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rtexanssane 04-03-2006 02:20 AM

Cancer should not exist. Part 1
I want to talk about something that i have been studying on and off for about 4 years now. Some of you will allready have heard something about it but maybe not paid to much attention to it due to the lack of publicity, because of these facts not being supported by organised medicine.
It is difficult to know where to start because there is so much to tell, but i will start by making what might seem like an unlikely claim and then build from there. Here it is.


I know that people will be thinking that if this were the case we would all know about it by now, after all the medical authoutities have been battling this disease for well over 100 years.

well its not the first time that current science has failed to recognise the cure for a disease for over 100 years.

First lets define what cancer is. It has been categorised as a Chronic metabolic condition which means that being chronic it will not usually pass away of its own accord and being metabolic means it arrises within the body and is not transmittable to other humans, it also means that it relates to that which we injest in our daily lives and since cancer is triggered by what we call carcenegens which cannot be metabolised by the body it is categorised as a chronic Metabolic

In 1952 Dr Earnst T Krebbs jnr a biochemist from San Francisco put for ward The theory that cancer is not caused by a virus or bacteria but by the lack of an essential food compound in modern mans diet and he made the very important point that in the histry of medical science there has never been a chronic metabolic condition that could be cured, controlled or prevented by medicine or any form of mechanical manipulation of the body.
To back up his statement lets look at the history of these diseases. I will list the five that i know of.

1: Scurvy
2: Pellagra
3: Pernicious emia
4: Ricketts
5: Beri Beri

All of these diseases have the same things in common. They have upward of a 90% mortality rate and most importantly they none them exist as part of the human experience due to the discovery of factors relating to diet.

SCURVY most people know about killed over 1 million sailors in the the British navy alone between 1600 - 1800 and yet the cure had been dicoverd long before this.
French explorer Jacque Cartier in the eary fifteen hundreds was near the arctic coast on the St Lawrence river when Scurvy began to take its toll. Out of a crew of 110 25 had died and the rest were not expected to live.
But the local tribesmen recognised the symtoms and made up a mixture from the Bark and Needles of the White Pine both rich in ascorbic acid or Vitamin C. Stirred into a drink this produced immediate relief followed by swift recovery.
When Cartier returned home he reported this to the medical authorities who laughed at him and said they were not interested in witch doctor cures of ignorrant savages, but the record was kept and only over 200 years later did they finally bow down but even then in 1747 John Lynn a surgions mate in the Brithish navy recommended that all ships carry citrus fruits and it was another 48 years before this was put into effect.

The 19th and 20th centuries has been no exception to the dismisal by the medical authourities of the link between chronic metabolic disease and nutrition so i will briefly go over the other 4

PELLAGRA was dessimating large portions of South America and was epidemic amoung the poor maize eating peasants in southern Europe from as far back as 1735 before coming to the attention of the US in 1902.
Again it was thought to be caused by an as yet undiscovered virus
In 1914 Joseph Goldberger had demonstrated that this condition could be cured and prevented by liver or yeast. The chief factor being Niacin (Vitamin B3) But not until the 1940s 30 years later was Pellagra fully accepted as a Vitamin B3 defficiency.

PERNICIOUS ENEMIA perhaps the deadliest of all had a 98% mortality rate but was erradicated by the introduction of raw liver to the diet. The chief factor here being Vitamin B12.

RICKETS a bone disease which due to the lack of Vitamin D especially amoung those workink indoors in the larger industrial towns where smog was cutting off the sunlight and women heavily clothed so that only hands and face were exposed.

BERI BERI reached epidemic proportion in Dutch colonies in the 1880s and it took almost until the middle of last century to be fully accepted that this disease is prevented by Thiamin (Vitamin B1)

In Thailand between 1987 - 1990 (no thats not a typo, 19 years ago) was responsible for 40% of all infant deaths despite the fact that it has been known for nearly a century that Thiamin prevents this disease.

Bear in mind that when i speak of mortality rate i am not talking about the literal number of a population that die but the percentage of those contracting the disease that will die as a result of the nutritional factors not being known.

Do you see the pattern here? In every case medicine was no use. In every case it was a single vitamin that erased the problem.
Cancer is a Chronic metabolic condition and there is no reason to believe that the solution will be any different from above.
However i am not content with the strength of this logic and neither i hope will you be so some scientific evidence is needed here.

Trilby 04-03-2006 01:18 PM

What a complete load of fucking shit.

marichiko 04-03-2006 01:35 PM


Do you see the pattern here? In every case medicine was no use. In every case it was a single vitamin that erased the problem.
Cancer is a Chronic metabolic condition and there is no reason to believe that the solution will be any different from above.
However i am not content with the strength of this logic and neither i hope will you be so some scientific evidence is needed here.
I'm not content with the strength of your logic in either of your posts. Yep, some conditions are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, if you eat more vitamin C, you won't get smallpox. If you eat lots of vitamin B complex, you won't get malaria because mosquitoes don't like the smell of B vitamins and will leave you alone. Vitamin A is great for the measles. Niacin does wonders for yellow fever. Puleeez!

Vitamins also kill people, too. Explorers lost in the Antartic have died because they ate their sled dogs, including the livers which contained toxic amounts of vitamin A.

Go bombard some other more gullible group with your crazy theories. I have to go buy a copper bracelet for my arthritis now. :right:

rtexanssane 04-03-2006 07:42 PM

Yes marichiko and water will drown you if swallow too much of it so what is your point.
You seem to have completely ignored the fact that i am talking specifically abou Chronin Metabolic diseases a point which i made 100% clear in what i wrote and start going on about virus based diseases which are not nutrition oriented as an example to say that i am wrong.
I suggest you pay attention to what you read in future, but then what else should i expect from some nit picker who would rather notice spelling mistakes than examine any worthy content.
You should not have posted that comment if you hope for any critisism you offer to be taken seriously.

laebedahs 04-24-2006 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by rtexanssane
Yes marichiko and water will drown you if swallow too much of it so what is your point.
You seem to have completely ignored the fact that i am talking specifically abou Chronin Metabolic diseases a point which i made 100% clear in what i wrote and start going on about virus based diseases which are not nutrition oriented as an example to say that i am wrong.
I suggest you pay attention to what you read in future, but then what else should i expect from some nit picker who would rather notice spelling mistakes than examine any worthy content.
You should not have posted that comment if you hope for any critisism you offer to be taken seriously.

While an old message...

I take Brianna's messages and the veteran cellar members' messages more seriously than I ever will from you. She was pointing out flaws in your logic, and she is correct.

carouselle 04-24-2006 08:35 AM


I take Brianna's messages and the veteran cellar members' messages more seriously than I ever will from you.
now that is poor: tribal loyalty over scientific evidence.

mrnoodle 04-24-2006 09:35 AM

science. heehee.

I miss the spam from people trying to drum up support for video games and movies.

Happy Monkey 04-24-2006 09:46 AM

There wasn't any scientific evidence there.

Trilby 04-24-2006 10:03 AM I being dissed?

Coz i think i am. :(

*hurt feelings* *sniffles*

Happy Monkey 04-24-2006 11:05 AM

By who?

Trilby 04-24-2006 11:20 AM

I guess I'm thinking somebody is saying even *I* am not so stupid as to think this is on the level. maybe it's just PMS? I dunno. *anxious*

Happy Monkey 04-24-2006 12:02 PM

I think laebedahs was actually referring to marichiko's post since, while correct, yours didn't point out any particular logical flaws.

Trilby 04-24-2006 01:19 PM

I thought the flaws were self-evident :lol:

laebedahs 04-24-2006 05:38 PM

Haha, I didn't even realize I had put Brianna's name in place of what should've been marichiko's. Sorry.

marichiko 04-24-2006 06:38 PM

Thank you. I was getting pretty confused, myself. ;)

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