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skysidhe 04-15-2006 03:01 PM

Natural Health Remedies
I am looking for a particular health remedy. I have been researching many including kelp and b vitamins. this one seems to offer the most promise because it is two pronged. There is alot of research in support for copper detox.


Your first line of defense is to start supplementation with an appropriate high quality Fulvic preparation.
Fulvic is a natural water soluble substance of plant origin. It contains many healing phytochemicals and enzymes which readily disperse throughout the body, even to the interior of cells. Clinical medical school and hospital studies show that specially prepared Fulvic extracts regulate abnormal thyroid hormone secretion as a result of their ability to regulate RNA and DNA (cyclic nucleotides) at the cellular level. Similar studies also show that fulvic acts as an immunomodulator, regulating immune system function.

Fulvic is one of the safest and most powerful antiviral substances known.
Although they are not antibiotics in the technical sense of the word, as prescription drugs are, their antibiotic-like effect is comparable to the power of penicillin in equally small amounts. Unlike antibiotics, fulvic may be used indefinitely without creating any antibiotic resistant strains of disease which are common problems with pharmaceutical drugs.

Humic extracts, especially Fulvics, provide a natural chelatin therapy. They detoxify the body, the liver, and the digestive tract, by attaching to toxic buildup, including heavy metals, chlorination byproducts, etc., where they disarm, neutralize, and remove them as waste products. Fulvic also works as nature's most powerful antioxidants, neutralizing dangerous free radicals, as well as supplying hormone stimulating micronutrients.

Outpatient medical hospital studies on thyroid tumors, using Fulvic, has a 90% success rate, with 80% having complete cures.
The underactive thyroid gland requires sufficient organic iodine to function properly. Organic means that it must come from a plant source, as part of a carbon molecule. High quality, safe, and readily available iodine is found in Fulvic. Another safe and effective supplemental source of iodine comes from kelp. A dose even as high as 2,000 to 3,000 mg of kelp daily is safe and effective.

Avoid chlorine and fluoride like the plague, including fluoride found in toothpaste and added to drinking water.
Dioxin, a dangerous chlorine related compound found throughout the food chain, is one cause of low thyroid. Another is likely related to toxic substances which are produced when drinking water is chlorinated, and later when chlorinated drinking water mixes with plant phytochemicals in food. Rather than feeding the body's endocrine glands as nature intended, the many hormone-like plant micronutrients found in food are altered by chlorine, and turned into mutagens that do permanent damage to the glands. Also, serious deficiency of valuable phytochemicals in modern-day diets may be responsible for undernourished hormonal functions in those with otherwise healthy glands.

The phosphoric acid used in soft drinks can also contain fluorine, which is equally implicated. Chlorine, fluorine, and fluoride are chemically related to iodine, and compete with it, blocking iodine receptors in the thyroid gland.

It is a well known fact that an excess of one mineral can cause a deficiency in another.
A high amount of copper in the body is common to reduced thyroid function. Too much copper can inhibit the function of zinc, which is essential to the thyroid conversion process along with manganese, iodine, iron, and selenium. Fulvic in the diet assists with maintaining proper balance. They chelate and remove excess copper ( or other minerals or heavy metals), and help to nourish by supplying safe natural organic plant forms of minerals in the proper balance as nature intended.

skysidhe 04-15-2006 03:45 PM

Rasing the bodys internal temperature

According to this article raising the bodys temperature but it dosn't say how to raise ones temperature.

any ideas please?

skysidhe 04-15-2006 04:11 PM

No this is just downright weird.
I thought this aspect was quite strange to insert in a topic about disorders yet...the mind body connection is highly documented.

Intuition is an interesting quality of early life adrenal fatigue. The later in life the development of adrenal fatigue, the less likely one is to spontaneously develop intuitive ability. People that develop adrenal fatigue early in life are often described as empaths and will tell their friends (but not their doctor) about their ability to pick up feelings. They often suffer because of their high sensitivity and are always looking for new ways to ‘ground’ themselves. This problem often clears by simply supporting the adrenals and getting them to function well again. Poor adrenal function is not essential for intuitive development. Strengthening the adrenals does not weaken the intuition once it is there. Individuals that develop adrenal fatigue later in life (because of high stress, virus etc.) tend not to claim this intuitive ability.

Spiritual orientation is more common in those with early adrenal fatigue. It is less common in those with later onset of adrenal fatigue and those with strong, healthy adrenals. There seems to be a personality difference (archetype) between those with strong adrenals and those with weak adrenals.

carouselle 04-17-2006 01:49 AM

deleted, sent by private message.

skysidhe 04-17-2006 09:23 AM

Thanks for that carouselle.

As far as this thread. I am determined to tell my body what to do and not the otherway around.
This last year was complicated. Alot of good. New car, new place, my kid is successful. I get visits from a great guy who flys all the way from Canada to see me. yay me!

Then I've had my mom move in and move out. She has beginning alzhiemers. My work cut everyones hours across the board. I lost about 800 dollars a month. I am keeping my head above water but if my body would help me out it would be better. I started a new job. A job I hold a degree for. I won't see the money from that until June but it is a light at the end of a tunnel.
I had to choose to save my car or pay all the other utilities this month Cable, elect, phone, credit cards are still in the balance.

Needless to say my adreanal gland is fatigued. My thyroid test came back abnormal but not low enough to medicate. I am not simply whining here I really want to make it better myself. I don't accept what it is doing to me. ( fatigue mostly)

I am taking ginsing,vitamin e with selenium.vitamin B. I haven't felt the full effects of that yet.

The people at my new job are so supportive. Well my old job too but these people shower a person in appreciation and hugs. I feel myself smiling in the warmth glow of that and maybe that is the best medicine there is.

wolf 04-18-2006 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by skysidhe
According to this article raising the bodys temperature but it dosn't say how to raise ones temperature.

any ideas please?

Getting the flu usually does it for me. There are several varieties out this year, I understand.

wolf 04-18-2006 10:11 PM

Get yourself a nice piece of bloodstone (without white flecks) and a rose quartz. Keep them in a bag that hangs at the level of your heart chakra.

An amber necklace worn close to your throat is supposed to be good for the thyroid, as would be aquamarine, apatite, or azurite. Amber is probably easiest to acquire, though.

skysidhe 04-19-2006 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
Get yourself a nice piece of bloodstone (without white flecks) and a rose quartz. Keep them in a bag that hangs at the level of your heart chakra.

An amber necklace worn close to your throat is supposed to be good for the thyroid, as would be aquamarine, apatite, or azurite. Amber is probably easiest to acquire, though.

THANK YOU! :heart-on:

I'll try it! We have a great bead trunk where I can find stones. I didn't think about that since I havn't ventured into stones and thier properties yet. ( much ) Can't be any worse than the black licorice I've been sucking down. :)

Dude111 04-20-2019 03:38 PM

A very good thread!!!

Anything is better than big pharma crap that isnt really meant to CURE YOU of anything.... (If it did they would be out of business)

DanaC 04-21-2019 05:00 AM

No .....No no no. Big Pharma conspiracy nonsense.

Don't rush to medicate - but don't rely on rocks and crystals to cure a thyroid problem.

Clodfobble 04-21-2019 08:08 AM

It's not entirely nonsense. They aren't generally looking to keep you sick on purpose, but they will absolutely ignore a studied, valid treatment if it can't be patented.

See, for example, the wide proliferation of both prescription and OTC antacid brands, even though 50% of heartburn is caused by TOO LITTLE stomach acid--because Betaine HCL, aka hydrochloric acid, can't be patented and can't make money. You ever seen a bottle of Betaine HCL on a shelf, anywhere? Meanwhile doctors are given a kickback for every antacid prescription they write, so they're certainly going to explore that avenue first, and could easily take 6 months going through every antacid option before they consider the alternative, assuming they even remember it exists since none of their free pens say Betaine HCL on the side.

I wish I could start a line of medical schwag that just says shit like "aspirin" on it...

xoxoxoBruce 04-21-2019 09:18 AM

My doctor recommended taking a children's aspirin daily for my heart, and I figured I'd grab some at the supermarket. I remember years ago they were dirt cheap, even had some in flavors. But all they had was regular aspirin and adults with heart conditions aspirin for close to $10 bucks.

They didn't get my money, I fooled then all, I have no heart. Bwahahaha:heartpump

sexobon 04-21-2019 10:59 AM

Look for generic adult low dose (81 mg) tablets, that are enteric coated, at someplace like Walmart. Check the expiration dates and limit the quantity to what you'll use up by then. They all work out to be the same price per tablet:

300 Ct $4.00

500 Ct $5.97

500 Ct (2x250 Ct) $5.97 Nice if you want to keep them at more than one location and the extra container doesn't cost any more. Some brands package stuff like this that's going to expire sooner to move it out of inventory. Compare the dates.

DanaC 04-21-2019 01:01 PM

That there are unscrupulous practices, corruption and price gouging, within the field of pharmaceuticals? sure - definitely not nonsense.

But seriously - compared to the levels of delusion and chicanery in the field of 'natural medicines' big pharma seems almost benign.

And the idea that it is somehow pure and unsullied by the market forces that twist medical science in the name of profit is laughable.

Swapping the risk of falling victim to bad science for a much bigger risk of the same? Not a rational response.

'Anything is better than that big pharma crap' ?

Clodfobble 04-21-2019 01:44 PM

Sure, I'll readily agree that not "anything" is better. I also have a problem with the flip side of big pharma's behavior, i.e. artificially jacking up the price of something that works, like insulin.*

*(and which, for the record, was intended by its inventors to be unpatentable, but profiteers did an end run around them anyway)

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