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Rock Steady 05-25-2005 02:45 AM

Apology and Introduction
I have been posting under the female moniker Gwennie!, but I am a 50 yo male software engineer. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I was just goofing around and I didn't expect to last at this forum. But, I got attached to this place. I didn't mean to mess around with anyone. I figure No harm, no Foul. Everything I said under the other moniker was true except the genders. Anyway, I apologize.

At most forums I belong to, I am Rock Steady. I am obsessed with Gwen Stefani. In an attempt to embrace reality, here is an introduction.

At home, I have a wonderful wife and two teenagers. My high-school-senior son has a high-functioning form of autism known as Asperger Syndrom. That and our teenage daughter keep us busy. My wife is a classical pianist. We are from Long Island and lived in Pittsburgh, PA for 15 years beforing moving to the Silicon Valley in 1997.

Started programming in BASIC in high school in 1971 on a TTY-33 over a 110 baud modem to a PDP-10. Got my CS PhD in 1984. Been a search engineer since 1996. I am a chief software architect at one of the largest Internet advertising networks serving over 9 B impressions a month. (In a face near you, ha.) My job is to use linguistic analysis to target advertising to the content of the web page on which the ad appears.

Made some stock option money in the internet bubble, but I blew my early retirement seed funding my own company. We got several VC meetings but no investment. After nine months I laid off all four employees. Last year I was fortunate enough to sell my company and join the parent company as an employee. I continue my work at this fast-growing highly-profitable company.

I have a weakness for consumer electronics.

I am a big fan of the Steelers, Raiders, Trailblazers, and Warriors. Starting next season I have Warriors season tix.

I like the Cellarites. You guys rawk.

cowhead 05-25-2005 03:00 AM

well... okay then. please don't do more of that.. and there are better people to be obsessed with.

for the record I learned basic, cobal and lotus.... got into music and food and forgot them all. damn the bad luck! a the time it looked like a dead end :)

anyway.. kinda shitty for you to do that..the rest of them might take it badly, but thank you for being honest.

ps. you had a 110! we had 33! lucky dog!

Rock Steady 05-25-2005 03:20 AM

thanks for not flaming me.

Actually, I'm sure the most active members figured this out already.

Mostly what I did since I've been back after a 14 month hiatus is to support Brianna. So, it wasn't that shitty of me. I've been Gwennie! at other forums, but properly labeled from the beginning as a pretendster.

elSicomoro 05-25-2005 04:06 AM

As I've said on another forum, RS is a smart motherfucker, and I'm a better person for knowing him.

Catwoman 05-25-2005 05:00 AM

Ah, what's in a name... I don't think I spoke to Gwennie, but hi to you Rock. Good honest turnaround. :thumbsup:

lumberjim 05-25-2005 06:15 AM

i started to type out a spoof about my actually being a 50 yr old empty nest-ed house frau. but then wasnt that funny.

...and to think i showed you my yule log. faeg.

i feel kind of dirty and violated now. and 'rock steady' reminds me of 'rock hudson'. add that to the weird obsessive fixation on gwen and the 'fact' that you're a 40something father, and you get some pretty creepy soup. wearing a butt plug right now? do you cross dress, too?

~to those of you that have been honest about who you are, thank you. this makes me appreciate that a little bit more. ~

i'm still calling you gwennie.

Clodfobble 05-25-2005 09:10 AM

Personally, I'm relieved, I thought the posting-as-if-you-were-Gwen was more than a little stalkerish. What does your family think about your obsession, you don't have a No Doubt themed room in your house or anything, do you?

mrnoodle 05-25-2005 09:17 AM

oh right, like he's the only one in here with an unhealthy fixation. some of these people worship trees for pete's sake. not to mention the friggin cat people. entire threads filled with pics of these loathesome creatures. and the jesus freaks. and the friggin existentialists. and the democrats. if there's not at least 3 crossdressers here, we're missing our quota.

yesterday i was going to PM gwennie and find out if she was actually gwen stefani. then i saw 'software engineer' in the profile (always read your profiles, people) and my immediate thought was...."this is a dude."

and you are dirty and violated, lj. that's what makes your yule log so damn attractive.

everyone's nuts, RS. welcome to the funny farm (and the healthful glow of being honest with your co-cellarites).

Undertoad 05-25-2005 09:57 AM

The Cellar was co-founded by a transsexual, and lived in the house of another trans for a year.

Honesty and openness is valued here. To me, this thread makes up for the original deception. Someone else might have just created a new account and gone legit without mentioning the past situation, or maybe just slunk off into the night. This is a better solution all around.

smoothmoniker 05-25-2005 10:45 AM

And UT still looks damn hot in a dress.

Silent 05-25-2005 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by smoothmoniker
And UT still looks damn hot in a dress.

This sounds like a job for "Photshop Phrenzy".... :)

xoxoxoBruce 05-25-2005 11:20 AM

Well ain't that something. Rock Steady, you WILL send my pictures back and you WILL keep your mouth shut. Understand SHUT! :lol2:
Seriously, welcome to the Cellar in spite of Sycamore's praise.

staceyv 05-25-2005 11:24 AM

:eyebrow: a girl couldn't possibly be a software engineer, huh?

You are not alone as far as being a parent of an aspie

mrnoodle 05-25-2005 11:30 AM

no. girls want to date and get married :lol:

and anyway, I was right, wasn't I?

Dagney 05-25-2005 12:52 PM

Hrm....wait...your terms aren't supposed to be that mutually exclusive there, are they noodle?

I am a girl (wait while I check, it's been a while and I forget....yup....have the mandatory ovaries)

I'm a software engineer. (finally!)

Believe it or not, I DO date....and eventually I'd like to get married and have a family. I've just not had much luck with meeting a 'quality' applicant for the position.

Yes, I'm demanding...but not overly so. (Although some peoples opinions may vary, mine happens to be the right one.)

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