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staceyv 05-17-2005 07:10 AM

eating disorder accusations
1 Attachment(s)
I am naturally thin. Sometimes, I am way too thin, other times, I'm at a healthy weight. I go up and down 10-12 lbs, usually up in winter and down in summer. I am a lot more active in summer and I'm not stuck in the house with nothing better to do than eat...

I have many strange food intolerances, so I never ever eat the employee meals at work. I can't have anything with wheat or grains in it so it's easier to just eat at home. I also get very tired after I eat a meal, so I bring apple slices to work because they'll give me energy without filling me up and making me tired. I always get home starving and I eat a huge meal, like 4 potatoes and a steak, something like that.

Anyways, I would tell you guys if I puked or starved myself, cause you know I'm honest like that- But I DO NOT. The ONLY time I let myself go hungry is at work, because I don't want to get tired, but I'll still snack on apples and drink coffee with real cream.

I couldn't make myself puke if I tried- I DID try one time, because I took an energy supplement and started to feel like I was gonna have a heart attack- so I tried and tried to get it out of my system- and you know what? I simply am unable to make myself puke.

So there you have it- I never starve myself and I never make myself puke. I don't use laxatives or diet pills and I eat plenty of carbs every day.

So WHY THE FUCK does everybody think I have an eating disorder????

I am SO SICK TO DEATH of hearing either " :headshake ooooh, stacey, you're so thi-in! :eyebrow: :3some: :eek2:" or " :D OH! Stacey, you look so GREAT! It's so GREAT that you gained weight! You were really too thin...You should stay at this weight. And you're still really skinny! ;) "

I hear this from people at work. And it's not once in a while- it's every friggin day. And I won't even go there to eat, because I swear to God, at least 6 people will creep up to see what I'm eating, like it's a big event.

Why are people so nosy? And why is it that just because a girl is skinny, she must have an eating disorder :3some:.

It's RUDE to talk about someone's weight if they're fat, but why is it that I have to hear about MY weight every fucking day?
Why are people so fucking obsessed with it? If I hear one more comment about my weight, I will punch someone. How can I make it stop?
What do I say? I don't want to be rude, I have to work with these people...

I've already tried to explain my food allergies- I think they believe I'm making it all up as part of my sick little eating disorder. Maybe I should bring in my allergy test results from the doctor? Then it would make it look like I'm overly concerned about their accusations and I must really have a problem...

I can't help it that my parents were both thin, or that my gluten allergy prevents me from eating most junk foods. I eat potatoes, butter and steak or fish every day, not to mention the fact that I put butter or oil on every meal and I love to drink red wine...I know I take in at least 1800 calories everyday.

I am so innocent of having an eating disorder, it's not even funny.

UGH! What would YOU do or say?
I have attached a very recent picture so you can see for yourself...

jaguar 05-17-2005 07:21 AM

you're not that stupidly thin (though the jacket makes it hard to tell) it's just that there are so many fat people. I always worked on the ballpark 'if you can count all the ribs it's time to eat something'.

staceyv 05-17-2005 07:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The previous picture is the weight that everybody is praising endlessly. I was about 7 pounds thinner last summer.
This pic is from the summer before last- you can see my stick legs and twig arms...

Troubleshooter 05-17-2005 07:27 AM

Not to try to change the tone of the thread too much, but how can having no gag reflex and being a meat eater be a bad thing?

Seriously though, unless any of those people pay your bills or or go home with you at the end of the day what does their opinion matter?

Just simply tell them to shut the fuck up, do their job, and leave you alone about it.

staceyv 05-17-2005 07:34 AM

oh, I wish it was that easy, but like I said, I want to stay friendly with everyone. Everyone seems to like me at work, I get a lot of smiles and "Hi Stace!"s when I show up. If I need help, someone will always be a "team player" for me. I have to stay positive with whatever my comeback is. I've known everyone there for 5 years and I don't want to hurt their feelings either.

I wish I could shrug it off, but it bothers me so much! How would you like to work with people all the time knowing that they're analyzing your weight and secretly pitying you for having an eating disorder- when you DON'T HAVE ONE?

It does matter to me.

jaguar 05-17-2005 07:42 AM


Not to try to change the tone of the thread too much, but how can having no gag reflex and being a meat eater be a bad thing?
Yea. Course not.

Next time the ask you go for an option that will shut them for a while: 'cocaine is a hell of a drug'.

The only way I can see of really getting them off your back would be to next time it comes up, bring up the medical stuff, same stuff you told us, can't eat wheat etc, makesit hard to keep a steady weight etcetc...if that doesn't put them off it you don't have much hope.

Perry Winkle 05-17-2005 07:47 AM

Whenever I have questions about how to deal with people I look to Cartman:

"Cartman: Okay, that does it! Why has everything today involved things either going in or coming out of my ass!? "

"Cartman: Don't call me fat you butt-fucking son of a bitch"

"Cartman: Yeah! I want Cheesy Poofs!"

"Cartman: Well God, I guess you got me again, didn't you? Yeah, that was a good one, God. Hope it made you laugh, you sick bastard."

"Cartman: What kind of side dishes will we be enjoying this evening with our frozen waffles? "

staceyv 05-17-2005 08:31 AM

Did I mention that my ex-boyfriend's entire family was also convinced that I had eating disorder? Or that every single doctor I go to asks me if I have one before I tell them anything about myself, and it was something my shrink felt the need to talk about, too.

Sometimes I wonder if I have an eating disorder- I mean, I'm accused of it so much, I start to think, "hey, maybe I have a raging eating disorder and I'm in denial!"

But then I'm like "but I eat when I'm hungry, I don't throw up my food, I don't limit my carbs, I don't take pills, and I don't excercise. Hmmm."

Maybe I should binge five times a day and get really fat and then I'll never have to hear about it again.

Or maybe I should save every meal I eat for when I'll be around people, so I can showcase the fact that I'm eating.

Or maybe I should just say "screw my intestinal wall!!!" and eat what everybody else is eating- who cares if I get sick?

Catwoman 05-17-2005 08:37 AM

Eat what you want. Ignore fools. Simple path to happiness.

wolf 05-17-2005 08:40 AM

If you eat large amounts in front of people they'll just assume you're puking every time you go to the bathroom, even if you're quick.

kerosene 05-17-2005 08:57 AM

Stace, those people are jealous. They are insecure about their own weight, so it makes them feel better to assume that you have an eating disorder. You should tell them you DO have an eating just binge everytime you can. They don't know it, but when nobody is looking, you are scarfing down packages of doughnuts and potato chips. That would really irritate them.

warch 05-17-2005 09:57 AM

Or those people could be genuinely concerned and just need to you demonstrate some emotional stability.

staceyv 05-17-2005 10:47 AM


Perry Winkle 05-17-2005 11:40 AM


Beestie 05-17-2005 11:52 AM

There are a given number of rude, self-appointed know-it-alls who feel it is their role in the world to pass judgement on the rest of us. They medicate their own self-loathing by trying to make everyone else just as miserable as they are. The best counterAttack is to refuse to feel badly about yourself and turn their comment into a compliment then, cut them with their own blade. Unfortunately, smacking the piss out of these walking inferiority complexes is not socially acceptable so our response is limited to words, body language and expressions. But you can do a lot with those three.

First, never dignify the comment by "defending yourself." Smile, look the person up and down to let them know that their physical inadequacies are on display for the world to see, then respond. But never, ever, show weakness - instead, you must strike back quickly and effortlessly to deflect the pain and self-doubt they desperately need you to bear right back at them. I think you can figure out which body language and facial expressions work best with these sample comments.

"Well, thank you for noticing."
"Thank you for pointing that out."
"I'm very comfortable with the way I look.... Not everyone is, you know"
"Maybe they should average us together to get one normal person"
"Who needs to carry a lot of extra blubber around wherever they go?"
"Yep, harpoons are the last thing *I* worry about"
"Some people are thin, some people are ugly.. its always something"
"Guys tell me they love my body.. do you get that a lot too?"
"Guys tell me they love my body.. when's the last time you heard that?"
"Overweight people ask me about that all the time."

I bet you could come up with some good ones yourself.

Its kind of amazing how a perfect stranger is so desperate to spread their inferiority around that they would blurt out a hurtful comment just so they can watch you bleed inside. Don't give them the satisfaction - with perfect confidence, strike back. Hard if necessary.

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