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Whit 10-27-2003 10:18 AM

Fox News vs. The Simpsons
      Not a proper new source. Still an amusing story. I looked at NPR, but didn't actually listen to the interview for verification. I'm lazy. Just thought it was amusing. By the by, I pasted the whole story. The link was just to show the source. Which is far from a legit news source... Just thought the idea was amusing.


Fox News Threatened to Sue The Simpsons
Over a Parody Segment

October 24, 2003
During an interview broadcast today on NPR's Fresh Air, Simpsons creator Matt Groening revealed that the Fox News Network had threatened to sue The Simpsons over a parody of the right-leaning news channel. The highly sensitive news organization, which is headed by Roger Ailes, made headlines this summer with an ill-starred lawsuit against humorist Al Franken's book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. The Fox suit was thrown out in court and only succeeded in making Franken's book a bestseller. According to Groening, the Simpsons team refused to cut out the segment, which Groening told Fresh Air he "really liked," figuring that Rupert Murdoch wouldn't allow the Fox News cable network to sue the Fox Broadcast Network, which carries The Simpsons. The Fox News Network did back down on its threat, although it has told The Simpsons creators that in the future, cartoon series will not be allowed to include a "news crawl" along the bottom of the screen, which might "confuse the viewers."
      Favority line, "figuring that Rupert Murdoch wouldn't allow the Fox News cable network to sue the Fox Broadcast Network."

elSicomoro 10-27-2003 07:09 PM

I'm surprised Matt Groening was allowed on NPR after Bill O'Reilly's appearance on Fresh Air a few weeks ago.

xoxoxoBruce 10-27-2003 07:28 PM

What do you mean, ICv2 is not a proper news source? They have comics.:p

Whit 10-27-2003 10:17 PM

      I actually caught most of the O'Reilly interview. He was being a real jackass for a lot of the interview. Kind of irritated that he was being intimidating. Poor Terry just wasn't ready for that. O'Reilly also put a spin on everything while claiming he doesn't allow that sort of thing. Prick.
      The worst part is that I agree with a lot of the positions he discussed. His methods just sucked.

      Oh, and Groening has been on NPR before. I think he likes it.

      I like comics...

Tobiasly 10-28-2003 09:15 AM


Originally posted by Whit
Poor Terry just wasn't ready for that.
Well, that's her own fault. She should have known O'Reilly's style and been prepared for it.

Unfortunately I didn't hear the interview -- only the snippets O'Reilly played, which I'm sure were chosen only to make him look like he was being persecuted.

Still, when he started firing back with tough questions, she had no answer.

Whit 10-28-2003 09:47 AM

      Dude, he must have done a hell of a hatchet job on that interview then. Sure she didn't know what to say when he was contradicting himself or saying crazy shit but tough questions?
      For instance he went off about the Times giving a glowing review on a book that slammed him. She quoted that review as saying that the book was like a long bumper sticker and O'Reilly asked, "You don't think that's positive?" Obviously it's not. She didn't respond well I'll admit, but that's hardly a tough question. More like crazy shit. Also, he bitched about the book saying he lied about winning a Peabody, he said he didn't say that, then said he misspoke once and said Peabody when he meant a Polk, then said flatly that he never said he won a Peabody. WTF? He did say he corrected the statement on the air. I was good with that, but why say you didn't say it after you say you said it and corrected it? This seemed to throw her too.
      The bitch of it was that he was on the attack against her when she was being more than fair. Trying to give him a chance to get personal viewpoints out. He cooled as the interview went on. I think maybe he realized she wasn't trying to flambe his ass. He was very cool in the second half actually.

Skunks 10-28-2003 11:47 AM


Play-by-plays of talk radio.

The new American sport?

Whit 10-28-2003 12:47 PM

      Heh, kinda reminds me of PDQ Bach's bit about making symphony more enjoyable for the common man by adding commentary. "The strings have it!"

Griff 10-28-2003 02:41 PM

I didn't know about the interview until I heard a piece on On The Media. They actually slapped Terry around a bit. If she gave O'Reilly a taste of his own crap, its all good.

min_mouse152 10-28-2003 04:11 PM

I heard that interview! Made me laugh. Adults are sooooooo funny when they go at each others throats. (no offence or anything). When it's on national radio, it's even better! And anywho, Fox News has always been screwed up. The only shows I watch from them are The O.C. and Joe Millionaire. That's what we call must see TV! :)

P.S. I love Squee! I didn't know anyone else who had heard of him!

Whit 10-28-2003 11:20 PM

      Griff, Terry didn't do much but act confused and intimidated. Of course, she was confused by him acting pissed for no reason and intimidated 'cause he was on the attack, again for no reason.

      Min, I loved the Squee series. Though I still prefer JTHM. Vasquez's stuff is pretty good. I don't like Zim so much, but I'm not the target audience either.

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