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Juniper 10-28-2008 11:12 PM

Songs Stuck In Your Head?
A few days ago I mentioned (in a post about dreams) that I seem to have this second "video" in my head - yeah, kind of weird - I mean, I tend to visualize things very easily.

Well, I also seem to have a constant soundtrack in my head. No need for an MP3 player, I take it with me anyway. But I'm thinking I might want that MP3 player anyway, because the songs stuck in my head are never GOOD songs, they're always annoying crap.

I am actually starting to wonder if I'm going slightly nuts lately, it's so bad. I think it must have something to do with the level of stress in my life; the constant soundtrack is a method of coping and calming myself.

But there is nothing calming about having the same DUMB song playing in my head all day long. All day today AND yesterday it am almost embarrassed to admit it...Daydream Believer.

Seriously I am about to go find Davy Jones on YouTube and maybe look up the lyrics just so I can GET IT OUT OF HERE.

I don't even know where it came from; I don't remember hearing it anywhere. I often fall prey to "last song syndrome" but just as often they seem to pop in out of nowhere.

I have tried putting other songs into my head over it, but that is no use. They annoy me too, but then I keep going back to Cheer Up Sleepy Jean, Oh What Could it Mean...ugh.

Ever happen to you? Am I losing my marbles?

Edited to add this ---- I looked up the damn song, and found out that it was the #1 song right at the time I was born, Jan. 1968. I honestly didn't know that. And my middle name is Jean. My mom's middle name was Jean, and that's the name she went by. This is eerie. It's almost like a message. (sigh) I really am going crazy, it's official.

Did I mention I got an e-mail from my mom the other day? It wasn't really from my mom; she died last December. It was spam, but somehow a spammer got her name and sent me a recipe for white chicken chili. I am not making this up. Yesterday I got one "from" my maternal grandmother, same way. How very strange to see my mom's name in my inbox.

Oh, you say it's almost Halloween? AAAAAHHHHGH!!!!

Scriveyn 10-29-2008 08:11 AM

My sincere commiserations about Daydream Believer.

I have had this in the past, but fortunately these days only the songs of my favourite composer/bandleader bounce around my mind and I'm always glad when they do. I consider myself the opposite of a music expert, can't read music and don't play any instrument, so I am particularly surprised when large parts of titles play themselves in my mind.

I guess you just keep playing your favourite stuff and it will stick eventually. Don't listen to promotionals or broadcasts of crappy music. :cool:

Good luck!

dar512 10-29-2008 09:00 AM

They're called earworms. Happens to most people from time to time. The easiest, but not best way, is to supplant it with another earworm. The catch is that the new song has to be worse than the old song for it to stick.

lumberjim 10-29-2008 09:19 AM

i always have some kind of song in my head.

here try this

Treasenuak 10-29-2008 11:46 AM

-groans- I love my housemate to bits (in that friend kind of way), but lately he's been sending me various earworms that he finds while surfing the 'net at work. And every single one of them is worse than the last. I'm about to shoot him. Current ear worm is "Small World"... "It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all..."

Clodfobble 10-29-2008 01:12 PM

I am extremely susceptible to getting songs stuck in my head. Thing is, since it's pretty much constant, they don't bother me, they just float in the background. Mr. Clod has deliberately tested me before: he will very subtly hum a few bars of some song while I'm not paying attention to him, then come home from work hours later to find me singing the same song to myself absentmindedly as I cook or whatever.

ZenGum 10-29-2008 06:04 PM

Juniper, that is kind of freaky.

Mr Clod is a very naughty boy.

The best way to get rid of earworms is to fish them out manually with a wire hook. Up the nose is generally best.

DanaC 10-29-2008 08:09 PM

I have Mac the Knife going round my head at the moment. On and off all day. Not enough of it for it to be enjoyable, just the same bit on a loop...

Sperlock 10-29-2008 08:35 PM

Three Dog Night's "Never Been To Spain" has been going through my head today.

monster 10-29-2008 08:55 PM

here ya go, the worst rap song evah, as discovered by the morning show we listen to. they've played the damn thing so often it's well and truly lodged, so i thought I'd share the joy

smoothmoniker 10-29-2008 09:47 PM

I've had this tune stuck in my head relentlessly since Saturday night.


dar512 10-30-2008 11:39 AM

We should stop talking about this. Pretty soon the RIAA will be wanting fees for the performance in our heads. :eyebrow:

binky 10-30-2008 12:05 PM

"I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry-thanks to my damn 12 year old daughter

Laurie Henderson 10-30-2008 12:25 PM

"do me, baby" by Bel Biv DeVoe. . . ugh.

lumberjim 10-30-2008 12:37 PM

every day, I hear "We built this city" by Starhip.

-this, for the record, is the absolute worst song ever written.

I really don't care if Marconi plays the Mamba. Marconi can eat a dick.

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