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Undertoad 02-24-2006 11:40 AM

2/24/2006: Albino fawn

Jacquelita sent along this item, along with an email which has apparently been widely circulated. It reads:


Albino Fawn from folks who live on Bolivar Peninsula , Texas

A very eventful day around here... A once in many lifetimes experience!
Mark saw this lil' feller run out in front of a car, thought it was a lost baby goat. Stopped to get it, and WOW. A real Albino Whitetail Deer. Just hours old, but doing fine. No Momma deer around.

Well,, he is "THE" neatest thing any of us ever saw. And only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food, followed us around the house, doing great. So, we called the Zoo & Fossil Rim, who were both interested, but going to send him to a Rehab farm, at a vet that we have never gotten along with... So, one of Dad's best friends is our Game Warden. Kinda reluctantly, I called him and told him the deal. He came right over, of course... and assured me that he wouldn't take it to that vet, that he was going to "go to higher levels" than that with him.. So, he is gone now. We got a chance to see something we probably will never see again but we got a lot of pix, and it was very cool.

Maybe he will make it in captivity somewhere and be appreciated. So rare...

Sure wanted to keep him though but, not the right thing to do and not LEGAL either; But here are a couple of pix to show ya.

He was snow white, pink eyes, ears, nose and hooves. Kids called him POWDER. He was SO small. That is my shoe lying beside him... cool is that??

With a cc'd email like that, you have to check some of the details out on the net. Snopes says undetermined, but here's a case where Urban Legends at goes further, documenting an early sighting of the email from June 2005. The About page concludes that it probably did happen but probably not in the given location.

Then I did a Google Image Search for albino deer, and it seems the beasts aren't as rare as it seems.

But they are not to be confused with the Seneca White Deer, below, which is white colored, and not albino. The eyes give it away, I suppose.

BigV 02-24-2006 11:48 AM

That bottom one you call Seneca White Deer looks more like Stepford Wives White Deer. :shivers:

The others are cute though. And tiny unless that's Shaq's shoe up there.

glatt 02-24-2006 12:01 PM

If I were a mountain lion, I know which one of the deer in the second to bottom picture I would chase.

(Assuming, of course, that mountain lions have the same ability to see colors that humans do.)

Trilby 02-24-2006 12:07 PM

wolf will be along in a few minutes to explain how this is a sign. At least, I hope she will.

Kitsune 02-24-2006 01:05 PM

It is amazing to see in the first image that a leopard mother decided to adopt it. These stories are always so touching.

FallenFairy 02-24-2006 01:09 PM

OK - in pic # 4 from the top- I say three more deer beside the Albino - my office- mate claims to see four.... I need someone with sharper eyes to settle it.

barefoot serpent 02-24-2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
wolf will be along in a few minutes to explain how this is a sign.

or report back in the What's for lunch topic. :D

Kitsune 02-24-2006 01:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by FallenFairy
OK - in pic # 4 from the top- I say three more deer beside the Albino - my office- mate claims to see four.... I need someone with sharper eyes to settle it.

Crazy animals and their optical trickery.

FallenFairy 02-24-2006 01:17 PM

Thanks Kitsune - (where the hell are my glasses???????)

wolf 02-24-2006 01:18 PM

Of course it is a sign. We are in the run up to the Earth Changes, after all.

The deer is the eastern US Indian version of the buffalo. Miracle, the now-deceased white buffalo calf was fulfillment of a prophecy. (Miracle turned all the colors of the medicine wheel in it's short life ... white, yellow, red, and black, which was also in the prophecy.)

White deer are a lot more frequent than the buffalo, though, because of the differential in breeding rates. You aren't having to chase buffalo off your back lawn to keep them from eating your vegetable garden, and I can't remember the last time there was a multivehicle accident out on 202 because a buffalo was too stupid to be allowed to enter the gene pool.

We have two white stags in the fields near the nuthouse, and a friend saw one over towards Malvern.

Trilby 02-24-2006 01:23 PM

See? I told you. i may not be Joshua the Baptist but I am his harbringer. what does 'harbringer' mean, anyway?

Elspode 02-24-2006 01:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Harbringer means there is an extra "r" in harbinger... :blush:

I think the albino deer is a sign of the impending apocalypse, as evidenced by the original version shown below.

Trilby 02-24-2006 01:28 PM

R U kidding?

*smoking, but, still, embarrassed about harrbringer.* WTF?

Elspode 02-24-2006 01:31 PM


limey 02-24-2006 02:16 PM

I saw a brace of white pheasants on my way home from work the other day.

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