed with more volatile fuels such as gasoline or naphtha.

infinite monkey 11-18-2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 839175)
I just re-read your thread title, I had thought it said "I'm back. On my back."

I am disappoint.

Then my work here is done.

*twirls gun with six shots of disappoint and puts it into holster. Dons hat of ten gallons of disappoint, and walks off into the sunset*

*trudges back twenty minutes later, mumbling "where's my goddamn horse?"

glatt 11-18-2012 04:19 PM

iMonkey, are you feeling better?

infinite monkey 11-18-2012 04:23 PM


I still have pain...but i am moving around better. I stopped the pain meds yesterday and actually got to hang out with some friends. I may have overdid it a bit, so i took a 'killer today. I go back to doc on tuesday but don't start physical therapy until the monday after the holiday.

Thanks for asking. :)

glatt 11-18-2012 04:32 PM

baby steps

Lamplighter 11-18-2012 06:30 PM

Pls check the source of Rx if/when they want to give you an injection.

infinite monkey 11-18-2012 06:45 PM

They already did an injection of prednisone.

Griff 11-18-2012 07:15 PM

glatt 11-18-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 839434)


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