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Undertoad 12-20-2005 05:17 PM

12/20/2005: PARKing space

via Boing Boing. IotD always enjoys interesting protest, and art that may or may not be odd or silly. Here is a sort of combination, as these folks set up a temporary public park in a metered parking space to protest the lack of green space.

And a fine job was done, with real sod. Where else but in San Francisco?

Pretty proper signage!

But their point is evident, at least in this crop: in certain areas, the city has provided expensive real estate for parking but none for open green space.

xoxoxoBruce 12-20-2005 05:34 PM

I suppose you could set up a tent if you had an alarm clock to get up and feed the meter every couple hours. :D

daniwong 12-20-2005 09:46 PM

This has been an ongoing thing in San Fran - they now have like 7 other parking spots around the city like this. I think - personally - that its kinda cool since I always Bart into San Fran as I hate driving there.

Elspode 12-20-2005 10:11 PM

This is a great example of peaceful, creative, non-destructive protest that drives home a powerful point. Good for them.

capnhowdy 12-21-2005 06:53 AM

Cool. And a very good point.
So, I guess as long as you pay for the metered space you can use it any way you want.

Pretty expensive rent though.

tang 12-21-2005 09:04 AM

If they're so concerned about the lack of green space, they should buy some of that real estate and plant grass and trees on it. But, they probably think someone else should do that for them.

glatt 12-21-2005 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by tang
But, they probably think someone else should do that for them.

Kind of like thinking someone else should make note of the properties of bubble gum, huh?

tang 12-21-2005 11:02 PM

I'm not sure I see the similarity.

#1 - I did make note of that. Should I find myself stranded on a deserted island with a large supply of gum, I will try to find a way to put that knowledge to good use.

#2 - I did not make any demands on the owners of the wall that they should use their property in a manner that would please me.

#3 - I don't feel strongly enough about the use of gum to stage a protest.

#4 - My observation regarding gum was given freely to anyone who would care to profit from it. I was giving, instead of asking to be given to.

#5 - It was a joke.

ferfanerd 12-22-2005 10:38 AM

Maybe the city should designate more space for parks. Isn't that the point of the whole thing? The city decides and zones areas for certain kinds of developoment, right? If they didn't do a good job at preserving some land for parks and what not, maybe they should be held responsible. Most individuals can't afford to buy property like that just to donate it for public use. Not to mention someone will have to keep up the property, otherwise it is just a place for weeds to grow. For you two that are debating whether or not they should protest (atleast thats what I think you are doing), my opinion is that if they want these types of spaces in their city, they need to say something somehow.

glatt 12-22-2005 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by ferfanerd
For you two that are debating whether or not they should protest (atleast thats what I think you are doing), my opinion is that if they want these types of spaces in their city, they need to say something somehow.

I think this group is doing a great job of bringing an issue to light. They are being creative, peaceful, and even a little funny. I think part of a government's job is to plan the growth of a city, and green spaces are a vital part of a livable city. Talking about it is a good thing.

I took a little jab at tang because he was making unsupported negative claims about what this group stands for. He accuses them of expecting someone else to solve their problems. Then less than 5 minutes later, he calls for someone else to work on a problem he poses. My jab at him is a little juvenile, but he is being unfair to this group and a hypocrite too.

Elspode 12-22-2005 12:40 PM

Providing public green space is a noble thing for private enterprise to do, but in a large city where land is pricey and scarce, it isn't likely to happen. That's why we rely on government entities to provide these common areas for the use of all taxpayers. Without sufficient green space, a city becomes a fetid, sweltering, soulless island of concrete. Bleck.

xoxoxoBruce 12-22-2005 05:22 PM


Without sufficient green space, a city becomes a fetid, sweltering, soulless island of concrete.
Yeah, but at least all the snakes are carrying briefcases. :D

AureliusVin 01-20-2006 07:54 PM

[Yeah, but at least all the snakes are carrying briefcases.]

How true, how true.

AureliusVin 01-20-2006 07:55 PM

Question, why didn't that quote appear as it is supposed to?

busterb 01-20-2006 08:06 PM

click close current tags. Hell I don't know, but that works for me.

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