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Whit 02-24-2004 12:18 AM

Karma? Is it and if so what is it?

Posted by Elspode on a thread far from here:
Am I the only one here who believes that what comes around, goes around?
      What an excellent question. I, for one, don't believe so. That's right I don't believe in karma, nor divine judgement. In my life I've not see the universal scales balance themselves to give anyone their what they deserve, good or bad. In fact, I've mostly found that the line "No good deed goes unpunished" is more accurate than Ep's quote above.
      Sound kind of bleak? It's not. Two things make the differnce to me, pride and principle. My principles make me pretty damn honest and protective of the weak, as well as preventing me from doing harm in all but self defense or defense of others. While pride locks me on to my principles with no room for error.
      Another thing that brightens my life, seeing decency and kindness in others. Especially when they don't believe they'll get anything from it other than self-satisfaction. It's beautiful to see in people. It does exist, even if it's not as common as it should be.

      None of that is the point of this thread. I was hoping that many of you would share your views on the subject. That's the point of the thread. I just wanted to throw mine up for review before I asked anyone else to. So, tear up my veiws and/or give your own. Either way I'm good. Just don't stay silent, please, I'm really curious about this issue.

wolf 02-24-2004 12:56 AM

One of the things about karma, is that no one knows where the balance sheet stands ... karma is not an instant quid pro quo of rewards and punishments. Stuff is worked out over lifetimes.

Having the car break down, the wife leave you, and a tree fall onto your uninsured house may be hardships you face because of something your soul did several lifetimes back rather than that time day before yesterday you pinched the waitress' ass and didn't tip her.

lumberjim 02-24-2004 12:57 AM

karma. It's what's for dinner.

I do believe in karma. But in a kind of different way. I think we magnetize ourselves to certain types of karma. I dont think there is a literal correlation, like do something bad, somthing bad will happen, but i do think if you feel you deserve bad things to happen, and you expect them, you're more likely to experience them. self fulfilling prophecy.

with a proud and honorable self image, and enough confidence to not beleive in karma, you exemplify the positive swing on that pendulum, whit. You attract positives with your energy. You see opportunities for positives, and are more likely to reach for them because of your confidence that they will work for you. A loser would see the hazards and not notice the opportunity; or if he did see it, try so timidly that the opportunity passes and they miss it or botch it.

use the force, whit.

Whit 02-24-2004 01:29 AM

      Wolf, yeah I know karma is a long-term thing. I've just known/known of a few complete rat-bastards that died pretty happy. I acknowledge that I have no idea what happens after death, just don't have any reason to believe things'll be all that much different.
      Jim, gosh, between you and Elspode I'm ready to blush. Heh, on subject though, I'd like to think I turn things to a positive, likely though I'm just bulling through on sheer stubbornness. Can't let a little things like pain and/or failure bother you, after all.

Happy Monkey 02-24-2004 06:59 AM

I view karma as essentially the golden rule. If you make a habit of hurting other people, eventually someone will get you back.

blue 02-24-2004 07:38 AM

I believe the "over a lifetime" balance of things, but...


hardships you face because of something your soul did several lifetimes back
...that just sucks. Thanks, I'm all bummed for the day now. :p

novice 02-24-2004 07:42 AM


Originally posted by Happy Monkey
I view karma as essentially the golden rule. If you make a habit of hurting other people, eventually someone will get you back.
I'm with you on this. To me it's a slightly more esoteric version of "Do unto others...."

Pie 02-24-2004 08:14 AM


Originally posted by Happy Monkey
I view karma as essentially the golden rule. If you make a habit of hurting other people, eventually someone will get you back.
That also jibes with the well-known "tit for tat" rule of psychology. Hurt other people, cheat them or let them down, and they are more likely to do the same to you later.

Of course, this may no longer apply in the days of huge, soulless corporations and Big Brother government. They have no memory and no concience.

- Pie, who does not believe in karma, just human nature.

xoxoxoBruce 02-24-2004 09:02 AM

Karma? A catch- all phrase for random acts of senseless ________.
Could be good or bad like receiving a DoDad out of the blue or blue ice from above.:cool:

funkykule 02-24-2004 09:45 AM

DoDad? blue ice? anyone with me in my puzzlement?

blue 02-24-2004 09:47 AM

Welcome Funky. No, you're the only one.

funkykule 02-24-2004 02:16 PM

thanks blue! well, any chance of an explanation?

blue 02-24-2004 02:18 PM

Dodads are covered in the Quality Images forum, and I just assumed blue ice was airplane pee.

Happy Monkey 02-24-2004 02:52 PM

That would be a good assumption.

ladysycamore 02-24-2004 03:23 PM


Originally posted by novice

I'm with you on this. To me it's a slightly more esoteric version of "Do unto others...."

Or "God don't like ugly". Not that I'm all that religious, but I do believe in karma and retribution.


hardships you face because of something your soul did several lifetimes back
Sheesh, well then I wanna know what the hell I did in another life to be in the situation I'm in! :D

I demand a recount!!! :p

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