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Undertoad 06-09-2005 11:53 AM

6/9/2005: Pool of beer

42000 pints of beer, says the full Ananova story. The full story doesn't give us much detail other than to say it's "Starkenber Beer Myth resort located in and around the medieval castle of Starkenberger in Austria's Tyrol region".

I couldn't find enough information to verify this thing. There is a Starkenberger brewery...

wolf 06-09-2005 11:55 AM

Even despite the fact that I really, really like beer, I would not drink beer that large, hairy, European men (European. Ohmigod that is so funny in this context) had been lounging in.

Maybe it's really crappy beer.

Uryoces 06-09-2005 12:10 PM

Sausage in beer, anyone?

Queen of the Ryche 06-09-2005 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
Even despite the fact that I really, really like beer, I would not drink beer that large, hairy, European men (European. Ohmigod that is so funny in this context) had been lounging in.

Maybe it's really crappy beer.

Once again Wolf stole my brain.
(If it wasn't crappy beer before.................

glatt 06-09-2005 12:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)

This page explains it all, if you know German.


Ein weiteres Highlight ist das vom international anerkannten Künstler Wernfried Poschusta entworfene Starkenberger Bierschwimmbad. Insgesamt können bis zu sieben Becken gefüllt mit Biergeläger abendweise gemietet werden.

Geläger mit viel Bierhefe wird seit Jahrhunderten erfolgreich gegen Schuppenflechte, unreiner Haut und sonstigen Hauterkrankungen sowie bei offenen Wunden eingesetzt. Zusätzlich fördert die natürliche Kohlensäure die Durchblutung und sorgt für geschmeidige Haut. Der Hopfen beruhigt Körper und Geist.
I'm pretty rusty at the German, but they mention in the second paragraph that bathing in beer is good for you.

wolf 06-09-2005 12:29 PM

Good for skin, skin diseases and is a natural colon cleaner.

Of course I always assumed that meant front to back, rather than the reverse.

"Hops calm body and spirit." I like that one.

Queen of the Ryche 06-09-2005 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by glatt

This page explains it all, if you know German.

I'm pretty rusty at the German, but they mention in the second paragraph that bathing in beer is good for you.

Doesn't look like it improves one's physique.......(and why oh why do they continue to insist on wearing Speedos?)
Too bad it isn't a good depilatory - would improve a lot of European's mens chances.

daniwong 06-09-2005 01:10 PM

And a lot of women's chances too I'm thinking.....

capnhowdy 06-09-2005 05:49 PM

This could probably change people's opinion about liking their beer ice cold.
The colder the beer the smaller the sausage..........

footfootfoot 06-09-2005 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
snip... I would not drink beer that large, hairy, European men (European. Ohmigod that is so funny in this context)

If you're a Russian in the hallway what are you in the bathroom?

European! (you're–a–peein')

(Excellent for the five to seven year old set)

404Error 06-09-2005 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
...Maybe it's really crappy beer.

Well, it is now anyway. :greenface

I wonder how long they have to marinate before they're ready for the BBQ? :p

Packey 06-09-2005 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by glatt

This page explains it all, if you know German.

I'm pretty rusty at the German, but they mention in the second paragraph that bathing in beer is good for you.

This is a pretty brutal translation, but here's the jist...

"Geläger with much beer yeast has become for centuries successful against psoriasis, impure skin, and other skin diseases as well as used in open wounds. In addition, the natural carbon dioxide promotes the through hemorrhage (blood flow) and provides for pliant (elastic) skin. The hops calm the body and spirit."

First off, anytime you couple skin disease and hemorrhaging with beer it's an instant turn-off. And.. open wounds???!!! Whaa... Crimony!!! No thanks!

BTW, hops calms me too. I get five or six 12 oz. hop-filled cans in my tummy, my spirit is about as calm as it gets. :p

xoxoxoBruce 06-09-2005 09:28 PM

Being the last German brand without preservatives, I should think they'd want to change it frequently.
I can't think of anything you could bathe in that would be stickier. (no bukkake jokes please) :p

Hi daniwong, long time no see(read).

plthijinx 06-10-2005 12:15 AM

A further Highlight is internationally acknowledged that of that artist Starkenberger Bierschwimmbad sketched Wernfried Poschusta. Altogether can filled rented become up to seven basins with Biergeläger evening manner.

Geläger with much beer yeast has become for centuries successful against psoriasis, impure skin and other skin diseases as well as in open wounds used. In addition the natural carbon dioxide promotes the through hemorrhage and provides for pliant skin. Body and spirit calms the hops.

ah you know babblefish too......

hampor 06-10-2005 01:22 AM

Wasn't there a joke about this
As I recall there used to be a vaudeville joke about they guy who worked at a brewery and drowned in a vat of beer. He got out three times to use the bathroom.

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