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Griff 10-25-2008 08:44 AM

Fixing America
Put your prescription here.

As individuals, we need to reassess the what and the why of our work lives. Do we work just to get paid or because we are good at or love our work? Think of the wasted potential out there of people in jobs they hate. They drag down organizations suppressing the potential of others. If you can do and get other work leave the job you hate and go create something.

HungLikeJesus 10-25-2008 09:02 AM

America needs a jalapeņo enema.

DanaC 10-25-2008 09:03 AM

Th trouble with that, Griff, is that actually, sometimes even if you hate your job, you may gain a lot from it. A shit job can sometimes provide a sense of cameraderie amongst the workforce. Some of the 'worst' jobs in terms of actual enjoyment of work have the highest levels of job satisfaction because of a bunch of other factors.

Pico and ME 10-25-2008 09:28 AM

Always first and foremost, to get paid. Enjoying the work I do is secondary and a bonus if it happens. I have never...ever..had the luxury of looking only for work that I would enjoy. Although, I do have the luxury of not having to do work I dont enjoy.

Undertoad 10-25-2008 10:49 AM

I find that I can only fix me. I try to do this.

Griff 10-25-2008 10:59 AM

That is what I was getting at. If we straighten ourselves out the rest just falls into place. If each of us is more productive and creative at work "society" benefits. If we go to work just to squeeze a few bucks out of the system, we get the kind of nonsense the banking system is going through.

I'd need a example from Dana on what that job would be. When I was a kid putting in hay in the summer it was tough, but had a certain kind of satisfaction. Tough manual labor is satisfying to certain kinds of folks. If you are not that kind you should do something else if you can.

Cicero 10-25-2008 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 497463)
That is what I was getting at. If we straighten ourselves out the rest just falls into place. If each of us is more productive and creative at work "society" benefits. If we go to work just to squeeze a few bucks out of the system, we get the kind of nonsense the banking system is going through.

I'm not following you here. You will have to explain. I'm not sure how you are connecting my productivity with the utter failure of the financial markets. Or my happiness with the productivity. I'm lame....I can't figure out what you mean.

smoothmoniker 10-25-2008 11:18 AM

Then who will fetch my latte?

Undertoad 10-25-2008 11:24 AM

I'd love to do that job, does it pay at least $60K? I can definitely get your order right.

Cicero 10-25-2008 11:34 AM

It's actually more fun than dealing with fucking city counselors (I have never had to deal with counselors that were such dicks). I'm actually enjoying it. :)

Oh and to do what I want to do, I need money. Who is going to give it to me Griff?

Sundae 10-25-2008 11:36 AM

Actually, I can't think of anything worse for an economy than to have everyone trying to work in a job they love. Some people don't like to work full stop (period to you). They do so because they need money to live. Others resent the time away from children, whatever the job. Others simply don't have the aptitude for their dream job, perhaps because they're not naturally risk takers and their ideal job is mostly a freelance market. Or because the thing they would be really good at demands a time or financial commitment their personal circumstances simply don't allow.

There's a lot to be said for the perseverers in society. Those that get their heads down at get on with it. The street sweepers, dustbinmen, canteen workers, call centre operators, porters. Okay, some of these people will enjoy, possibly even love their jobs. But not the majority.

I say work to the best of your ability and as honestly as you can. That would be a nice change.

Undertoad 10-25-2008 11:45 AM
click for entire strip

Griff 10-25-2008 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 497467)
I'm not following you here. You will have to explain. I'm not sure how you are connecting my productivity with the utter failure of the financial markets. Or my happiness with the productivity. I'm lame....I can't figure out what you mean.

The guys who created those financial instruments didn't do so to create something of value. They did it to pass liabilities on to someone else. It is fuzzy thinking on my part. What I'm more focused on is getting out of a recession which is more about attitude than economics. If people with other options are not wasting their own or other's energy we can pull out of this thing without Obama or McCain further stiffling innovation with increased controls, taxation, and bailouts.

Griff 10-25-2008 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 497476)
I say work to the best of your ability and as honestly as you can. That would be a nice change.

That is cool one must work within his own restrictions. As Americans, though, we have a view of ourselves as innovators and creators. When we decide to just plug along human progress suffers as we suffer.

Cicero 10-25-2008 12:13 PM

This is funny, considering the local job ads, and not being afforded the possibility of getting jobs I hate. This thread disappoints me. Especially right now when there is no opportunity.

It is about economics. No one is hiring because no one has a budget unless they have international backing. That's the local flavor and there are going to be more local businesses closing. Yea, the recession has hit main street. And nothing will be done in time for it to not effect everyone else.

So be bitches because I chose to serve latte's two days a week. It's one of the last jobs around because I'm not an RN, are you an RN? I don't think you are. At least I didn't just sit on my ass, and wait for it to all be over.

*smiles* Enjoy your latte, sir. :)

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