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SteveBsjb 07-03-2008 05:41 AM

Seriously, do you believe in guardian angels?
If not guardian angels, people that have passed on lending help to earthbound mortals that they loved. If so to what degree would they help? Gentle nudging?

I ask because I feel that certain things that have happened in my life may have been due to... guardian angel intervention. I lost two very close friends three years ago that knew me very well. If anyone would have helped lead me where I am today, it would have been either of them.

I don't know if I believed in this to any major degree before recent days, but i do now. Anyone else have their minds changed?

Troubleshooter 07-03-2008 11:52 AM


Sundae 07-03-2008 02:29 PM

No, absolutely not.

DanaC 07-03-2008 02:44 PM

No, I don't. But, I'd be interested in hearing what it is about the situation you've found yourself in that is compelling to you.

Flint 07-03-2008 03:02 PM

I think some great things are happening in Steve's life (I gather from skimming across AudioGalaxy on occasion) and I want to say how happy I am for him.

Steve, I've told you my theory on death: that people don't simply disappear--because what made them exist in your life is still alive inside you; and in this context (as I often do, I have re-phrased your post in my own terms) I think there is something to what you are saying.

skysidhe 07-03-2008 03:49 PM

I want to believe in guardian angels. I want to believe in a nicer plane of exsistence once we die. I believe in a god of some sort but not in a human/angelic form and this deep felt truth is at odds with my wanting to believe in angels. I know.

Cloud 07-03-2008 04:08 PM

No. And I hope I'm not being spied on by celestial voyeurs.

Undertoad 07-03-2008 04:46 PM

I don't believe in guardian angels that are dead.

The ones I have that are alive, however, I very much believe in.

xoxoxoBruce 07-03-2008 11:02 PM

Seriously, do you believe in guardian angels?
Of course. I've had one. I've been one.

JuancoRocks 07-04-2008 02:07 AM

Yes...From personal experience while hiking the Grand Canyon.
About the third or fourth time I had hiked the canyon only this time it was a little different.

I went with a bunch of firemen friends from work who had decided to hike at midnight......after we started, they decided to spice it up a little bit by running with full packs in the dark instead of just hiking. We made about 7 or 8 miles and reluctantly decided to stop for the night.

It was kinda cold by then, as we had dropped down almost a mile in elevation, but I was warmed by two "trail dogs" that adopted me and snuggled up to my sleeping bag and kept me warm throughout the night. Early next morning we hiked the rest of the way to the camping area.

I don't normally have any foot problems, but running that night had blistered my feet beyond belief. I think the running had caused my feet to sweat and that caused the blistering. These were quarter sized and were all over both feet.

While walking to the falls to soak my blisters, I met a young lady who was camping alone and she asked why I was limping. After seeing my feet she came up an antiseptic and the most wonderful foam adhesive bandages (not moleskin) and put them on my blisters after I had soaked them in the icy cold water. Instant relief . Ahhh!

I invited her to come up to our camp for dinner that night and she accepted. I told the guys about my meeting with her and that I had invited her for dinner and they being guys immediately determined she just wanted to jump my bones. I assured them that was not the case and besides that I was happily married. She came to dinner and they were almost civilized in their treatment of her.

The night before we were going to hike out, the guys told me they were going to leave me in the dust as I was still limping badly and that they were going to drink all the cold beer I had in my truck at the top of the canyon. No mercy.

That night she came by our camp and offered to leave with me early in the morning (before daybreak) so I would have adequate time to make the twelve mile hike to the top.

We did leave early in the morning and hiked non-stop to the top in 3 hours and 15 minutes. A very fast time and unbelievable considering the condition of my feet.I beat their time by almost an hour.

She drank a frosty cold beer with me, I gave her my business card and a custom hiking stick made from a Saguaro cactus rib and she disappeared into the forest and I never saw or heard from her again.

Reading this, it just doesn't have the same impact as the actual experience. I guess you had to be there.

Lets just say I flew up the canyon on the wings of an Angel......

Big Sarge 07-04-2008 02:39 AM

No. I don't even know if I believe in God anymore. I want to believe, but.....

SteveBsjb 07-04-2008 06:21 AM

I don't know if I believe in God either. I mean... I need more proof. But, life after death... I like to think it's possible. Though if possible I'd hope the "after death" peeps don't waste their time on me. I was and am willing to continue dealing with life as a single man against (and part of) the world. There are much better things that need fixing. But, as I said before, those I lost were so close they'd probably help me if they could. It's not a religious thing. Even though the things that happened to me in the last couple of years could be non-"guardian angel" related, I like to think that there's been some positive interaction.

Thanks for the understanding Noso. I realize maybe I'm comforting myself, but if it was not my friends that passed on helping me with... getting me where I am, then I am equally amazed with the universe randomly helping me help myself when I really needed some validation of my choices. (And don't only glean from AG, take a look at my latest MySpace pics. I have a FAMILY LIFE.)

Well, I'm not really here to explain myself. I am more of a science guy missing my friends and hoping myself worthy of afterlife consideration. It's a nice thought and worth enjoying. I was wondering if others thought these things. I'm sure I used to be someone that would just post "No." to this type of thread topic. And I still appreciate that answer.

DanaC 07-04-2008 06:31 AM

Well, for all my cynicism (and I am deeply cynical about religion, creation, afterlife etc) I try to remind myself, once in a while, of the famous Shakespeare quote:


There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy

SteveBsjb 07-04-2008 06:44 AM

Well that's for sure. Even if Horatio didn't believe.

sweetwater 07-04-2008 07:51 AM

I don't believe in troops of celestial Boy Scouts that hover at my elbow steering me this way and that as I trudge through life, but non-corporal beings that can influence an open mind? Yep. I intend to be one someday, a la Casper. What else is there to look forward to?

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