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DucksNuts 06-03-2008 04:05 AM

Would you have cosmetic surgery?
Well, would you?
Whether it be a *yummy mummy make over*, an eye lift or pec implants.
What would you have done?

Do you have regular cosmetic procedures? What are they?

I often consider turning back the hands of time and getting my boobs lifted, not bigger, but lifted.

I'm vain, I have dermabrasion regularly and have had laser or pulse treatments on broken capillaries (from my snow skiing days).

A friend of mine just had some Lipodissolve, on some stubborn fat around her c.section scar....I found it amusing that they told her to watch what she ate, drink lots of water and get some serious help things along. HA! If she did all that she would probably get rid of it anyways.

Sundae 06-03-2008 05:20 AM

I would love to have my breasts lifted
In fact my money wish list goes:
- Pay off debts
- Treat friends & family
- Visit friends and family overseas
- Boob job

I'm also very tempted by the idea of a gastric band. Not so much plastic surgery as invasive unnecessary surgery. I wouldn't do it lightly though - I'd literally be putting my life on the line.

Oh and I'd like veneers on all my teeth.
I wouldn't want them the Hollywood Bright that glamour models have - I think it's tacky. Just whiter than they are. And a little more uniform.

The one thing I would love to change above all else, I can't. I want new feet please. I don't want ones that blister and bleed if you even show them a new shoe. I don't want ones which are so toxic they eat the inside of shoes. Bad feet.

Perry Winkle 06-03-2008 07:05 AM

I used to weigh 450ish pounds (I'm ~6'7"). I dropped to 220 pounds in about 2 years, with diet and exercise. Let's just say I had a ton of stretched, saggy skin.

I had excess skin removed from my waist and chest. The skin was removed in two operations, and now I have a scars: one that goes all the way around my waist, a scar around each nipple and under each pec.

DanaC 06-03-2008 07:20 AM

I have veneers on my front teeth (upper and lower) but they were done on the NHS whilst unemployed and cost me nothing. I think they're probably the only cosmetic surgery I would choose to have and be willing to pay for myself. Having porous enamel makes my teeth unusually vulnerable to decay and also means that one cup of coffee and I look like I've never brushed my teeth. The veneers have resolved that problem. They also evened my teeth up to look at, as i did have slightly uneven teeth, but I doubt I'd have even considered having anything done just to straighten them. Just wouldn't have occurred to me.

I occassionally get little white swellings that don't go away, sometimes for a few years (then they mysteriously go) I had a cluster of them right near my eye and was making enquiries with my doctor about having them removed when they mysteriously vanished (after three years). I'd have that kind of cosmetic surgery. Oh and of course I dye my hair from time to time....not surgery but a cosmetic change.

Other than that, no, I wouldn't have any cosmetic sugery. I was slightly self-conscious about having no cleavage for years. I've reconciled myself with my body and it no longer bothers me. At no point during the time I was bothered by it would I have gone under the knife for it. I also have a bump on my nose that I think is well ugly, but I would never have a nose job.

Basically anything that actually alters your basic form does not appeal to me and the closer to actual surgery (anaesthetics and scalpels) that the procedure gets the more uneasy I am about it. I don't see much of a 'moral' distinction between what I am prepared to do (enamels and spot removal) and the full on cosmetic surgical procedures (reshaping or augmenting body parts). I would be very uneasy about anything that fundamentally altered my form. I think that's why I was ok with teeth are still the same under there. The idea of altering the shape of my face appalls me even though there are parts of my face I dislike. The face in the mirror is me, I don't want to alter who I see.

glatt 06-03-2008 07:54 AM

No, but I can imagine certain situations where I would.

If my teeth were crooked, I'd get braces.
If I had a cleft palate, I'd want it corrected.

things like that.

DanaC 06-03-2008 08:01 AM

I think cleft palate is more than just cosmetic, it's medically advisable.

glatt 06-03-2008 08:13 AM

Sure, but it looks like hell too, and I would want that fixed even if it wasn't medically necessary.

Cloud 06-03-2008 09:02 AM

sure, if I could afford it. some kind of face lift, probably--the jaw softens with age.

Perry Winkle--do you regret the scars from the removal of your excess skin?

HungLikeJesus 06-03-2008 09:37 AM

I think if I had something cut off, I'd keep it in a big jar. Wouldn't that be fun to show to guests?

Hey, look at what I have in this jar! Guess what that is! Sure you can touch it.

kerosene 06-03-2008 09:45 AM

I have this little rock embedded in my cheek from a bike accident when I was 14. I have not had it removed but I like to creep people out by making them feel it.

classicman 06-03-2008 10:10 AM

I'm thinking of having the bags under my eyes "adjusted." They are pretty bad and make me look almost my age - :P

Anyone know anything about this?

HungLikeJesus 06-03-2008 10:13 AM

I think you should keep the bags. They're useful for carrying stuff.

glatt 06-03-2008 10:16 AM

I had a funny mole that looked like a nipple right on my cheek. I had it removed because it was a pain to shave around but I think partly because it looked like a nipple. It was even pointy. Dermatologist just scraped it off with a razor thing. I could have done it at home with a straight razor if I had known that's how you do it.

Then he cut a big mole off my back because it was suspicious. That one hurt for a while. I decided I don't like being cut.

monster 06-03-2008 11:19 AM

I fantasize about losing the excess skin from my pregnancies, but I think I'm too chicken. I keep hoping to wake up and it will all be gone -and the beer belly too! Can you wear it away with sex? Cause I fantasize about that too. :D

BrianR 06-03-2008 11:26 AM

I have a slightly crooked smile that frightens small children.

I want a nice smile. Veneers are a good idea too, I have eroded enamel on my front teeth and the addition might close up those spaces on my right side that trap food too easily. If only there was an operation to thicken hair (I have a low hair count of about 50,000). I'm not balding, it's just thin and fine...unable to hold any style at all.

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