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classicman 05-26-2012 11:28 AM

Election 2012
Get your game faces on! Less than 6 months to go.

classicman 05-26-2012 11:36 AM

I watched this last year and was recently reminded of it on another forum.
I'll post it here as well. Seems fitting enough.


"JOHN HEILEMANN: To me the core difference between 2008 and 2012 is going to be politics of hope which we saw in 2008 versus the politics of fear in 2012. They won't call it that, but so much of this campaign in terms of driving turnout among all of these groups to be about making the Republican alternative totally unacceptable. And they are going to have a billion dollars. You are going to see a negative, an onslaught of negative advertising we’ve never seen anything like. We’ve never seen anything…

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: If the story is hope for Obama, how does he build that by trashing his opponents?

HEILEMANN: No, now it's fear this time. 2012 it's fear of the alternative. And it's $500 million of negative ads run against Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman or Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry?

MATTHEWS: Does the public want to see that, the President of the United States trashing his opponent?

HEILEMANN: The public may not want to see it, but they’re going to get it, and in the past even though they say they don't want to see it, it has worked in the past, just not on this scale.

GLORIA BORGER, CNN: It’s a very old Democratic campaign running against Republican extremists."

Fear of change. Unbelievable. When Democrats win, it's "hope" yet when Republicans win, it's because of "fear" and they are "angry". That's how the left has framed the debate. And that's why it's impossible to have a serious conversation about the economy, stimulus, debts, Healthcare, tax hikes, free trade... Well done. Continue to insult us and to express contempt for our ideas and our philosophy, but at least don't expect us to compromise with you. You started a dirty campaign against us when Reagan, Bush, Gingrich and Bush 43 were in power, now you have it. A divided nation.

Sundae 05-26-2012 01:50 PM

Well, Boris Johnson has won as Mayor of Londn. Again. Sigh.
And the campaign for Scottish independence doesn't go to vote until 2014 - although the SNP have started their Yes campaign already.

So I can only assume you are referencing the Eurovision Song Contest.
Go Humperdinck, go!

classicman 05-31-2012 10:14 PM

OK you wimps ...

Who the hell is Fred Karger????
Obama and Romney were in a statistical tie. :/

BigV 06-01-2012 07:08 PM

I side 84% with Barack Obama on issues of Social, Domestic policy, Foreign Policy, Science, Immigration, and the Environment. More info

I side 73% with Kent Mesplay on issues of Social, Healthcare, Immigration, Science, and the Environment. More info

I side 67% with Jill Stein on issues of Social, Immigration, Science, and the Environment. More info

I side 24% with Ron Paul on issues of Domestic policy. More info

I side 15% with Mitt Romney on issues of the Environment. More info


I expanded all the question sections.

Ibby 06-01-2012 07:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 38922

Spexxvet 06-02-2012 08:53 AM


I side with Kent Mesplay on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Candidates you side with...

76% Kent Mesplay
I side with Kent Mesplay on issues of Science and the Economy. More info

75% Barack Obama
I side with Barack Obama on issues of Healthcare, Science, and Domestic policy. More info

68% Gary Johnson
I side with Gary Johnson on issues of Social and Domestic policy. More info

19% Ron Paul
I side with Ron Paul on issues of Domestic policy. More info

16% Mitt Romney
I side with Mitt Romney on issues of Domestic policy. More info

Who you side with by party...
75% Democratic

70% Green

52% Libertarian

16% Republican

In a nutshell...
You are a moderate Democrat. You are socially and fiscally Liberal. Despite your moderate Democratic stances, you may tend to disagree with the party on science and healthcare issues.
Look at me bein' all moderate and shit.

maineiac04631 06-02-2012 07:01 PM

Ron Paul
I side with Ron Paul on issues of the Economy, Domestic policy, Healthcare, Immigration, Foreign Policy, and the Environment.


Gary Johnson
I side with Gary Johnson on issues of Domestic policy, the Economy, Foreign Policy, the Environment, Social, and Science.


Mitt Romney
I side with Mitt Romney on issues of the Economy, Domestic policy, Immigration, and the Environment.


Jimmy McMillan
I side with Jimmy McMillan on issues of the Economy, Domestic policy, Immigration, and Social.


Fred Karger
I side with Fred Karger on issues of Healthcare and Science.


Jill Stein
I side with Jill Stein on issues of Healthcare, Social, and Science.


Kent Mesplay
I side with Kent Mesplay on issues of Foreign Policy, Social, and Science.


Barack Obama
I side with Barack Obama on issues of Social and Science.


xoxoxoBruce 06-02-2012 08:07 PM

Danger, Danger, Will Robinson
This could be a real threat this election.

The problem stems from the lopsided margins President Obama will surely pile up in a few uncontested states with big populations, including California, New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts. Romney, meanwhile, will likely prevail by comparable margins in only relatively small states: Utah, Idaho, the Dakotas, Alabama, and Alaska. The big states that offer Romney his most plausible path to Electoral College victory probably will be won by much smaller margins, leaving Obama with a clear popular-vote advantage.

All credible scenarios for a Romney victory with his “swing state” strategy begin with the presumptive GOP nominee holding all 22 states McCain carried, which are worth six additional electoral votes this time because of reapportionment. From this Republican base, Romney needs to implement a three/two/one trifecta: winning back the three traditionally Republican states (Indiana, North Carolina, and Virginia) that Obama carried last time; seizing the two perennial battlegrounds that elected George W. Bush twice (Ohio and Florida); and then winning one more state—even a very small state—(New Hampshire is a likely candidate) to bring him the magic number of 270 electoral votes.

In order to accomplish this feat, Romney needs to add as few as 650,000 votes to McCain’s totals in just six decisive states to get an Electoral College victory with the bare minimum of 270 votes, even though Obama won in 2008 with a near-landslide margin of nearly 9 million votes in the popular total—18 times Al Gore’s popular-vote advantage over Bush.

TheMercenary 06-05-2012 07:44 PM

I side with anyone who is against the Liberal Savior....

Stormieweather 06-06-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 813944)
I side with anyone who is against the Liberal Savior....

Where's the intelligence in that?

I mean, reasonable and intelligent individuals would presumably form a position about who they side with based on actual facts rather than emotional REactions.

TheMercenary 06-06-2012 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 814068)
Where's the intelligence in that?

I mean, reasonable and intelligent individuals would presumably form a position about who they side with based on actual facts rather than emotional REactions.

It is not about emotion. The problem is that people vote on emotion, not fact. If you vote on facts you will not vote for Obama. Liberals vote on nothing but emotion. Everyone else votes on the facts.

monster 06-06-2012 09:35 PM


Jus' sayin'

BigV 06-07-2012 10:11 PM

No we don't. You're either ignorant (doubt it) or trolling (practically certain). But I'll make your trolling worthwhile by calling you on it.

bluecuracao 06-07-2012 11:03 PM

Candidates you side with...

92% Barack Obama
I side with Barack Obama on issues of Social, the Economy, Science, Immigration, Domestic policy, Foreign Policy, and Healthcare.

87% Jill Stein
I side with Jill Stein on issues of the Economy, Immigration, Science, Social, Domestic policy, Foreign Policy, Healthcare, and the Environment.

84% Kent Mesplay
I side with Kent Mesplay on issues of the Economy, Immigration, Social, Domestic policy, Science, Foreign Policy, Healthcare, and the Environment.

72% Fred Karger
I side with Fred Karger on issues of Immigration, Social, Foreign Policy, Science, and the Environment.

59% Gary Johnson
I side with Gary Johnson on issues of Immigration and Science.

37% Ron Paul
I do not side with Ron Paul on any major issues.

33% Jimmy McMillan
I side with Jimmy McMillan on issues of Healthcare.

13% Mitt Romney
I do not side with Mitt Romney on any major issues.

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