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Trilby 09-21-2008 01:56 PM

Does Anyone feel like Bailing
AIG and Lehman out?

Because I don't.

I. Do. Not.

Don't tell me it's all for the greater good, it will be worse if we don't,etc. Let the CEO's and CFO's bail their companies out. Mohterf******rs!!!

Am I the only one who feels this way?

and another thing: The Chinese get away with selling toxic lounge chairs?


ok. Sunday late afternoon ennui, I suppose. But, still.

Elspode 09-21-2008 01:59 PM

All you need to know is that rich people will stay rich and poor people will stay poor, and that's how its going to be. Period.

Trilby 09-21-2008 02:02 PM

you mean the Dream of the Middle class is truly over?

And to kill my spirit even more---McCain is leading here in Ohio. Holy shite I cannot believe my neighbors. I really, really cannot. I shake my head in complete disbelief.

bluecuracao 09-21-2008 02:14 PM

Oh great, do we have to bail Lehman out now? I thought they getting all split up.

I agree. Whenever this sort of thing happens, all the C_O's--present and especially most recent past--should have to pony up first. Seems like the guys who leave right before the shit hits the fan are the ones who are the most responsible for the mess.

HungLikeJesus 09-21-2008 02:19 PM

What's wrong with you people in Ohio?

Trilby 09-21-2008 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 485725)
What's wrong with you people in Ohio?

You mean because they are all voting McCain? I can answer this if this is your question.

Elspode 09-21-2008 02:37 PM

The Middle Class was an aberration...was never supposed to happen. That little sociological blip is rapidly being corrected.

First, we lose the investment in our homes by having had the values artificially inflated so that we would borrow against nonexistent money, then having the values lowered so that we are, effectively being returned to being rental tenants for the next decade or so. Second, any jobs which one can actually make a decent living at are shipped overseas where impoverished people jump at the chance to make 1/10th the wages that were paid in this country. Third, the retirement investments we have all labored to build are consumed by market crashes and negative yields. Finally, inflation consumes any of the expendable income we might have as employers in a slumping economy are unwillng or unable to provide raises to even allow us to stay even with inflation.

The rich will still be rich, because the gap between the wealthy and even the middlest of the Middle class is so enormous.

Anyone taking bets on who will step up to shoot down my thesis?

Trilby 09-21-2008 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode (Post 485727)
Anyone taking bets on who will step up to shoot down my thesis?

I bet UG.

HungLikeJesus 09-21-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 485726)
You mean because they are all voting McCain? I can answer this if this is your question.

I was making a reference to this thread. No offense intended.

Trilby 09-21-2008 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 485737)
I was making a reference to this thread. No offense intended.

No offense taken.

I just cannot believe the nutjobs around here, supporting McCain. I USED to like him ok enough, but once he pulled that Cheap Trick, the scales fell from my eyes. He's too old and Sarah is a complete right wing saleswoman, courting the Evangelical crowd....blah,blah, you've heard it all before. I just CANNOT believe that, even NOW, people in Ohio support Bush (!!!) and want his clone in office.

I fondly look back on the days of Slick Willie. Blowjobs don't bother me, but blowing up other people---now that does bother me.

OMG! Maybe I'm becoming a socialist?! Cool! Then me and Dana can hang out more. ;)

footfootfoot 09-21-2008 05:35 PM

Dash my hopes again why don't you. I thought the title of this thread was "Does anyone feel like balling?"

To quote Ms. Potter "...there was no end to the rage and disappointment..."

As for the topic, I didn't feel like bailing out Neil and Jeb, et al either, and I still feel it is a bad idea to foster and condone irresponsibility.

Got this clip from Lehrer on pbs, 12 minutes of reasonable deabte on the subject.

skysidhe 09-21-2008 05:54 PM

Problem is I don't BELIEVE Obama. I don't believe in him. I don't understand the vague ambiguities that come out of his mouth. I can't stand his smirky face.His finger flipping, lipstick poking politics. Congress is Democratic! and I am a democrat but I wanted Hillary as Pres. I am protesting but it won't be a protest vote, nor a color of the skin vote. It's a look at the facts about whom has done what.

Who will maybe actually do what they say?

As for bail-outs. It's better that we bail out our country than to hock it to China. What's left anyway.

SteveDallas 09-21-2008 06:05 PM

We may or may not need to bail them out. I certainly don't want to do it with a) $700 billion that b) will be spent entirely at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury with c) absolutely no oversight whatsoever.

xoxoxoBruce 09-21-2008 06:12 PM

And bailing out offshore companies, that moved offshore to avoid paying US taxes. :eyebrow:

skysidhe 09-21-2008 06:35 PM

I don't want to gamble with the future. What if there would be another depression if we did not? How can we know the truth? We can only really know it in hindsight. I don't want to have to look back and say we should have.

I understand who is to blame and those who did it. I think deregulation is wrong. I always thought so. I can even say, "I told you so" to those who bashed me for bashing Bush' Waay back when but anyway, I didn't like Bush then and I still don't. I still am democratic in my basic philosophy but these parties are so in the pockets of special interests on both sides.

I am all for cleaning up our government. I hope the two nominees can clean it up without running us into the ground any further.

that's all

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