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ZenGum 11-05-2007 09:37 AM

Stupid People
Stupid people are all around us. They're annoying but can be fun to laugh at, or at least, laugh about. So share your stupid people stories here!

Here's mine, from today:
I was hurrying to the subway, and got in the elevator, which is the quickest route from street level to the concourse. Two other people got in at the same time. One stood near the control buttons and diligently pushed the "up" button.
Folks, we were on the street level. Trying to get to the subway. SUB - way. Duh.
The light flashed and went off.
So she pushed it again.
She pushed the button three &%$#ing times!
Finally her friend said something to her and she pushed the "down" button, and away we went.
As soon as the doors opened I scooted out. I don't want anyone like that in my way, they might forget to breathe and fall down or something.
Okay, only mildly stupid, but threads have to start somewhere.

Cloud 11-05-2007 09:49 AM

yeah--stupid people are everywhere. it's easy to put people down for being dumb. It's one of my failings. But I've learned the hard way that intelligence is only one measure of a man and does not equal worth.

zippyt 11-05-2007 10:09 AM

Hey Now !! I make a liveing from stupid folks !!!
Like driveing 2 hours to press NumLock !!
or driveing 4 hours to plug in a printer ,
Or just today getting a call from somebody on how to set their time and date , ( they had gotten into set up and knocked EVERY thing back to fact defaults !!)
My answer to stupid folks , " sign Here !! "

Cicero 11-05-2007 10:46 AM

Hmmm...Saturday morning I had to pour creamer in someone's coffee for them because they couldn't get it out of the container...She may have been stupid...but maybe she just needed some coffee....I'm not sure! She set the container down, confused, picked up and set it down...she just didn't know how to do it.
I grabbed the container from the counter and unscrewed the lid a little bit, and poured her creamer for her. The lid didn't need to be unscrewed...but out of politeness, I acted like that was what was wrong with it.

She probably just needed coffee...or she was too stupid to pour something out of a caraffe. I don't know. Saturday mornings can be rough for young people depending on their Friday nights...when they act really stupid.

I know...because I have been that stupid.

Perry Winkle 11-05-2007 10:49 AM

Also, absent-mindedness is not stupidity. Just because I was too spacy to notice those olive-roll looking things were actually teabuns doesn't make me stupid.

rkzenrage 11-05-2007 10:50 AM

Every now and then someone will open the door for me and stand in the doorway looking at me waiting for me to wheel in or out, holding the door open.
It happens more than I like to think about.

Flint 11-05-2007 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 403598)
Every now and then someone will open the door for me and stand in the doorway looking at me waiting for me to wheel in or out, holding the door open.
It happens more than I like to think about.

Those goddamn motherfuckers.

Clodfobble 11-05-2007 02:22 PM


stand in the doorway
This is the part that makes them stupid, Flint. I bet it's happened to you too--someone is so determined to be polite that they stretch the shit out of their arm trying to hold an inward-swinging door open while also trying to let the other person go first.

freshnesschronic 11-05-2007 02:47 PM

Yeah I'm pretty stupid.

I'm pretty sure I got conned today.
An overweight woman was walking on the street today and me and my roommate and his friend were going home from class. She stopped us and said she is a victim of domestic abuse and she's pregnant and not from around here (Champaign Urbana, Illinois, USA) and is raising 38 dollars to get her "home."
My roommate said "what do you want us to do" and she said "just spare a little money so I can go home."

We reach for our wallets and my roommate pulls out a dollar. She says "sir you can help me out more than that (with some attitude!)" and I KNEW my roommate really wanted to say "bitch please be grateful!" but I wanted to get her to shutup so I gave her a 10. Yeah (that 10 was from my mom in a Halloween card she sent me! :yeldead: ). She said "thank you sir" then turned to H, my roommate's friend, and asked if he could help. He was very reluctant, but gave her a 5 (because I showed up my roommate with a 10, fuck I feel bad for H cause it's my fault).

10 minutes later reflecting on this I can tell she was a con artist. It's probably bullshit she isn't from around here just walking on CAMPUS calling out domestic abuse and she's "pregant" when she's really just fat. Fuck but my dumbass fell for it.

Reminds me of a time I was leaving my girlfriend's dorm and a well dressed walking man approached me and said his family was in the car a ways back and he was looking for I 74 interstate and needs money to get home and mentioned his Baptist church. Well I could tell from that immediately that it was bullshit so I said "I don't have my wallet unfortunately, but God Bless and I hope you do ok." God Bless made him grin and fortunately leave without me being conned (but he did ask me about my bike as I was unlocking it to leave).

But this time I was dumb. And now my roommate is jokingly calling me an asshole for forcing H to get his money doped. But it's true, how funny it is that I'm the asshole here.

glatt 11-05-2007 03:02 PM

Don't worry about it. Ten dollars is a small price to pay to learn this life lesson. It's actually the perfect amount, because it's enough that you will pay attention, but not enough to hurt you. You won't be conned anywhere near as easily next time because of this experience. Consider it an investment in your future ability to detect scams.

rkzenrage 11-05-2007 03:07 PM


"sir you can help me out more than that (with some attitude!)"
Bill goes back in my wallet and I give her .50 at that point.

Sundae 11-05-2007 03:42 PM

Fresh you probably were conned, but you weren't stupid.
I gave the last money out of my purse to someone a couple of weeks ago and I figured he needed it more than me as he was desperate enough to be asking strangers. He only got about 63p (just over a dollar) but it made me feel good for quite a while.

Just remind yourself how lucky you are that $10 doesn't mean that much to you that you have to try and scam strangers for it. And next time stick to what you said to the Baptist scammer. Or offer to buy some take-out food if you think they might be genuine.

Clodfobble 11-05-2007 04:03 PM

I wish I could find an embeddable clip for this, but no. So here's a link.

This is from the second season of the show "Making the Team: The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders." Among other show segments, it contains the interview portion of the auditions. Give it time to buffer, then skip ahead to 3:45 minutes remaining. If you really can't wait for the setup, the pure comedy gold starts at 2:55 minutes remaining.

Guilty confession: I love this show. There is no earthly reason why this show should entertain me, but God help me, I am addicted.

paddlegal 11-05-2007 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 403586)
Hey Now !! I make a living from stupid folks !!!

You will like this one Zip. Girl I worked with lost her data cause she only used c: and didn't back it up. We advised her to put it on the server drive which is backed up every night.

And then I said, "The IT people keep those backup tapes for 6 months."

Her reply? :rolleyes: "But that file has a year's worth of data in it!":headshake

Hoof Hearted 11-05-2007 04:49 PM

Condoleeza Jones?
Must say, watched the whole thing and really liked the deaf girl's lyrical presentation and how it moved the dance instructor.

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