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greenian 11-13-2003 11:47 PM

I sure do like smoking weed
you can all hate me for it but I'm coming out on The Cellar... I freakin love smoking Mary Jane. Chronic, bonk, muggles, cannabis, reefer, dope, call it what you will I just plain like it. I could dazzle you with facts about industrial hemp, or about pots long history of use by many many important, cool people. But that's all a Smokescreen (pun intended) I've just decided to put up a thread about my drug of choice. I don't drink, and I only use one other drug (mushrooms) verrrrryyy infrequently.


tonksy 11-14-2003 12:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
hello my brother.

wolf 11-14-2003 12:15 AM

Been there, done that. Damned if I can remember what happened to that teeshirt, though ...

Weed struck me as your basic waste of time.

It became extremely unattractive (and this took a LOT of experimentation, mind you ... it's not a recognition I came to overnight) when I realized that I wanted to move on to a new activity, and I couldn't.

This was so frightening to me that I haven't touched a doob, a bowl, or a bong since.

greenian 11-14-2003 12:20 AM

but since picking up weed I have also become more interested in things I love doing, hiking and hacky-sack. I've picked up the electric bass (I could never play an instrument before) and I'm going to school. It may be a waste when done all the time, but I restrict myself.

Hubris Boy 11-14-2003 01:05 AM

I was never a serious smoker, you understand... I just experimented with it a few thousand times, trying to decide if I liked it.

In the end, it turned out I didn't. But that was a long time ago.

bmgb 11-14-2003 01:40 AM

It's great for some people, and not so good for others. My parents are both chronics, and I was exposed at such an early age that I think I have THC in my DNA.

It has no effect on me. My friends (and parents) often offer me tokes, but I usually say no because I don't want to waste something that brings them so much peace.

JeepNGeorge 11-14-2003 04:15 AM


Originally posted by greenian
but since picking up weed I have also become more interested in things I love doing, hiking and hacky-sack. I've picked up the electric bass (I could never play an instrument before) and I'm going to school. It may be a waste when done all the time, but I restrict myself.
I restricted myself. Then I had to totally ban it when I realized I hadn't drew a sober breath in 7 years. Like most I started smoking dope to expand my mind. Everything just looks cool high, I could be myself, blah, blah, blah. Weed wasn't enough and why looky here some meth. One thing leads to another and I 'woke' up in a Las Vegas Hotel 50 pounds lighter, thousands of dollars broker, and somehow wiser to the fact that instead of expanding I was mearly trying to escape my mind. I wouldn't recommend seeing Vegas on a coke,speed,mushrooms,weed cocktail, but once you seen it you can't get it outta your head. (Hunter S. Thompson wrote a good narrative if your too afraid to try it for yourself though) I opened the door to perception Alex wrote about and sometimes wonder if that was a bad thing. Of course if I hadn't started weed, I'd be a computer programmer stuck in some cubicle trying to chew the blueing of my .44 magnum, so I guess somethings are just meant to happen.

Weed, like all things, when taken in moderation isn't bad. But I think maybe GnR was right in the song Mr. Brownstone. 'I used to do a little but a little would do it. A little got more and more.'

I do think it should be legal, although I wouldn't smoke a joint now if I had too. I found that I can be paranoid and eat a whole bag of doritos without any chemicals. I think since we do live in the land of the free we don't need da gubment telling me what I can and can't do.

I also think any pothead worth his salt should read Naked Lunch and Junky by William S. Burroughs. I never totally understood those books until I started on my personal drug trek.

breakingnews 11-14-2003 07:27 AM

I smoked a shitload in high school (which was only 5 years ago, mind you) - even though there were a fair amount of people who smoked pot in college, for some reason not a lot of my friends actively sought it out. I guess I was the Devil's messenger - everyone always seemed up for partying whenever I showed up with a fat joint. :)

These days I liken it to drinking a few beers, really. Either way, I'm putting something in my body that I probably shouldn't, and my head is going to get fucked up regardless of what or how much I drink/smoke. It's fun and easy when done in moderation - but I do have some friends that have some issues. Maturity issues, really. They'll grow out of it.

But man, Philly delivery service is just outta control. One phone call and 20 minutes later, we're puffing on some sick, dank nuggets.

Undertoad 11-14-2003 07:42 AM

I've already kinda come out as an occasional. Yay weed.

I find it so far better than alcohol as a distraction that now I actually dislike being drunk, and haven't been drunk in 10 years. It's a control thing with me.

JeepN, it's a shame, that probably 10% of people have addictive personalities, and I bet that in another decade the docs will have solved that. It's at different levels it seems. My s2b-ex's sister has such a powerful problem that she literally can't be left alone with money for five minutes, or she will locate the nearest booze store and be drunk immediately. She had previous problems with coke and was snorting it during her second pregnancy. She's in her mid-40s and is losing her teeth from alcoholism. I think she will be dead in ten years.

Another friend of mine knows he has such a personality and simply controls it by avoiding things that kick his instinct in. We both know and understand that I should not invite him on an Atlantic City trip because he will gamble all of his money and try to get more out of ATMs.

FileNotFound 11-14-2003 08:56 AM

I never did any sort of illegal drugs.

I've never been drunk. I tried. It didn't happen. I'm a 240 pound Russian...(not exactly 'bloated' being 6'6")...but after more shots than I could remember all I had was a headache and a desire to pee. I sat about for a few hours had a good laugh at the expense of those who did get drunk, then got tired and decieded to sleep.

At times I wonder if I'm missing out on the "fun" things in life. It's kinda like the thing with my girlfriend being the only girl I ever had sex with and now being engaged to her she'll be the only girl. I mean I know it's nothing "bad" but then maybe I'm missing out some experiences which are needed to really understand life.

I've considered trying some drugs, I did have a bunch of weed smoking friends. Yet I never did just because I was afraid of getting addicted and not being able to afford it. (My addiction to Everquest was bad enough and cost me around 4k over 3 years. But EQ was easy to break. I just managed to do "everything" anyone in EQ ever wanted...and that was it. Game Over in a sense - $4k and over 200 days play time later)

I'm also terrified of trying something then getting busted on a drug test, doesn't weed stay in the blood for like 6 months?

Well whatever...

Undertoad 11-14-2003 09:18 AM

One month.

Not trying it for fear of addiction: that's the whole thing I think. I think those people who have addictive personalities should just skip it altogether. It is a pretty dangerous thing for those people who do fall into that sector. Not health-dangerous, but life-dangerous. A lot of people don't get their life back, like Sharon's sister.

Other than that, it's a distraction, and there's plenty of distractions we can all choose from.

perth 11-14-2003 09:23 AM

I liked weed until I found beer.

Elspode 11-14-2003 09:44 AM

My dope use gradually tapered off until, when I hit my mid-30's, I wasn't ever buying any, and only having the odd toke when with more chronic friends. I found that smoking dope after I became a father with a mortgage and real world responsibility problems made me incredibly paranoid. Hard to enjoy being stoned if all you do is sit around and wonder if you are going to lose your house or have your lights turned off.

Booze, on the other hand, was my real problem. Booze made everything alright, even though it often was decidedly *not* alright. Booze made me charming (not), witty (not), desireable (not) and intellectual (notnotnotnotnotnotnotnot), and at my worst, I could easily consume a fifth of whiskey in a single three or four hour stretch. And I did that two to three days a week, with a six or twelve pack thrown in on the off-whiskey days. Results? Bad heart, bad intestines, bad marriage, bad attitude.

I've been down the drugs road, and I like myself better sober. I assure you all that you like me better sober as well. That being said, I do not judge anyone else for what they consume, I only urge people to use drugs responsibly (yes, it can be done, just not by me) and in moderation. Too much of *anything* is probably going to end up badly.

tonksy 11-14-2003 10:52 AM

i like pot. i smoke my share but it isn't like high scholl- "dude, let's see how high we can get man.." i just like a bowl. i am not a drinker although i am a beer snob. i say to each his own if said person is mature enough to handle their business.

lumberjim 11-14-2003 11:52 PM

i smoked pot once, but i didnt inhale

oh, and i did NOT have sex with that woman

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