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Big Sarge 09-24-2013 06:35 PM

Government Shut Down
Do you think there will be a government shut down? I'm very worried. All of my income is based upon the Feds. Currently, I draw:

VA Disability
Post 9/11 GI Bill
Nation Guard pay while awaiting my med board

I'm worried. I don't want to go back to being homeless

Adak 09-24-2013 09:32 PM

Nothing is certain with the fight for and against Obama Care and raising the debt ceiling, both causing a lot of disagreement.

Put some $$$ aside, just in case. Even if the current crisis is solved, there will be another one in a few months, as Obama strives to outspend every person who has ever lived on the planet.

Lamplighter 09-24-2013 10:56 PM

This is what CNN is saying (in part, and in sort of a jocular tone)'

September 24, 2013
10 ways a government shutdown would affect your daily life

The good news (for you) is that the men and women
in uniform would continue to keep you safe.
The bad news (for them) is that they'd be paid in IOUs until the shutdown ended.
In January, Sens. Mark Udall, D-Colorado, and Jerry Moran, R-Kansas,
introduced legislation that would have protected pay for the troops
during a shutdown, but it didn't get anywhere.

Rep. C.W. Young, chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee,
told the Air Force Times, "All military personnel will continue to serve and accrue pay
but will not actually be paid until appropriations are available."

Their mid-October paycheck would be the first affected.
In addition, the congressman told the paper, changes of station would be delayed,
medical offerings would be scaled back, facility and weapons maintenance
would be suspended and most civilian employees would be furloughed
until appropriations are available.

You know that whole "Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night" thing?
Apparently, the U.S. Postal Service works through shutdowns as well.
Sorry, you won't catch a break from the junk mail.
But hey, you may already be a winner!

The Republicans want to defund Obamacare in exchange for funding the government.
But the health care act at the center of this storm would continue
its implementation process during a shutdown.
That's because its funds aren't dependent on the congressional budget process.

But this is a more serious list in Forbes


Big Sarge 09-25-2013 01:00 AM

Just worried because how much money I make affects how much time I am able to see my kids. I give half my income to pay Bryanna's private school bill. Her mother is still unemployed. As for Addie, I pay child support, health care insurance (I am only supposed to pay for secondary insurance, but her mother and live in boyfriend won't pay because they are buying a house together) and her cheerleading classes.

Sigh, no money means no kids and I might have to live at deer camp again. I realize I obsess but that's the way I am.

Spexxvet 09-25-2013 08:09 AM

Sarge, vote Democrat.

There's a difference in the type of expenditures. I think yours come under the "mandatory spending" type of spending and won't be affected.

tw 09-25-2013 08:16 AM

They could save about $1 billion annually by simply eliminating the paper one dollar bill. Using dollar coins (that are now doing what a dime once did). Then save more money by eliminating the penny. But these extremists are not really concerned about government spending. This threatened shutdown is an example of their agenda: we want America to fail.

If they really wanted to cut costs (save money), eliminating the one and five dollar bill is an easy solution. They don't want to save money. They only want their extremist agenda imposed on all other Americans. And do not care how much damage it creates - even to their own party. No wonder they tried to put a witch in the Senate.

John Sellers 09-25-2013 10:22 AM

The latest from Huff. Post

orthodoc 09-25-2013 07:01 PM

I read that VA services will stop if a shutdown happens ... which makes my blood boil!!! And even though apparently the government will send out paychecks, they may not be sent out until after everything starts up again. That doesn't help those who live paycheck to paycheck.

I hope very much that a shutdown doesn't happen. This is the last nail in the coffin of any respect I ever had for the Republicans. For every day the government is shut down, I suggest that Republican politicians lose five years' worth of pension. Then we'd see some political will to get things done without the grandstanding.

infinite monkey 09-25-2013 07:31 PM

Who does not yet realize that 'government shutdown' can be equated with 'grumble, I'm gonna take my ball and go home'?

so it might actually be happening? Ha! I've heard thar before.

But if it were to happen we just look like a bunch of civil war reeactors, though only based on 'why i oughta...' as opposed to the actual Fort Sumpter. Like some sort of actual cause rather than personal ego.

We look like a bunch of losers. How 'bout some dignity?

orthodoc 09-25-2013 07:38 PM

I'd like to see our veterans keep their dignity.

infinite monkey 09-25-2013 07:44 PM

i would too. How far did Cruz get in actually paving the way for this sort of action?

Not much farther than a bastardization of the classic Green Eggs and Ham story (totally forgetting the moral of the story.)

Oh yeah gosh was he clever yet still helpful? Um, no. How many tax dollars did he burn up? Good job, way to go, yeah.

What'd I miss?

John Sellers 09-26-2013 12:35 AM

Big Sarge's concerns have me thinkin' about my current situation; mainly if I will still get my much needed monthly RSDI checks, and what about Medicare? They're suppossed to do the approval for my new custom manual wheelchair. How will a government shutdown affect that? And what about my my Aunt? She depends on her monthly SSI checks? And then there's everybody else in my family. Will they get paid?

I don't think the big boys are thinkin' about us commoners.

tw 09-26-2013 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by John Sellers (Post 877109)
I don't think the big boys are thinkin' about us commoners.

Why would they? They know most moderates don't vote. Wacko extremists vote religiously. Anyone who does not vote automatically votes these wackos into power.

John Sellers 09-26-2013 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 877114)
Anyone who does not vote automatically votes these wackos into power.

So, voters are more important to government thank non-voters. Is than what you're saying?

BTW, not that anyone here cares, but Medicare has approved my new wheelchair (I called Mobility Medical this morning).

DanaC 09-26-2013 03:49 PM

Excellent news John!

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