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skysidhe 10-18-2008 09:04 AM

annoying sayings
When people say," Everything happens for a reason"

Something in me says, "no"

I have not seen bad things happen to people that brings about any good outcome that the person themselves didn't create. The saying seems to imply that by grand design this happened so that something better may transpire.

I think bad things happen just because they do. I think good things happen when the intergrity of the human spirit presses onward to create something better.

Whenever I hear that saying something just sticks in my craw. I know that it is said with the best intentions but it just annoys me.

What are the sayings that peeve you and why?

footfootfoot 10-18-2008 09:22 AM

"Skating on wet ice" is one that annoys me for a number of reasons, not least of which is that it isn't a saying at all.

Sundae 10-18-2008 09:36 AM

I'm so with you there Sky.

Along the same lines is "When God closes a door he opens a window" from people whose closest connection with religion is saying, "Jesus Christ!" when something goes wrong.

I also hate, "PC gone mad" because it's so lazy and is rarely used appropriately. In fact if someone says that, it's usually in response to a story that's been twisted in some way anyway.

"Thinking outside the box". I don't have a box, I have a brain, and it is a living organ. I can't think outside of it, sorry.

Oh and Cold Hands Warm Heart. Because I never have cold hands, and I hate it when people put theirs on me - it's creepy. And cold-hearted.

TheMercenary 10-18-2008 09:37 AM

"It is what it is." I've been hearing it a lot lately. Makes my skin crawl.

Undertoad 10-18-2008 10:10 AM

Well, what goes around comes around.

Trilby 10-18-2008 10:18 AM

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

I'd like to slap the fukker that first said that. Then stuff a lemon in his mouth.

Treasenuak 10-18-2008 10:32 AM

"Everything will be okay" Okay, granted, I understand that under bad circumstances people don't always know what to say and they're trying to comfort you. But nine times out of ten, I KNOW everything's going to be okay, I DON'T need to be reminded, and I'm thinking about RIGHT NOW, when things are definitely NOT okay.

Trilby 10-18-2008 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Treasenuak (Post 495020)
"Everything will be okay" Okay, granted, I understand that under bad circumstances people don't always know what to say and they're trying to comfort you. But nine times out of ten, I KNOW everything's going to be okay, I DON'T need to be reminded, and I'm thinking about RIGHT NOW, when things are definitely NOT okay.

This is when fast acting anxiolytics come in very handy. I recommend xanax. I also recommend alcohol, a smoke and a quickie. If none of these are available, try a mantra. I like, "I'm NOT living in 16th Century Germany...I'm NOT living in 16th Century Germany..."

Undertoad 10-18-2008 10:35 AM

My old boss used to say "Tomorrow is another day."

I'd come back at him with "Also, next Thursday is another day."

Treasenuak 10-18-2008 10:36 AM

Alcohol and a quickie- usually obtainable. A smoke... not if the kid's nearby. And I'm on anti-anxiety drugs :D

SteveDallas 10-18-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 495009)
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

I'd like to slap the fukker that first said that. Then stuff a lemon in his mouth.

There's a Dilbert strip... sorry I can't find it to post.

In the first panel some character says, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. The second panel: Dogbert responds, sure, but that's assuming life will also provide ice, a pitcher, some sugar and glasses.

In the third panel the two stop. The sidewalk they've been walking on has lemons, ice cubes, a pitcher, sugar, and glasses. Dogbert explodes with fury: "WHAT?? NO NAPKINS??"

I'm an introvert. The problem with that is, some people consider introversion to be a disease that needs to be "cured." So, my annoying sayings are anything that smacks of this mind-set. "You should get out and meet some more people.. you'd be happier." Etc.

Trilby 10-18-2008 10:42 AM

Who do you need to meet? You're already here!

skysidhe 10-18-2008 11:30 AM

I agree with all the above!

Other sayings that annoy me are most of the beautides. Sorry god. I hope that dosn't make me a blasphemer.

There are alot of struggling old people that give to corrupt churches on these premises alone.

I used to go to church when I was a poor single mom with a small child. I gave tithe and had to borrow from the church to get milk.

One day I had an aphiphany or maybe it was god speaking to my heart. It was KEEP YOUR MONEY AND BUY YOUR OWN GODDAMN MILK.

penslinger 10-18-2008 01:48 PM

I hate "What's More..."
and "Do the math..."
And my ex used to drive me nuts with "that's not going to happen due to the fact..."
Why can't she just say because??

Cicero 10-18-2008 02:03 PM

Much like, "Everything happens for a reason".......

"It's all for the best."

You can combine both of them and be a real trifle twit.

Someone that was close to me died and that's what I was told. It isn't a good catch-all.

Once it was repeated over and over, I lost it, and began to describe why it wasn't "all for the best".

It's also All for the best if I beat you if you say that, one more time.

Yea. Knee jerk. Major.

That just pisses me off all over again. Carry on!

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