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loTEK911 04-15-2007 09:39 AM

after hours
When I did my reintroduce, some folk asked about various stories from the bartending world. Well, I't's 7:30am sun morning and I'm hanging out with my manager, a few staff, and my lil sister (who's 25). Sharing story's, aving drinks and in general aving a good time! Do you folks hang with your co-workers off work? When dealing with drunk co-workers theres a few things you should never bring up. A) Massive breasts, B) Cottage cheese, specifically if you spit some on the floor! C) Tea bagging, specifically if an ex marine is present! And vomit! Life at a bar is never complete without vomit! cleaning vomit. Aving random dude vomit on yer bar. Aving random chick vomit on... you. Too much reality! An folks say bartenters are trash. Heh! The shit we gotta put up with? We ave a right to be bastards!

tissy_uk 04-15-2007 03:47 PM

I've never worked in a bar but i used to work in a chip shop that was open till after pub closing time. Drunks & kebabs?? NOT a good mix!!

Sundae 04-16-2007 12:13 PM

When I worked in the service industry I used to hang out with my colleagues a lot. In fact when I worked behind a bar, my drinking buddies were a bunch of student nurses - some of whom worked with me but the rest just came in so often that people assumed they worked there too.

If you ordered a taxi from their accomodation, as soon as you gave the house number and floor number the first question was, "To the Bricklayers Arms?"

I put a moratorium on vomit stories when we all got together. Being nurses and barmaids you can imagine that they had quite a store of them. The good thing was that I could hide myself away if there was any suspicious activity on the heaving front, knowing that they were far better qualified to deal with it than I was.

I encouraged the stories about odd looking penises on the male surgical ward though...

zippyt 04-16-2007 06:08 PM

Bar stories , well ,
getting laid out by a bar tender that was training for a kickboxing match , I was just trying to stock some glasses and suprised him
Getting held up TWICE in the same bar ,
The wild west style bar fights when I was stationed in Iceland ,
Various and sundry sex acts on and in bars in the PI ,
Oh and I saw a baby born on a pool table in a bar in the PI once !!

Shawnee123 04-17-2007 11:12 AM

Scary looking dude came into the bar where I was working. He was carrying a chainsaw. Apparently, he had been going from bar to bar on Main Street trying to sell the chainsaw, but it was really funny when he put the chainsaw on the bar, turned to the guy next to him, and said "Buy me a drink?" The guy did.

I was planning my escape route; if he had started it up I was beelining for the back door!

(This thread title reminds me of an old pun: Two women were walking along the docks one evening. They passed a couple sailors, and one of the women remarked "Aren't they out after hours?" The other one replied "I sure hope so!") :blunt:

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