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Undertoad 11-19-2006 10:26 AM

November 19, 2006: Counterfeit sneaks destroyed

The WaPo (found by you-know-who) picks up the European terminology for its official cap: A wheel loader moves shredded counterfeit trainers curing an operation by the customs authority in Hamburg, Germany.

IotD often has these kinds of shots, of counterfeit material being destroyed. Usually it's CDs and DVDs in smaller Asian nations, but somehow somebody has figured out how to make a counterfeit buck on Nikes. I'm amazed at the volume, but since Nikes are already manufactured at low cost Asian labor mills, you'd need volume to make money on fake ones, even considering the high profit margins built into $100 and up "trainers".

It just goes to show the power of a strong brand, I guess.

busterb 11-19-2006 10:40 AM

Prolly made by night shift at Nikes plants. :bolt:

Trilby 11-19-2006 10:58 AM

Oh! The Humanity!

Won't Someone think of the Children?!

CaliforniaMama 11-19-2006 11:23 AM

Recycle anyone?

TorasMommy 11-19-2006 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by CaliforniaMama
Recycle anyone?

Good point..

Why can't they just give these things over to some third world country somewhere that doesn't have money for this kind of thing?? :eyebrow:

Elspode 11-19-2006 12:42 PM

Because some scammer in a third world country would snatch them all and resell them as authentic on the black market, that's why. Think Nigerian Scam.

thecynicproject 11-19-2006 01:02 PM

Do they really have to SHRED them though? You'd figure they could deface them somehow and then donate to someone who needs shoes.

xoxoxoBruce 11-19-2006 01:32 PM

They might fall into the hands of terrorists allowing them to run away too fast. ;)

CaliforniaMama 11-19-2006 06:33 PM

Speaking of Nigerians and terrorists . . .

One of hubby's coworkers pissed off a Nigerian and now the Nigerian mafia (is there such a thing?) has been making threatening phone calls to anyone even remotely associated.

They made a big boo boo and talked to the main receptionist in the big famous building in which hubby plies his trade, who called in the police, who called in the FBI, who will probably call in Homeland Security.

Tsk tsk. One faction in Nigeria is about to be put out of business!

I know, nothing to do with the image, a little word association side-track.

Ibby 11-19-2006 07:32 PM

Man, such a goddamn waste...

DucksNuts 11-19-2006 10:01 PM

ohh I thought they were destroying counterfeit snakes :worried:

breakingnews 11-20-2006 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts
ohh I thought they were destroying counterfeit snakes :worried:

Glad I wasn't the only one who read that wrong at first glance. :)

But yeah, seriously, why not donate them to people in need? Wouldn't that just more branding for Nike? Who cares if they're real or not? Imitation is the greatest form of flattery?

rupip 11-20-2006 02:53 AM

RECYCLING: yes they do!
the material will be used for building tracks for athletics.

so it will not be what people run in but what some school-kids run on.


CaliforniaMama 11-20-2006 03:06 AM


Sundae 11-20-2006 09:02 AM

The French are very tough on fakes too. British tourists sometimes run into problems after going to Italian markets just over the border. On the way home the cars/ coaches may be searched for counterfeits - not smuggling, individual items.

A lady I know had her handbag confiscated, despite it being a fake she bought in Turkey some two years previously.

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