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Clodfobble 09-01-2012 09:08 PM

I should have kept my deviated septum
Christ, I had no idea it would suck this much.

Thursday, I went in to have my sinus passages Roto-rooted. I had a severely deviated septum, plus my turbinado passages were corkscrewed the wrong way, somehow. This was supposed to dramatically improve congestion, sleep apnea, sinus infections, etc. This was also supposed to be a dinky little "2 hours then we send you home with a few Vicodin" thing, comparable to wisdom tooth extraction, a little tired for the next few days, blah blah blah.

Well, no. My nose just keeps bleeding and bleeding after surgery, and I keep vomiting all the blood I'm swallowing, so new plan, they put me back under that afternoon, repack everything tighter with gauze, cauterize a few things, and wake me up again. I go home and pass out for a few hours, but soon I'm awake and vomiting blood again. We call the doctor, go back to the ER, they put me under again at 2 in the morning and give it the ol' college try once again, cauterizing the shit out of everything and giving me blood clotting agents as well. They send me home with 5 inch gauze sticks jammed up my nose, dangling little tampon strings across my face, and tell me not to take them out until Sunday.

I wish I'd never agreed to this. The Vicodin's pretty good for the pain, but I still feel like shit. Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to correct their deviated septums...

ZenGum 09-01-2012 09:35 PM


Hope it gets well soon, Clod.

lumberjim 09-01-2012 09:39 PM

pics or gtfo

lumberjim 09-01-2012 09:40 PM

but seriously.... sorry, clob. i nose it will get better though. keep your.....chin.....up

Sundae 09-02-2012 05:46 AM

Clod, that's disgusting to read and must be a million times worse to live through.
You have my full sympathy. I've never vomited blood, but even normal vomit or a nosebleed feels like the end of the world to me.

Of course I have to add that it's all your own fault because of the Cocaine Years, but you know that anyway.

glatt 09-02-2012 05:55 AM

Wow, Clodfobble, that sounds pretty horrible. I hope it heals up quickly. So this morning you'll be tugging on all those strings and hoping it all comes out without a new gush of blood? Good luck!

limey 09-02-2012 06:52 AM

Eugh. Hope you get better soon!!!

Griff 09-02-2012 07:25 AM

Nasty one clod, be well.

ZenGum 09-02-2012 08:59 AM

:lol: at the special Cellar blend of sympathy and sarcasm.

monster 09-02-2012 09:34 AM

Oh gross, you have my utmost sympathy. Those tampons are the worst (that's what they were originally invented for, by the way).

Although when I had my major nosebleed that wouldn't stop, I also managed to get it to come out of my eyes and under my contact lenses..... just trying to give you a little something to aim for for your next trick..... ;)

Clodfobble 09-02-2012 11:09 AM

Very nice on the eyes, monster. Mine have been leaking, but it's clear fluid rather than blood (but not tears, those don't gunk up on my face like this does.)

The tampons came out, very painfully but without a huge gush of blood. I put a dropperfull of vitamin K liquid up each nostril just to be sure. It's kind of at a slow and steady leak, though. My face feels much better, but I do wish I hadn't taken that last Vicodin in the middle of the night. I think it's giving me auditory hallucinations. I keep swearing I can hear very quiet music, at any rate.

My stepkids are here for the long holiday weekend, too. I have to keep finding errands and making Mr. Clod take all the kids with him. Gah, and then they're back next weekend too. Phooey.

I'll try to get a picture for you Jim, once the bruising is nice and purpley.

Trilby 09-02-2012 11:23 AM

oh gawd, Clod. How awful for you. I certainly hope you have more than a couple of vics.

good lord, child. I bet you can't think of anything except your sinuses and face and nose.

I"ll send a Snot Angel your way, babeh. Kisses! (but not the Eskimo kind!)
and hugs and this :flower:

zippyt 09-02-2012 11:41 AM

Damn feelz Betterer Clod !!

Nirvana 09-02-2012 12:27 PM

FFS the things the medical community does to us. SMH Sorry that was such a cluster for you ClodFob. I am paranoid to got to a DR for anything...

footfootfoot 09-02-2012 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 827943)
Very nice on the eyes, monster. Mine have been leaking, but it's clear fluid rather than blood (but not tears, those don't gunk up on my face like this does.)

Crusty yellow lymph?

My stepkids are here for the long holiday weekend, too. I have to keep finding errands and making Mr. Clod take all the kids with him. Gah, and then they're back next weekend too. Phooey.

I'll try to get a picture for you Jim, once the bruising is nice and purpley.

There has got to be an Ikea 3 hours away from you.

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