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lumberjim 06-01-2004 02:17 PM

SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome)
You don't die of SIDS. SIDS is a high fallutin' way of saying "uh, i dunno why the kid died"

I had a friend whos wife was pregnant at the same time that jinx was carrying my oldest. we went to the same lemas classes. his kid died at 4 months while his wife napped with him on her chest. The DR's said it was sids. this was 5 years ago and I had all but forgotten about it as I have not seen Rod for years, but last night, jinx was reviewing some vaccination records compared with infant death reports. It was disgusting. one after another, the kids died 2 or 3 days after having multiple vaccines administered, and one after another, the autopsy showed cause of death to be SIDS. In some cases, they died IN THE DR's OFFICE!....still...cause of death: SIDS.

Back then, I didn't know much about vaccines or SIDS. Just that the kid should sleep on his side or back, blah blah blah. I didn;t know then that, at 4 months old, Rod's child had probably just undergone a series of vaccines. I don't know if Parker had just visited the DR, but I suspect that he had.

I am suspicious of Doctors to begin with because of their consistently superior attitude, ridiculous work schedules when they train, and because of the back door incentives that play such a big role in their day to day. My gut says there must be something going on with money here. Why are doctors and coroners adverse to admitting that vaccines can kill you? Jinx was trying to talk to me about it last night, but after about 5 minutes, I have to admit that I wanted to escape from it. I did not want to know about it. I'ts too depressing. I was happier researching the damaging effects of microwave cooking. It's been bugging me today though. What a fucked up system we have for health care. how elementally wrong.

Clodfobble 06-01-2004 02:29 PM

The good news is, if you want to avoid having immunizations, it's not too hard to do. My mother believed they were harmful, and to this day I don't know which ones I actually got and which ones she forged on my record.

The only ones I know for sure I got were a Tetanus booster when I cut my foot, and the Measles-Mumps-Rubella booster you get as an adolescent, because I was old enough to remember getting them.

lumberjim 06-01-2004 03:05 PM

it's not actually all that easy anymore, clod. In PA, you have to have attest to a strong religious like opposition to them. This means that you can;t pick and choose which vaccines you want to give your kids. If you don't want ALL of them, you can;t give them any. Public Schools make life very difficult for those who choose not to vaccinate. It was a big factor in our decision to go the private school route. not the only one, but a big one.

maybe I want to vaccinate my kids against polio, but not chicken pox. too bad.

doctors are on the take from pharmaceutical companies. Some of them even refuse to see patients that decline the vaccines they want to push. They have to maintain a certain ratio of vaccinated patients in order to get some hidden cash from somebody.......

I understand that money makes the world go 'round. I understand that without money, and the potential for monetary gain, our system doesn;t work, but shit like this is counterproductive and potentially dangerous. very potentially.

Clodfobble 06-01-2004 03:34 PM

You misunderstood me, I didn't mean legitimately protesting the vaccines (impossible even when I was a kid, there were certain ones they would not let you come to school without.) I just meant good ol' fashioned lying and forgery.

My mother found a custom stamp company, and ordered a stamp to exactly match the one they had at a local clinic, said "Travis Co. Health Department" or something. (She figured if they asked, she'd claim she worked for them and they lost their stamp, but the stamp company didn't give a damn.) Then she just continually stamped my record and signed illegible fake names each time it was time for a new vaccination. No one ever questioned it.

lumberjim 06-01-2004 03:45 PM

yeah, wow, i totally missed this:

to this day I don't know which ones I actually got and which ones she forged on my record.
most people don't have those kind of cajones. I salute your momma. I'd wager that you didn;t die of any of those diseases, either. We actually had a 23-25yr old doctor tell us that she had seen kids die from measels. or mumps or some dumb shit. said it right to our face. I was thinking, "you're MAYBE 25 yrs probably haven't even seen a case measels at all".

jinx 06-01-2004 03:54 PM

We actually have a perfectly legal exemption for our kids (no need to forge anything jim). PA just combines religious and philosophical into one exemption.

BrianR 06-01-2004 04:37 PM

There is no such thing as a 25 year old doctor.

High school - 12 years
college/premed - 4 years
med school - 4 years
residency - 2 years

unless she was a child genius, she had to have been more like 30.

just nitpicking here


lumberjim 06-01-2004 04:53 PM

well, maybe she was a resident. It was a practice called "kids first" in Paoli. I'm pretty good with guessing ages, and this person was no older than her mid twenties. The point was that she lied right to our face. Measels and mumps are both treatable diseases. Once you get it, you get better with minimal medical attention and bed rest. I see no need to give my kids a vaccine(MMR) that has been linked ( arguably) to the rising rates of autism. fuck that.

Clodfobble 06-01-2004 04:57 PM

Brian, it's reasonably common for kids to skip a grade, and it's also reasonably common for folks (who know their major from the beginning) to finish college in 3 years. That right there puts you at 26 even after your residency.

And "child genius" is a little extreme, but think about it, most people who go to med school ARE of above-average intelligence.

ladysycamore 06-01-2004 08:18 PM

Re: SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome)

Originally posted by lumberjim
Why are doctors and coroners adverse to admitting that vaccines can kill you? Jinx was trying to talk to me about it last night, but after about 5 minutes, I have to admit that I wanted to escape from it. I did not want to know about it. I'ts too depressing. I was happier researching the damaging effects of microwave cooking. It's been bugging me today though. What a fucked up system we have for health care. how elementally wrong.
True indeed. I oughta know: I am involved with doctors on one level or another just about every week now.

However, regarding vaccines: what is the ratio of children who have died from it to those who have not been affected by it?

I think that I got all my shots, but chicken pox I'm not sure of. God...if I didn't, I'm shit outta luck if I have to suppress my immune system for transplant.

elSicomoro 06-01-2004 08:56 PM

Re: SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome)

Originally posted by lumberjim
I had a friend whos wife was pregnant at the same time that jinx was carrying my oldest. we went to the same lemas classes. his kid died at 4 months while his wife napped with him on her chest. The DR's said it was sids. this was 5 years ago and I had all but forgotten about it as I have not seen Rod for years, but last night, jinx was reviewing some vaccination records compared with infant death reports. It was disgusting. one after another, the kids died 2 or 3 days after having multiple vaccines administered, and one after another, the autopsy showed cause of death to be SIDS. In some cases, they died IN THE DR's OFFICE!....still...cause of death: SIDS.
Is this information online? I'd like to see it.

jinx 06-01-2004 09:35 PM

Re: Re: SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome)

Originally posted by sycamore

Is this information online? I'd like to see it.

Yes it is.
The VAERS database can be searched here , or you can follow the link there to download the database by year.
You can visit the CDC Faststats site to look up morbidity/mortality of the various 'vaccine preventable diseases' here . For example you'll find;

(Data are for U.S. for year in parentheses)

Number of new measles (rubeola) cases: 116 (2001)

Number of new German measles (rubella) cases: 23 (2001)

Source/more data: Health, United States, 2003, table 52


Percent of children ages 19-35 months vaccinated against measles: 91 (2001)

Source/more data: Health, United States, 2003, table 71


Number of deaths: 1 (2001)

Source/more data Deaths: Final Data for 2001

to answer Ladysycamores question. However, you can't just search for MMR related injuries on VAERS. Infants/newborns receive 4-5 vaccines at a time these days so it's really impossible to tell which one might have caused a reaction.

Personally, I don't think that MMR is the cause of the autism epidemic, although I wouldn't completely rule it out as factor.

lumberjim 06-01-2004 09:44 PM

sampe search limited to Pennsylvania

elSicomoro 06-01-2004 10:11 PM

I see no need for concern.

Lady Sidhe 06-01-2004 11:11 PM

I remember that SIDS terrified me when Ash was a baby. I thought after a year, she was safe, but I recently heard of "SIDS" cases in children up to three years old....I wonder if the vaccinations have anything to do with that? I mean, I figure if the vaccinations are going to cause an adverse reaction, it'll happen before the child is three...but damn...Ash is only two-and-a-half....

Thanks, LJ, you just gave my paranoid butt one MORE reason to check my child's breathing several times a night....:( ;)


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