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xoxoxoBruce 02-16-2008 09:50 PM

Female Muslim medics 'disobey hygiene rules'
From the Telegraph.

Muslim medical students are refusing to obey hygiene rules brought in to stop the spread of deadly superbugs, because they say it is against their religion.

Women training in several hospitals in England have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands, because it is regarded as immodest in Islam.

Universities and NHS trusts fear many more will refuse to co-operate with new Department of Health guidance, introduced this month, which stipulates that all doctors must be "bare below the elbow".

The measure is deemed necessary to stop the spread of infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile, which have killed hundreds.

Minutes of a clinical academics' meeting at Liverpool University revealed that female Muslim students at Alder Hey children's hospital had objected to rolling up their sleeves to wear gowns.

Similar concerns have been raised at Leicester University. Minutes from a medical school committee said that "a number of Muslim females had difficulty in complying with the procedures to roll up sleeves to the elbow for appropriate handwashing".

Sheffield University also reported a case of a Muslim medic who refused to "scrub" as this left her forearms exposed.

Documents from Birmingham University reveal that some students would prefer to quit the course rather than expose their arms, and warn that it could leave trusts open to legal action.

Hygiene experts said last night that no exceptions should be made on religious grounds.
I hope to hell the hospitals don't cave in to this foolishness. Muslim doctors... make that any doctors.... risking the lives of patients, in the name of religion or vanity, is absolutely unacceptable.

Aliantha 02-16-2008 09:54 PM

They should have to tell their patients they wont be scrubbing up properly before surgery in the interest of full disclosure. If the patient is happy to take the risk, then so be it (as long as they can afford the risk financially).

Surely it would have to go against their hypocratic oath though. Knowing they're likely to be putting their patients in danger...or something.

xoxoxoBruce 02-16-2008 10:06 PM

It also puts at risk, the hospital staff that have to treat this now infected patient.

deadbeater 02-16-2008 11:03 PM

I don't think that it is as much a check on extreme modesty as much as a fear of reaction among the ultra macho men in Muslim society, who may enforce their own brand of sharia if they find out the women would be doctors do scrub. Police so far has been inadequate in handling this regard. Yes, I'm saying that the men may kill them.

xoxoxoBruce 02-17-2008 12:30 AM

Your suggesting that Muslim women don't take the tenets seriously and only comply because men force them?

Perry Winkle 02-17-2008 02:10 AM

Fire them like you would any other non-compliant employee.

medifix 02-17-2008 07:24 AM

This threat of MRSA is real, once you allow the bacteria to enter your bloodstream, only God will have to save your life. Patients as well as the doctors are at risk of contracting this infection unlike HIV & Hepatitis. One study found 60% of doctors had their hands colonized with enterococci after handling a patient with enterococci infection.

This refusal to wash and scrub their hands will leave the doctors or medical students at risk of carrying MRSA home and spreading this micro-organism to their own family and children.

As patients, please refuse to be touched or treated by any doctor , nurse or medical student who refuse to wash their hands adequately (below elbow using soap and water for 15-30 seconds). You may be hated for being harsh, but this could save your life.

Only worry, I have is when people start treating all Asians to be Muslims, when there are Indians who are not Muslims, Afrocarabians who could be Muslims and Egyptians who look like Caucasians are Muslims.

Nature has its way of cleansing the society, this is one of the ways and I am sure there are a few more to come.

Please visit safecannula

DanaC 02-17-2008 08:51 AM

I doubt that the hospitals will make exceptions on these grounds. It would be unreasonable to do so.

monster 02-17-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by medifix (Post 432793)
This threat of MRSA is real, once you allow the bacteria to enter your bloodstream, only God will have to save your life.

No hope for us atheists then.....


Please visit safecannula
your first post? A link without description? I'll pass, thanks.

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I already thought it was mandatory to be bare-armed and scrub up to the elbow. No way should this be allowed. There is clear evidence -and has been for a long time- that this is essential for hygeine.

Would Muslim women wearing long sleeves be allowed to work as doctors in countries where the law requires them to be covered?

Cloud 02-17-2008 11:13 AM

Are we going to go back to the days where females were diagnosed and examined with their clothes on and doctors didn't wash their hands? Absolutely ridiculous.

Deadbeater may have a point; though if your male relatives are so fundamentalist as to kill you for showing your forearms when it is an absolute medical necessity, and if these women are so all-fired modest--why are they doctors? Or nurses, or whatever. Doesn't seem like a good career choice to me.

Elspode 02-17-2008 11:23 AM

Can't these women do their surgical scrub in a private area? I mean, is it permissible for them to see their own elbows?

monster 02-17-2008 11:30 AM

they need to keep their sleeves off their forearms post-scrub and during all patient contact, though, splode. The sleeves carry the bacteria. Unless they could maybe wear elbow length disposable surgical gloves?

xoxoxoBruce 02-17-2008 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 432806)
your first post? A link without description? I'll pass, thanks.

Usually links are not permitted in the first post, but after checking it out decided it was pertinent and allowed it to stay.

monster 02-17-2008 11:36 AM

OK thanks, I might even click on it, then....

Cloud 02-17-2008 11:46 AM

but the link doesn't work

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