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morethanpretty 01-21-2009 09:11 PM

Your oddest fears
So what are they? Are you scared of paint drying? Parrots that talk? Hmm?

I'll start:
I'm scared of storm drains. I hate walking on or near them. Even driving by them I'm a bit freaked out. I'm thinking of two possibilities: somehow I'll deny all laws of physics and fall into them, then not beable to fit back out. Or I'm afraid a monster will reach out of it, grab me, and drag me in to the drain, again denying all laws of physics.

Aliantha 01-21-2009 09:12 PM

I hate getting stuck in traffic on bridges. I'm always scared they're going to collapse.

monster 01-21-2009 09:15 PM

Swimming pool drains, although I'm mostly over that now.

I'm always afraid that I'll miss the ramps when I take the car to the car wash. Which is stupid because I'm a very accurate driver/parker and have never missed them yet, but still, I was putting off going longer each time... It got so ridiculous that now I just ask beest to take it in.

Nirvana 01-21-2009 09:16 PM

I am afraid when I dream that the big eyed alien bug people will mess up my bed sheets..:eyebrow:

wood*nymph 01-21-2009 09:20 PM

My oddest fear is a variation of pyrophobia. I love bonfires, campfires, etc. but even a tiny flame (such as a match or candle) anywhere near my face makes me freak out.

Elspode 01-21-2009 09:39 PM

I have an irrational fear of thermonuclear warfare.

Stress Puppy 01-21-2009 09:42 PM

I am paranoid about the chances that if I enter a bathroom and lock the door, I will be unable to unlock the door.

No idea why this happens, but it's happened since I was a teenager.

lumberjim 01-21-2009 10:03 PM

i would be most chagrined if i was pooping at work..... and forgot to lock the door....and someone walked in on me. this would scar me, i fear.

Bullitt 01-21-2009 10:05 PM

My most terrifying imagined experience would definitely be trapped in a coffin underground. No room to really move, completely conscious, no one to hear you and no way to get out. I don't get scared easily, but I would flip the hell out if that ever happened to me.

Clodfobble 01-21-2009 10:20 PM

Well Bullit, the good news is according to Mythbusters you'd run out of air in a very short time, long before you had a chance to die painfully of starvation. You'd black out even faster if you were busy screaming. :)

I'm terrified of my car plunging off a bridge with the kids in the back seat. I've obsessed countless times over the best way to get them out of their carseats and out the car windows.

Sundae 01-22-2009 06:29 AM

- Breaking my cheekbone. I picture myself falling to the floor or into a wall and being unable to protect my face. SMASH! It seems the worst thing in the world to me. Except being impaled by a railing in the same spot. I will cross the road to avoid railings, even if they are higher than my head.

- Mirrors and relective glass. More specifically seeing something in one which isn't there in real life, or seeing my reflection change.

- Fear itself. I worry that my mind will snap. I know it doesn't really happen like that, but from when I was a child I have been scared that one day I will be so scared by something that I will no longer be able to function as a rational human being. This is why even hokey haunted houses scare the bejesus out of me. And rollercoasters (although I love them too). And the dark insde houses. And clowns.

dmg1969 01-22-2009 06:42 AM

Croutons. I can't even walk near a salad bar. <<Shudders>>.

Seriously, my oddest fear is oversleeping and being late for work. I have never overslept, well...maybe once. It is to the point that my body clock wakes me up at least 45 minutes before my alarm goes off. I really don't even need the alarm clock.

sweetwater 01-22-2009 06:49 AM

I'm afraid to post my fears here because ECHELON might glean it and then "they" would use it against me later. Also paralyzing illness/trauma that would leave me unable to exercise my right to death if that is what I chose.

capnhowdy 01-22-2009 06:59 AM

I am very afraid that I may develop some dumbass phobia that makes me scared of stupid, harmless shit.

sweetwater 01-22-2009 07:12 AM

I'm also afraid that some day I will forget to put a smiley on a post and it will be misinterpreted. Oh wait, I just did that! :(

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