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lumberjim 11-27-2003 11:31 PM

Dave just left

slang 11-27-2003 11:39 PM

I've read the comments he left along with Toad's. I dont fully understand the problem but I'm sad to see him go. NicName had a similar problem and left too. Both of these guys were interesting and fun to have here.

What can one do? They are free to stop coming here (if they can beat the addiction).

jaguar 11-29-2003 08:14 AM

what the fuck has been going on around here?

[just finished reading around]

what the fuck is going on around here?

lumberjim 11-29-2003 08:34 AM

dave got his feelings hurt, took his ball and left.


OnyxCougar 11-29-2003 10:00 AM

I nearly did, but the addiction brought me back.

lumberjim 11-29-2003 10:11 AM


Originally posted by OnyxCougar
I nearly did, but the addiction brought me back.

jeni 11-29-2003 10:35 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
dave got his feelings hurt, took his ball and left.


On the contrary; Dave did NOT get his feelings hurt, and was trying to explain that to everyone. Maybe it's easier for me to understand the situation and the way he feels because I know him so well, but I think it's pretty evident what happened here, and I really think the whole thing is pretty dumb.

lumberjim 11-30-2003 02:09 AM

ok, jeni. whatever. I know he didn't get his feelings hurt about the eye. When I started this thread and the poll, I was dissapointed, and I was trying to egg him into returning. This seemed like such a little thing to quit over. I would have thought that someone who had as much time and supposed effort invested would be harder to shake. So he and syc had a problem. What about the other people he liked? To bail outlike that is cowardly. If he was just sick of the cellar, he should have said so instead of burrying sycamore by laying the blame at his feet.

Makes me think he's got hurt feelings. I don't know why I give a shit. When I first joined, I assumed he must be one of the moderators or maybe the admin, because he was treated like one. He was respected. THIS just makes him look childish. Like he just wants the attention. What a way to go.

I realize now, however, that even if he DID return, it wouldn't be the same. The damage is done.

I have lost respect for him, and his words wouldn't mean as much ( at least to me) [not that he should care about what I think] anyway. Too bad.


xoxoxoBruce 11-30-2003 02:56 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
When I first joined, I assumed he must be one of the moderators or maybe the admin, because he was treated like one. He was respected.
Naw, it wasn't respect, Jim. Dave works for a Government contractor that works with the parts of the government that you don't hear about....and live. They can convince your mother, you never existed. Everyone was affraid Dave would have them nullified.

Oh...and he raised attack spiders too.:D

OnyxCougar 11-30-2003 03:04 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim


Let's not go there.

adny 11-30-2003 04:02 PM


So he and syc had a problem. What about the other people he liked? To bail outlike that is cowardly. If he was just sick of the cellar, he should have said so instead of burrying sycamore by laying the blame at his feet.
I happen to know a little bit more about this situation than he's explained in his goodbye post; it really isn't like that. At all. Knowing Dave, and having talked to him a bit about what happened, I know that this doesn't have anything to do with hurt feelings or being sick of the Cellar. He's certainly disappointed, yes... but this just happens to be the way he deals with certain things, and I am not at all surprised that this was the path he chose to take.

Undertoad 11-30-2003 04:40 PM

He always becomes increasingly abusive and then burns all his bridges and bolts?

How many friends does he have left, with such immature boorish behavior?

What binds you to attempt to defend this kind of stuff without being able to talk about it? Oh, OK, fine, it wasn't cowardly, it was some other form of unspeakable bullshit that permits him and only him to be a total ass.

I for one don't care much about the reason. The fact that it's supposed to be some deep dark secret says much more: it's pathetic game-playing, and the most pathetic thing of all is that the game is still going on and you've been brought into it and are playing it, days after the fact.

Cowardly behavior. As LJ says, pussy. Pussy pussy pussy.

Monday his forum is archived.

jeni 11-30-2003 04:48 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
He always becomes increasingly abusive and then burns all his bridges and bolts?

How many friends does he have left, with such immature boorish behavior?

What binds you to attempt to defend this kind of stuff without being able to talk about it? Oh, OK, fine, it wasn't cowardly, it was some other form of unspeakable bullshit that permits him and only him to be a total ass.

I for one don't care much about the reason. The fact that it's supposed to be some deep dark secret says much more: it's pathetic game-playing, and the most pathetic thing of all is that the game is still going on and you've been brought into it and are playing it, days after the fact.

Cowardly behavior. As LJ says, pussy. Pussy pussy pussy.

Monday his forum is archived.

You know, he explained all of this shit to you, and you're taking sides. Maybe it could have been handled differently on his part, but it's pretty pathetic that people he used to consider good friends are now turning on him and calling him names, when he would never have done this to you. THAT is fucking childish.

Edit: And to think, when I talked to Dave last night, he was near clueless about why you chose to end your friendship with him. Over a fucking forum? I mean, can't we let Dave and sycamore work this out without meddling in it? I think it's pretty funny that you are here bashing him, while when I talk to him, he's saying things like "I guess he just doesn't want to be friends anymore", and NOT acting like a complete child by calling you names, since this whole thing had next to nothing to do with you in the first place.

It's not some deep, dark secret. He doesn't want to drag it out on here because he realized that enough had been said, and he also realized that those who needed to know were those in the know. Which is exactly why he chose to converse with you through email. If you wanted him to post it on here, I'm sure you could have asked, instead of saying this shit about him behind his back.

adny 11-30-2003 05:27 PM

Look, I wasn't trying to defend everything he's done regarding this situation, because I honestly don't know all the details. However, I do know him well enough that I know it isn't as simple as him just running off with his tail tucked between his legs. And as jeni stated, it is not some deep dark secret, it just really isn't my place to be running my mouth about what I do know about what happened.

juju 11-30-2003 06:28 PM

There is so much concern about name-calling and getting "personal". For some reason it's seen as off-limits and "morally reprehensible".

But there is also truth. When someone acts like a jerk, I feel like it's okay to say, "Hey, you're acting like a jerk. What's up with that?" For that person to then come back and say, "Oh, well, now you're getting personal!" is incomprehensible to me.

Also, to have good friends, you have to treat them with respect. That's the way it should be, anyway.

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