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Trilby 10-28-2005 03:33 AM

University Students SUCK
Let me say that I am very disappointed in my fellow University students. I know that I am not exactly attending a prestigious institution (My University's motto is "We Take Anybody!") but, JEEZ! You should hear these whippersnappers in my PolySci class! Granted, its PolySci 200, so we're talking Gen. Ed. here and everybody has to go, so you get a lot of 19-20 year olds. And, brother, let me tell you, these kids have zero compassion, zero tolerance for anything but Bushie and the Religious Right, zero feelings of responsibility to anyone but themselves and THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR GOD. And everybody else can go screw. They are sickening. One guy said, "this country was founded on Christian-Judeo principles and if you don't work, you don't eat." That is a Christian-Judeo value? Since when? Did I misread my Bible? Did Jesus say, "Those who worketh the holy overtime shall inherit the Earth," or, "If thou brother doeseth stumble and fall, be sure to trample uponeth him and finish him off" ??? Did I miss that? These little snots haven't worked a day in their life (ok, maybe they worked at DairyQueen last summer) walk around with their cell phone stuck to their faces, drive new cars and surely believe their enviable position of full-time, non-working student with a credit card came to them by virture of their superior chromosomes. The bum in the street--tough shit for him. He obviously deserves to be there. That's how young, middle-class American college students are thinking. They deserve Bush. I think I'm going to see if I can transfer to Antioch in Yellow see how upset I am. It's four-thirty in the morning and I can't sleep I'm so angry with them all! I swear, I feel like an outlaw and they all give me the evil eye because I CAN'T HELP MYSELF and I speak up on some issues. I hate these kids.

ashke 10-28-2005 04:17 AM

That sounds pretty horrible. If you're really transfering out, I hope you get a better environment there. But please don't give up/overgeneralize on university students. We're not all like that.

Urbane Guerrilla 10-28-2005 04:27 AM

Young, middleclass, or even monied, American college students aren't socialists or collectivists or communists! Cool!

Rejoice and be glad. It's really only the capitalists and entrepreneurs who know how to make money and wealth anyway.

Capitalism plus ethics is the only way to fly. The other roads get you shafted in a big way.

"Bushie" is doing more to BREAK and RUIN totalitarianism than any President in recent memory but Reagan. Clinton didn't, Carter couldn't hack it. That counts very heavily in Heaven, Brianna -- Bush-hatred is every bit as misplaced as it is unproductive as it is stupid. You aren't going to college to be stupid.

Trilby 10-28-2005 04:49 AM


oh, yes, in RepublicanWorld that IS the way to get into heaven. Supply-side economics my ASS!

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits, UG. You people make me sick.

if something bad happens to you--I wonder what you'll do? Kick yourself in the ass? shoot yourself and save us all the bother of having to help you? sickening.

slang 10-28-2005 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla
Young, middleclass, or even monied, American college students aren't socialists or collectivists or communists! Cool!

Yes UG, and it's not just the college students here. I have become quite comfortable with the lack of BS liberal themes running rampant through this entire society here in Ohio.

Sure, they need to lighten up their gun laws, but overall this is no Massachusetts.

And as for no compassion, that may be in Bri's case but people in this area from most all backgrounds not only get along but also help each other in small or big ways. This is particularly surprising to me since I have heard for years that there is a lot of racial tension here.

Nothing could be further from the truth from my experience.

Liberalism is not rampant here. Every single fuckup that a person might make in their life is not somehow my fault or my responsibility to fix.

I DIG that man! :)

Trilby 10-28-2005 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by slang
Liberalism is not rampant here. Every single fuckup that a person might make in their life is not somehow my fault or my responsibility to fix.

I DIG that man! :)

I do so hope your magical exsistence continues forever and ever. What about stuff people have no control over? Car accident-boom-head injury. Yeah, tough shit man. Shouldn't have run out for a jug of milk, ya asshole.
Wait, though. You're young. Life does seem to happen even to the most smug and self-satisfied of you.

And a lot of the people who need help are children. But, screw them, too. I didn't bring them here--they should have been born to better parents. Wow. It must be nice to have all the answers. Let's just tell little jimmie to get a shoe-shine job and save his pennies!

Rock Steady 10-28-2005 11:08 AM

Hey Bri-- Don't let the kids (here and at school) get you down. It's a pendulum. 30 years ago kids were liberal and the old folks said they didn't work a day in their life how could they know anything? Now the kids are Bushies and the old folks said they didn't work a day in their life how could they know anything?

What's still true is that the 21 yo kids still have no clue. They need to get kicked in the teeth a few times.

Taken to an extreme, the conservatives would have no community support and each person for himself. Taken to an extreme, the liberals would build a commune for everyone to share.

The middle ground features capitalism, entreprenueship, personal responsibility, social safety net, education, and fairness. A progressive tax structure is a fairness component of the incentive-based Free Market Game. I made a couple of million dollars a few year ago and paid half of it in fed and state income tax. I didn't make the megabucks by my self in isolation, my taxes support the system that gave birth to my wealth.

I ran a business and played by the rules. If a company is illegally unfair to employees, I want that company punished by the Labor Dept. It's not fair to my business to let that go on. Actually, I took a sabbatical from my company to work elsewhere. After I resigned with a month's notice, they took me off of payroll and my last paycheck never came. I argued with them about this, then took them to the CA Labor Dept and easily won my case (no cost to me).

So, I've been there, done that, in no particular order: Student, Employee, Jailmate, Capitialist, Entreprenuer, Employer

Some of my business colleagues think I'm a flaming liberal. All of my liberal friends think I'm a capialist pig; they almost turned white when I told them of my Oil & Gas Partnership investments. As if I was crossing ever deeper to the dark side.

Moderates will win the day!

Radar 10-28-2005 11:15 AM

I find it disturbing that some people think if you don't want government to provide heathcare, retirement, education, charity, or other things that they don't belong involved in, that you have no compassion, that you are against the poor, elderly, sick, or uneducated.

Anyone with compassion would insist that government immediately cut off all social programs like medicare, social security, public education, and welfare. That way these people can get MORE help, better education, actual charity, better retirement, etc.

I feel like these morons would say if I'm against government feeding everyone, it means I don't want people to eat.

As far as Bush goes, he's a tool and anyone who likes him is an asswipe. Bush has done more to bring totalitarianism to America, more to violate the Constitution and the principles that built America, and more to wreck the reputation of America than all previous presidents combined.

NovemberRain 10-28-2005 11:43 AM


It's no secret that the American brand of Christianity/capitalism is as far removed from the teachings and practices of the Apostles as it can possibly get. That fact is obvious to any semi-literate twit who reads The Acts of the Apostles and takes it at face value. We can take some solace in the fact that if there really is a hell, 99.99% of the self-serving, self-deluded so-called Christians in America will end up there in due course, right alongside all the mealy-mouthed do-gooding liberals whose actions do not match their stated beliefs.

xoxoxoBruce 10-28-2005 12:04 PM

In days of old, when Knights were bold……..well, not that far back, but before the government got into the social welfare business.
If you were sick or hurt, it was rough, but your family, neighbors, congregation, provided for your minimum needs.
If you died someone would take in your children.
Someone would give firewood or a pig to the poor widow Jones.
When social programs began to grow, people started backing off saying let the government take care of it.
Unfortunately the government doesn’t do a very good job of it, giving some too much and some too little or nothing at all. And always at too high a price because of waste, graft and stupid regulations.

In many ways we were better off without the “safety nets” because they have too many holes in them and too many people have come to expect too much from them. A “safety net” is not there to maintain a particular standard of living…..only to save your life.
When that helicopter plucks you off the roof of your house its job is to get you to a safe place, not take care of you once you’re safe.
That is a different department/agency/organization/charity.

On a more personal level… Christmas I always sent out dozens of gifts. Nothing expensive, just funny or strange stuff to make people smile.
This year, however, a friend at work had his esophagus removed this summer due to cancer. We have a very good benefits package so the medical bills (over $200K) were paid and he’s getting a small weekly stipend.
But the fact remains that he’s going under financially. I have to do what I can to make sure he doesn’t drown.
I can’t sit by and hope somebody will do something or say that’s too bad, glad it ain’t me. :headshake

NovemberRain 10-28-2005 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
I can’t sit by and hope somebody will do something or say that’s too bad, glad it ain’t me. :headshake

You're a better Christian than many of the ones I know, Bruce. My family's standard response whenever I'm in trouble is "don't they have charity hospitals where you live?" and "I'll pray for you". Can you guess why I speak to the bastards maybe once in a blue moon?

marichiko 10-28-2005 01:18 PM

Transfer to Antioch if you can, Brianna, you'll get a better education and be surrounded by people who have actually have two thoughts in their brains that they can rub together!

Yes, once upon a time, a community would take care of its own, but in the the big impersonal cities, it didn't happen even back then and it sure won't happen now. In Colorado, anyone with half a brain to look around them could see that the elderly and handicapped are getting no help. The evening news on TV regularly features some tragic story of old people and disabled people going without food or having no place to live thanks to state budget cuts in social services.

The low income person with no health insurance is thrown to the dogs here in Colorado. There are newspaper articles and TV stories about that, too. Colorado tax payers refuse to pay for ANYTHING and the state legislature takes up all its time each assembly with deciding which will go next. Let's see, highway repairs or Elder Abuse Protection? That's covered on the news, too.

Do the generous people of Colorado dig into their pockets for local charities since they are refusing to pay hardly anything in state taxes? HAHA! Not the good Christian Focus on the Family crowd whose motto is, "let 'em die on the streets!"

wolf 10-28-2005 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by marichiko
Transfer to Antioch if you can, Brianna, you'll get a better education and be surrounded by people who have actually have two thoughts in their brains that they can rub together!

Isn't Antioch the school where you had to specifically ask "May I touch you on the shoulder?" "May I stroke your hair?" "May I fuck you like a dog in heat?"

I don't think that's a ringing endorsement of the school or it's administration.

The students in your class suck, Bri, because they lack experience of the world, and only know what their favorite bloggers tell them about it.

Trilby 10-28-2005 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
Isn't Antioch the school where you had to specifically ask... "May I fuck you like a dog in heat?"

As long as he asks nicely...

...of course, you guys are right. It's really due to the fact that they are kids and (most) have been through very little indeed. I feel better. Level heads prevail and all that!

And, just curious, Radar---if you don't want a welfare state, what do you propose as an alternative? Who cares for the elderly and the kids without parents? Foster kids recieve Medicaid to cover their medical bills (and here in Oh. they want to nix their dental benefits--perfect!) so--who takes care of them?

Elspode 10-28-2005 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Radar
Anyone with compassion would insist that government immediately cut off all social programs like medicare, social security, public education, and welfare. That way these people can get MORE help, better education, actual charity, better retirement, etc. kid's Medicaid was cut back recently, yet no one has come knocking on the door to offer to pick up the financial loss. Using your logic, if he loses something, something else will come to replace it, but it hasn't happened.

Did I miss the mail-in or something? Is there a website for applying for this new font of charity and assistance? Do I just call the Libertarian Party and ask for the Help Desk?

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