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Aliantha 06-21-2011 07:00 PM

UT, I've been in this mindset myself for the last few weeks. I don't have any answers other than to just ride it out. Try and focus on the knowledge that these feelings don't last forever.

Eat more turkey! (high in serotonin)

jimhelm 06-21-2011 08:29 PM

chin up, dana! we loves us some dana too!

so, uh... tony... can i get some of that Bud Light?

Jaydaan 06-22-2011 11:23 PM

Well... just got off the phone with my mother... seems my aunt was found bloodied and beaten to a %$^@#%$ pulp, and within an inch of her life (if we are lucky). There was dried blood on her face and hair, so she had been there alone for at least a few hours when her husband found her. She is in intensive care right now, with bleeding in her brain, swelling and god knows what else.

There was no evidence, and they think maybe one of her kids ( 27yrs old) might have done it... but they are not sure. Because my uncle was so calm on the phone ( he always is calm, its his nature) they took him into custody over night... they let him out this morning, because of the fact the dried blood says he could not have been in 2 places at once. If she wakes up, and is not a vegetable, she might be able to tell them.

SIGH This sucks. She does not know anyone right now... do I take the time off work, grab as much cash as I can... and go see her... or do I wait? She is my favorite aunt, but honestly have only talked to her a few times in the past few years. My mother is not even sure of what to do, and they are super close... they talk every day. We are afraid if she passes, we will need to go out for a funeral. Or if she does not come out of it, and never recognizes us again, is it worth the money right now? I doubt I will go out. I am not close enough to the family to go out in their time of stress... I do not even like my mother overly much... but this still sucks. My heart goes out to them, it really does.

zippyt 06-22-2011 11:28 PM

Time for the wood chipper !!

Lola Bunny 06-23-2011 06:55 AM

So sorry to hear about your aunt, Jaydaan. :( I hope your aunt will get better. If she's in a coma, there's nothing you can do for her even if you're physically there. Is her husband by her side?

Lola Bunny 06-23-2011 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 741503)
Time for the wood chipper !!

I just realized that Zippy is a man of few words. Well, I hope they catch the bastard.

casimendocina 06-23-2011 07:51 AM

Jaydaan, that's awful. I hope that she recovers. In these situations, I would always say that if you can, go and spend time with her, even if she is in a coma. Your presence may assist her even if she is not able to show recognition. My view is that if she does pass on, but you've spent time with her beforehand, then the funeral is not something that must be attended.

glatt 06-23-2011 08:06 AM

If I'm ever in a coma, I would not want distant relatives to go to any trouble to come visit me. I'd want my wife to visit, and if my kids are in town, that would be nice too. But I wouldn't want anyone going to any real trouble or financial burden.

Jaydaan 06-23-2011 09:16 AM

Her husband is there... now... he was not at first, because they took him to jail! My aunt is very practical, I will not go myself, but have encouraged my mother to. The last thing her 6 kids, grandkids, 3 siblings and who knows who else needs is another person to worry about/feed/shelter etc.

Then I find out my great aunt passed away 2 weks ago, my daughter was to tell me, and didn't because " you were not online " I told my mother to contact me personally, and not expect my daughter to tell me anything important. This is also the same daughter that "forgot" to tell my my mother had a heart attack in Nov. SIGH

Then... my husbands dad calls. Hubby's uncle is in hospital with a 30% of surviving. I didn't get details.

What a day!

classicman 06-23-2011 10:44 AM

So sorry to hear all that. Some family is great to have with you at a time like this.
Too many is an added burden. YMMV

Spexxvet 06-23-2011 10:48 AM

That's horrible, Jay

infinite monkey 06-23-2011 10:57 AM

Sending warm thoughts your way Jay. How awful. :(

footfootfoot 06-23-2011 11:03 AM

Jaydaan, that is too wretched for words. Is your Aunt in Canada?

Trilby 06-23-2011 02:26 PM

Why do I read this thread? Terrible things happen here.

I'm so sorry Jaydaan.

Lola Bunny 06-23-2011 03:49 PM

I'm so sorry to hear everything's happening. Today is not a good day indeed. :(

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