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lumberjim 07-18-2010 11:31 PM

I'm Jim, and I'm a Compulsive Overeater
Did you know there was such a thing? I might have, I don't remember if I knew of them, but I do now because I realize that I am one. Just like drug addicts and alcoholics. I've repeatedly spent my family's money on fast food and lied about it to my wife. I've also fucked our money up on a scary level, and drank too much for the last 3 or 4 years. Jinx and I have had several confrontations about this, and I always tell her I will fix it.... and that I won't fuck up again....and then I cool out for a little while.... but then, i start again..getting sneakier each time. I have convinced her that i will say anything and then just go do what I want.

And it may have cost me everything I really care about. On Tuesday night, jinx asked me to go stay with my mom for 'a while.'

I went to my first OA meeting on Wednesday. They do the same 12 step Process that AA does. I need to get this fixed in a lasting way, and I see and hear proponents of these programs enough to want to believe there is some hope there for me.

So, I'm going to be kind of... different here for a while. I won't ram my problems down your throats, but I wanted to tell you about it because it is the truth.

SamIam 07-18-2010 11:55 PM

Sorry to read of your difficulties, LJ. You have taken a big step by just admitting you have a problem. So many people stay in denial for years and years. I wish you well working the steps - its not always easy.

I'm sure you're aware that alcohol consumption only makes things worse. It lowers your inhibitions and adds many nasty calories. You might want to look at limiting your alcohol intake as well.

Hang in there. I understand how tough your problem can be.

xoxoxoBruce 07-19-2010 12:42 AM

Well that sucks donkey balls. :(
It's hard to believe you could eat enough junk food, to blow the family finances, but you're certainly compromising your heath.

This too, shall pass... I know you're smart enough to straighten this out, and the sunshine & bluebirds will return to happy valley, pretty quick.

skysidhe 07-19-2010 01:38 AM

best wishes

Aliantha 07-19-2010 02:55 AM

I hope you can both sort your issues out. It's terrible when a family is separated.

Good luck with whatever path you take.

Trilby 07-19-2010 06:22 AM

Jim, you are NOT alone in this.

If there is ever anything I can do - please let me know.

Actually, the 12 steps have made my life better in so many ways --- just let go and trust the process (it's a process, not an event!) and believe that you will get better.

Hugs to you my friend. Hugs and comfort.

Clodfobble 07-19-2010 07:16 AM

Wow. I admit I'm kind of baffled by this whole thread--kind of thought it was a parody at first--because you're right, I did not realize there was such a thing. But if it screws things up, it screws things up, and that's a problem. So good for you for working on it. You and jinx both know we're always here for you.

Shawnee123 07-19-2010 07:23 AM

I realized such a thing existed. I too thought this might be a parody, but I see now it isn't. I stress eat badly, but I don't think that's the same level of which you speak.

Ain't none of us perfect and we all have our struggles. I wish you the very best in this, jim. I also think it's wonderful that you feel good to come here with it: I would not be so brave.

Undertoad 07-19-2010 07:29 AM

Sorry man. I feel your pain. Deeply.

glatt 07-19-2010 07:46 AM

You're brave to be so open about it. I wish you guys the best as you work through this. Changing behavior isn't easy, but if you really set your mind to it, I know you can do it. Many have, and you can too.

classicman 07-19-2010 08:20 AM

GD. Whatever you need that I can offer... just call.

ZenGum 07-19-2010 08:43 AM

Thoughts going out to you. Be strong.

bbro 07-19-2010 09:12 AM

I'm sorry you are going through this and wish you the best of luck on your journey.

wanderer 07-19-2010 09:31 AM

I have a frnd out there who was in similar (or even worst) situation last year. It was no less than a miracle that he changed, but it was a slow process. Just trying to tell you that its possible.
Keep your head high man. I hope you come out with win-win smile like Mickey in Disney land :)

lumberjim 07-19-2010 09:49 AM

I appreciate all of your replies and support. I'm going to do this. I'm so very amazed at how far away from myself this took me. When you're this scared of losing your life's love, the food thing is a no brainer. But I need to be able to control it when I'm not afraid of losing her. I need to be able to control this for the rest of my life. When I realized that I've become a liar, I got pretty disheartened. That's a long trip to come back from, but I want to do it, and I have to do it.

I will most likely limit my participation on the cellar in general until I start to feel like I am progressing somewhat. I hope it doesn't take too long.

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