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Undertoad 07-06-2004 08:30 AM

What do you regret?
I regret picking on Lisa Nesbit when we were 12. My friends made me do it. It wasn't me. I was experimenting with my personality. I made her feel bad. It has made me feel bad 100 times over since that time. Girls are not icky.

I regret most of my marriage.

I regret not cleaning myself up better when I was in college, because I think I could have gotten the chix.

I regret not playing more music in my life.

Beestie 07-06-2004 08:44 AM

I think nearly every decision I made between 1980 and 1989 was wrong. Some were just plain bad wrong. College major, relationships, financial, you name it - wrong, bad, dumb.

Thank God for second chances - that's all I can tell you. :)

Catwoman 07-06-2004 08:56 AM

I don't have any regrets. I value every experience life has thrown at me and have enjoyed every moment good or bad.

Oh bullshit I regret quitting university, working in a time-wasting money-orientated profession for the last 4 years, and all of my past relationships. So, everything, really.

Kitsune 07-06-2004 09:15 AM

Major selection, the first college I went to, most of the relationships I've had, and how I've treated my friends in the past. I think, more than anything, I really wish I would have treated my friends as valuable as they really are and I really wish I knew why it never works that way.

Dammit, its too early to drink...

Cyber Wolf 07-06-2004 09:20 AM

There's a lot of things I wish I had done instead of doing what I actually did but I can't say I really regret any of it.

perth 07-06-2004 09:26 AM

I regret:

Behaving the way I behaved in College. I could have done well, but I decided that having fun was more important than grades.

Allowing myself to get to the weight I was at when I was at my heaviest.

Saying some pretty awful things to my high school sweetheart after we broke up. It was just uncalled-for.

The good news for me, I guess, is that 2 of the 3 up there are pretty easily correctable. Once the divorce is over and done, I'm gonna give college another shot. Yeah, it will be a bit more complicated with work and a son, but that makes it all the more imperative that I do something.

Losing weight proved very easy for me when my marriage fell apart. Lost 15 pounds in less than 2 weeks thanks to stress. Decided to make that a positive thing and started working out and watching my diet. I'm down 30 pounds now with 20 or so to go.

As far as the high school sweetheart thing, my 10-year reunion is coming up in a couple years. Maybe I'll get a chance to properly apologise.

breakingnews 07-06-2004 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Beestie
I think nearly every decision I made between 1980 and 1989 was wrong. Some were just plain bad wrong. College major, relationships, financial, you name it - wrong, bad, dumb.

Thank God for second chances - that's all I can tell you. :)

I think everyone should regret just about everything from the 80s except the music. :p

As for myself ... I regret:

- Not pushing myself harder on the tennis court in high school. I took my talent for granted and let myself get too wrapped up in that contemporary ideology of "not taking things too seriously" during adolescence. I had the opportunity to go to the top in college, and I blew it because I thought it wasn't worth the effort. How much wasted time I spent during my learning years.

- Buying a Dell computer.

- Wasting too much of my life worrying about other people and what they think of me. Can't imagine how many decisions, choices, dilemmas would have gone over much easier and much better had I simply gone with what I believed to be what I truly wanted. Peer pressure is a bitch.

- Doing drugs. Nothing else in my life (except girls) has taken away from any sort of productivity that I pretend to have. It's a vicious thing too, because it's hard to get away once you've taken the plunge.

SteveDallas 07-06-2004 10:50 AM

Honestly, there are some days when I regret damn near everything.

hot_pastrami 07-06-2004 10:53 AM

I regret not managing my money better back when I was a swinger... about the only smart thing I did with my money back then was to buy a house, but the rest of it I blew on fast cars, fast computers, fast... well, other fast stuff. If I'd saved just 1/4 of that "disposable" income each month, I'd have a pretty handsome savings by now.

When I was in Jr. High, I made the mistake of sticking up for a nerd in distress (I was a nerd myself, but not nearly as saturated in nerdiness as he). As a result, he became the unshakable tagalong friend. I gave him an honest chance, but his company was unbearable... after numerous attempts to cut him loose over several months, I resorted to a nasty verbal attack. It worked, and I don't know what else might have, but I always feel like shit when I think back on it. I think I regret the original-sticking-up-for-him and the eventual-unpleasant-dismissal just about equally.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Kitsune 07-06-2004 10:55 AM

Honestly, there are some days when I regret damn near everything.

Ouch. Remind me to thank this thread for a Tuesday full of nothing but positive thoughts. What a way to return from a three day weekend.

OnyxCougar 07-06-2004 11:18 AM

When I think about things I regret, it occurs to me that had those choices not been made and those events not happened, I would not be the person I am now. I'd be different.

Things I regret right now: my weight. If I could have a magic wand and change one thing, that would be it. It took 5 years to put it all on, and will take at least as long to take it off.

perth 07-06-2004 11:32 AM

You can do it, OC. I felt the same way. Granted I kind of got a jumpstart, but all it takes is a commitment. Get out the old clothes and measure your progress by trying to get into em. I've found that to be a far better motivator than by looking at the numbers on the scale. how much you weigh really doesn't matter as much as how you see yourself. I still have a gut, but I can see its much smaller than it was, and that provides all the motivation I need to keep losing it. Commit to cut from your diet only the things that hurt you the most. In my case it was sugared soda and potatoes. I still crave french fries now and then, but a handful of almonds and a glass of iced tea kill that craving dead, and I feel better about myself afterwards. Now if only I could make myself quit smoking...

That's another thing I regret. Starting smoking in the first place. I went into it with eyes wide open, knowing addiction would follow easily.

perth 07-06-2004 11:35 AM

And it won't take 5 years. It's surprisingly easy to lose that first 10 pounds, and while it gets more difficult after that, the little rewards like finding that you need a new pair of jeans because even your old ones are getting big, make it so worth it.

Trillian-zz9 07-06-2004 01:22 PM

I regret NOT spending my childhood running through grass and mud and putting worms in my pockets...

Doing that now I would just feel stupid.

lumberjim 07-06-2004 01:54 PM

yeah, regrets are tricky. for every one i think of, i then think, "but then my life would be in a different place right now" and i change my mind about regretting it.

for example. i quit football in 10th grade. i still feel the urge to play when i watch it, but i think i'd be a different person if i had stayed.

i regret going to college for art, and quitting that after a year. but then, if i had stayed in, i'd never have met shelby.....or my 2 kids that would have never been born.

i regret killing that guy and living on the lamb for 16 years.....oh, wait that wasn't me.

i guess if i keep them recent, and limit them to little tiny regrets i could come up with a few, but....i doubt anyone cares that i wish i'd chosen decaff coffe last night instead of regular, so i'd gotten to sleep earlier. or that i will soon regret not getting the grill out and cleaning it up for jinx's use today.....and so on....

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