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Tulip 12-04-2009 12:37 PM

It's snowing!!!
Woohoooooooooo! :biggrinje I know you northerners are rolling are eyes and saying UGH! :lol: But we southeastern Texans like it cuz we only get it only for a few hours once a year, if even!. :D Last year, we got enough snow to build a snowman. If I can manage a snowman this year again, I'll put up some pictures. :D :lol:

Spexxvet 12-04-2009 12:49 PM

Everybody go out and rev up your coal burning power plants - Global Cooling is running rampant!

Glinda 12-04-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tulip (Post 614855)
Woohoooooooooo! :biggrinje I know you northerners are rolling are eyes and saying UGH! :lol: But we southeastern Texans like it cuz we only get it only for a few hours once a year, if even!. :D Last year, we got enough snow to build a snowman. If I can manage a snowman this year again, I'll put up some pictures. :D :lol:

I grew up in Beaumont - there's a picture of me (somewhere - I think mom's still got it) building a snowman on the front lawn. Only time it ever snowed when I lived there. So, if it snows pretty much every year there in Houston....

OMG. Spexx is right. Global Cooling! :eek:

TheMercenary 12-04-2009 12:56 PM

Just wait til the poles flip and South is Nort and Nort is South!

Clodfobble 12-04-2009 05:05 PM

Yeah, we got about 15 minutes of snow this afternoon too. Very unusual. Nothing stuck, but it was fun to watch.

wolf 12-04-2009 05:06 PM

They put the salt bucket out on the porch at work and the salt spreader is chained to the fence, so I have hopes.

Tulip 12-04-2009 07:13 PM

Nopes, not snowing every year in Houston yet. Just last year and this year. Let's see if it snows again next year, perhaps then we should start worrying. :p Last year, it snowed a few hours. This year, it snowed half a day. The ground was still wet so only leaves and plants got covered in white. That was enough for us to scrape the snow off and had a snowball fight. :D And someone made a tiny snowman. :p However, I heard where I live had little snow. Other parts of town had much more snow, and little south of us, like Pasadena, was covered white by midday. Got some pix. Will post later after I've resized them. Gonna hit the shower and watch Monk's series' finale first. :D

Tulip 12-04-2009 10:54 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Said I'd post some pix, so here they are. :D

BrianR 12-04-2009 10:58 PM

El Paso got maybe an inch and everybody panicked! And when the sun came up and melted it all away, they still were nervous enough to keep on crashing into each other.

It's silly, really. They are talking about blizzards and white-outs. They've never SEEN either! I could show em pictures though. I have one of my car buried over it's roof in snow. Somewhere. I have more of my truck plowing it's way through snow that would PARALYZE this town.

I was describing local's reactions and showing a few pictures to a friend in Minneapolis and she called El Pasoans "wussies" for freaking out over what she calls "flurries". I'm with her. This wasn't enough to even make me consider breaking out the snowshovel. Why I packed it along from PA is still a mystery to me.

monster 12-04-2009 10:58 PM

That's snow?

Tulip 12-04-2009 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 614984)
That's snow?

For us Houstonians, YES!!!!!! :D That was even enough for us to have a really fun snowball fight. :lol: And yeah, this woman who used to live in Maryland told us it's flurrying outside if we'd like to go outside and take a look. :D

Griff 12-05-2009 07:32 AM

I want my snow! We're planning on teaching the girls to downhill this winter but it ain't looking good.

SamIam 12-05-2009 08:51 AM

Its so dry here, we don't get all that much snow. We do get very cold temperatures, though. Four degrees this morning. Its supposed to be a balmy 13 degrees this evening when we have our annual festival of lights. A friend is on one of the floats, so I promised that I'd come see her. BRRR! At least downtown is only about 8 blocks long, so the suffering wil be limited. Then tomorrow we're supposed to get snow - probably a couple of inches or so. At least it will be dry cold - not that humid stuff you get in the East. :tux:

glatt 12-05-2009 11:04 AM

It's snowing! Enough to get the kids and certain morons on the road excited.

wolf 12-05-2009 11:18 AM

I take it you brought the snowman-ette inside because the air conditioning was on and he would last longer?

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