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Undertoad 10-13-2002 06:58 PM

How to get the sniper
(Int'l folks, a lone deranged sniper is killing people randomly in the DC area)

I'm lucky in that I don't live in the affected area. But if I did, I have a theory. If you're out there pumping gas and the guy next to you gets hit, try to figure out where the shot came from, and sprint that direction.

Since the guy only takes one shot you may succeed at flushing him out.

Hey, it's something. Everybody feels powerless...

wolf 10-13-2002 07:15 PM

Re: How to get the sniper

Originally posted by Undertoad
try to figure out where the shot came from, and sprint that direction.

Except that we're dealing with entirely the wrong state here ... that SHOULD be "Shoot in that direction".

I have, throughout, found it interesting that he/they chose to start in a state where you can't shoot back.

elSicomoro 10-13-2002 09:31 PM

Re: Re: How to get the sniper

Originally posted by wolf
I have, throughout, found it interesting that he/they chose to start in a state where you can't shoot back.
Maggie touched on this in another thread. But from what I've seen, I don't think it has anything to do with that. Maybe I'm asking a stupid question here, but who are you going to shoot at?

Cam 10-13-2002 09:46 PM

The guy with the gun

elSicomoro 10-13-2002 10:17 PM

Stoopid me...I wasn't even giving consideration to the fact that this sniper could make a fuck up.

D'oh! My bad.

jaguar 10-14-2002 04:03 AM

Ok so the theroy is if he was in a place where people carried firearms you're going to instantly be able to work out where a SNIPER is hiding, fast enough before he has time to move and then randomly let off shots in the rough direction the shot came from, in the hope of hitting him? Well gee that sounds like a damn fine way to wing a bystander or 10.


The guy with the gun
Which one? ;)

dave 10-14-2002 08:58 AM

Re: Re: How to get the sniper

Originally posted by wolf
I have, throughout, found it interesting that he/they chose to start in a state where you can't shoot back.
Ja, das ist wahr. But here in Virginia, we <b>do</b> carry.

(Though not myself personally, 'cause it would be kinda pointless, because I can't possess weapons on company property anyway. Again, not me personally - company-wide rule. :) )

Cam 10-14-2002 09:35 AM


Which one?
Kind of makes you understand why we have gun control.
Not that the sniper himself doesn't give us a reason, but imagine everyone carrying around a gun in the Washington D.C. area, that would be scary, especially with everyone on edge.

dave 10-14-2002 10:01 AM

Imagine if people were legally required to undergo very thorough training before being issued a CCP. And imagine that they had to undergo refresher courses every few years, and pass a test every few years that indicated they were mentally and physically healthy enough to carry a weapon. Sorta like a driver's license.

Imagine how much <b>safer</b> it would be.

Cam 10-14-2002 10:37 AM

ingenious, now why didn't our incredibly intelligent elected officials come up with that one.

hermit22 10-14-2002 11:08 AM

Because the second most powerful lobby won't let them.

Beestie Boy 10-14-2002 12:04 PM


I'm lucky in that I don't live in the affected area. But if I did, I have a theory. If you're out there pumping gas and the guy next to you gets hit, try to figure out where the shot came from, and sprint that direction.
I live in VA and work in DC and cut through MD to get to work and lemme tell you - I'm nervous everytime I step out of my car. I long for the days of good ole' fashioned run of the mill serial killers. This guy has everyone scared - the randomness in victims, locations, time of day, etc. is just too much.

If the guy next to me goes down at the local Sunoco (and I recently gassed up at the site of the last killing), I'm gettin the helle out of dodge - and I'm no chicken either but I am NOT messing with a guy who can pop me from 150 yards.

This guy has killed 8 people with 10 bullets! He hasn't had to reload since he started!!

dave 10-14-2002 12:18 PM

It's funny that Tony started this thread, 'cause I was thinking about it yesterday when Andrea and I were eating lunch, and I was thinking that if she got shot, I would try and figure where the shot came from... and then sprint in that direction. At least try to SEE something.

Ja, I might get killed. But what if I got the license plate number? Or if I got a good view of the shooter?

Now, he's already got this figured out... he's only shooting people that are by themselves. So no one can realize where the shot came from and then look in that direction. But... if that were to happen, that's exactly what I'd do.

By the way, I live in Fairfax City, and the guy at the Sunoco Wednesday night was some 8 miles from my house. So he's definitely close...

BrianR 10-14-2002 12:32 PM

well, I live right in that area, near BWI.

I fel helpless because I don't have the means to shoot back, even though I have to agree with jag on this one point...I would not just randomly return fire into a blind range. I wouldn't take the chance of hitting someone else downrange.

But I don't do anything differently. I mow the lawn, I wash the car (at night so the water cops don't catch me) I walk my dogs and make my friends kid gas up my car. :rolleyes:

I do not fear the sniper. I take some comfort in knowing that he'll never be taken alive. He'll (notice the assumption of masculinity here) either kill himself when cornered or he'll be shot "trying to escape". Either way, he won't waste any more taxpayer money.


Cam 10-14-2002 03:00 PM

Ahh you all should move to Montana, not only can you shoot back, it's safer. As long as you stay off the highway :) .

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