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Trilby 03-27-2005 01:25 PM

Finger Food
Does anyone else think that it is totally possible for the finger tip (1 and 1/2 inches long with manicured nail attached, maybe an index) found in the woman's bowl of Wendy's chili could actually be from a murdered person? I read where Wendy's checked with all of it's suppliers and NOBODY in any of these places has lost, or reported to have lost, a finger. Kinda makes me want to do a lot of cooking at home.

wolf 03-27-2005 02:07 PM

I knew there was a reason I didn't eat Wendy's Chili.

I wonder if they can determine whether it was cooked in the chili or added later ...

I vaguely remember hearing that most cases of food tampering turn out to be faked to force a large cash settlement on the part of the food vendor ... could the woman have added the finger herself?

Carnivean 03-27-2005 03:22 PM

Wolf: yeah, they can determine if the finger was cooked in the chili or added later. Labs have also done things like run tests on Pepsi mice and the like to discover if those cute, furry little soft drink additives were bottled at the plant or planted in the supermarket or whatever in legal cases involving such things.

Regarding Briana's question, I'm sure a lot of us have eaten crime victims. I have no good reason to suspect that, but making hamburgers and chilli and the like just seems like a wonderful way to dispose of a corpse.

Okay. Off to Wendy's, and then the video store. I wonder if they have Soylent Green?

wolf 03-27-2005 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Carnivean
Okay. Off to Wendy's, and then the video store. I wonder if they have Soylent Green?

That's part of my collection, although I do have to replace it on DVD ... I'm trying to decide if I go with the obvious choice for Easter viewing (The Passion of the Christ) or if I take a different approach.

I don't have it and didn't like it when I saw it in a theater, but I would tend to select things like Fatal Attraction. Because of the Bunny.

This thread makes me think of Fargo, though.

I try to avoid dining in city restaurants managed by people with bent noses whose names end in vowels, so I probably cut down on that somewhat.

I wonder about the composition of Asian dishes sometimes, though.

lookout123 03-27-2005 11:02 PM

finger in the chili??? guess we know what they did with dear ol' Dave, now don't we?

OnyxCougar 03-28-2005 01:22 PM

So is this woman suing for millions of dollars?

Trilby 03-29-2005 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by OnyxCougar
So is this woman suing for millions of dollars?

But of course! Isn't that why American's are so great? She lawyered up right away...and still no news on owner of the finger...dang.

vsp 03-29-2005 03:50 PM

For what it's worth, if I got a bowl of chili from a restaurant and it had a HUMAN FINGER in it, damn right I'd lawyer up. That's years of therapy waiting to happen right there.

Pie 03-29-2005 04:35 PM

I'd lawyer it up, too. Not because of the "mental pain and anguish" but rather understandable, justifiable plain-n-simple outrage. Bitch-slap them into the next century. That's all corporations understand - $$. :mad2:
- Pie

lookout123 03-29-2005 04:43 PM

i'd have to sue - i mean, you don't put fingers in your mouth... you never know where they have been.

Trilby 03-29-2005 04:46 PM

Yeah, it's totally fine by me that she sue. At least there really IS some merit to 'mental anguish' here. If I were her, though, my very first move would not be to lawyer up but to get myself to a fabulous doctor and have blood work done. Pronto.

mrnoodle 03-29-2005 05:17 PM

I wouldn't eat Wendy's chili with or without fingers. I worked there in high school, here's how we made it:

The burgers are fresh, normally. They're staged on the grill according to doneness. After about 6 flips or so, they become dried out and nasty and go in a bucket under the grill. Five gallons of congealed grease and burnt meat later, the bucket is dumped on a cutting board in back, where we chopped up the patties with a spatula, then put the result in yet another bucket (not the same one, but still nasty and greasy). The package of chili seasoning is dumped into this. Only one ingredient left: water.

Water from the mop closet, because that tap is near the floor and 5 gallons of meat is heavy. The tap has a length of garden hose attached to it that has become black with age, crud from the mop bucket and, well, chili meat.

If they served that shit on Fear Factor, someone else would get the $50k.

404Error 03-29-2005 07:04 PM

Ooookay...glad I only had hot dogs for dinner. They couldn't be as bad as all that, right? :greenface

Carnivean 03-29-2005 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
Yeah, it's totally fine by me that she sue. At least there really IS some merit to 'mental anguish' here. If I were her, though, my very first move would not be to lawyer up but to get myself to a fabulous doctor and have blood work done. Pronto.

I imagine the chilli was pretty safe to eat if it had all been cooked. It's just the gross-out factor that gets me. I agree that the Wendy's customer deserves to win a lawsuit.

Thank goodness the only fastfood joint I eat at is KFC, where the chicken is, well, you know . . .

AnthonyFrankChirico 03-29-2005 08:49 PM

in response to"pagan on a HolyDay"

Originally Posted by Brianna
Does anyone else think that it is totally possible for the finger tip (1 and 1/2 inches long with manicured nail attached, maybe an index) found in the woman's bowl of Wendy's chili could actually be from a murdered person? I read where Wendy's checked with all of it's suppliers and NOBODY in any of these places has lost, or reported to have lost, a finger. Kinda makes me want to do a lot of cooking at home.

AS TOLD by RAY MANDO, my National Security Advisor, to Anthony Chirico,"only Fools don't return phonecalls and Fools don't pay their taxes"

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