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lumberjim 05-12-2019 07:52 PM

So, how was your day?
Mine was pretty good. About to eat steak and shrimp and asparagus and cauliflower and watch Idol, then Got.


Clodfobble 05-12-2019 09:39 PM

Wuz okay. Mr. Clod tried to be helpful and take the dogs out to pee this morning, except they were NOT having such a drastic change of routine and kept leaping on the bed and stomping all over my face and guts until I got up and took them out myself.

We took my daughter's birthday donations to the animal shelter, Mr. Clod ran an errand for me, and then the four of us went to see Detective Pikachu. It was pretty good for a kids' fluff movie.

DanaC 05-13-2019 01:04 PM

Yesterday - was very relaxing. Nice woods walk with the dog and them chilled out watching American Gods with a smoke

Today - pretty good - work is reasonably low stress at the moment - over the past week and a half the stress levels have come down, the backlog has cleared and the new direct dial system has started to work properly - of course we'll see how it works when we get a weather event and the phones are getting slam busy :P

Griff 05-13-2019 04:41 PM

Kind of a Monday, cold and wet, I did get an email from a friend recruiting for her boss though. hmmm...

lumberjim 05-13-2019 07:47 PM

yeah, odd kind of day here, too.

On Friday, Ripley hit a parked car in a Target parking lot. She did the right thing, left him my number. (I told her to leave mine instead of hers, she's a good person)

he got an estimate, I agreed to pay the $1000 instead of going through insurance....

and after all day talking to him via emails, we realize that he is friends with a guy that works for me, who I'm good friends with (went to his wedding in January). He was very pleased that she didn't just take off. Complimented me (and jinx) on raising good kids.

tw 05-13-2019 09:00 PM

Took some soap and went outside to take a shower.

Around here, we have had so many that they cannot even give them away.

xoxoxoBruce 05-13-2019 11:34 PM

Have you been drinking tw?

Gravdigr 05-14-2019 12:07 PM

Wonder if he makes sense when he's drunk?

He sure doesn't seem to when he's sober...


Carruthers 05-14-2019 04:09 PM

One day here is much like any other although the newspapers tend to be a bit heavier on two of them.

Today, however, I looked after my neighbour's boisterous and energetic Vizsla which was a welcome change in routine.

I took it for a couple of walks before taking it home at about 4.30pm, the neighbour's son having returned from school.

Just after 6.00pm the doorbell rang and both neighbour and dog were there.

She'd taken it for a walk and on passing our drive the dog executed a swift left turn of its own accord and dragged the owner to our door.

I like to think it was a gesture of thanks!

zippyt 05-14-2019 04:21 PM

day started as planned , had some great help from a 4 man crew at a steel mill helping me shim ( adjust height ) up 2 big alloy bins , 1 was a young Army guy , other older dude was ex Navy , so we had a good time ragging on each other and working , got done early
then got to go work on a 20,000 lb tank they make Vasaline in , in the next few days i have the Privilege of crawling around under it to change a load cell , WEEEEE!!!! at least ill be Moisturized .
then my boss called and i have to go see a freaked out customer tomorrow

So over all not that bad a day , weather was nice at least

lumberjim 05-14-2019 04:33 PM

It's been chilly and raining up here for 3 days. Supposed to be nice tomorrow. We're gonna go look at a house.

And then Amandas birthday dinner at capital grill. Shlurpp

Undertoad 05-14-2019 05:18 PM

busy as shit today, and you know how it always goes: customer submitted 9 changes with one modification in each of 'em when they could have submitted one change with 9 modifications in it. innit always the way. big dummies

xoxoxoBruce 05-14-2019 10:29 PM

If the customer had submitted one change with 9 mods and one or more of the mods proved to be impossible or inadvisable, would you have rejected the whole change with the possibility of the other mods getting lost in the shuffle?
I've seen that happen in a manufacturing context.


Undertoad 05-14-2019 10:52 PM

Different for most of our customers, but in this case, we'd just email the person and ask WTF; and they'd say, no just go ahead with the rest, and we'll figure the bogus one out later.

xoxoxoBruce 05-14-2019 11:14 PM

It's a big help when you can talk to or at least text the right person.

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