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rkzenrage 04-18-2007 03:11 PM

Shooting Rekindles Issues of Gun Rights and Restrictions
Shooting Rekindles Issues of Gun Rights and Restrictions

This is an idiotic argument, guns are not allowed on campus. If there were armed people on campus he would have been shot and there would have been fewer dead.
A TRUE shame this was not the case. :(
If it had been harder to purchase guns he would have done what the Columbine kids did and just illegally purchased them... that whole "it's illegal" thing does not weigh heavily on a mass-murders conscience, ya' know.
I wonder if the people who make these kinds of arguments know how silly they sound?:eyebrow:

Hime 04-18-2007 03:25 PM

I am SO SICK of hearing people say that no one should be allowed to have a gun, especially when these people are able-bodied men. I know too many women who have been raped, stalked or assaulted to believe that a just government would just tell them "oh, go take a self-defense class."

I do believe on restrictions on gun ownership such as background checks, waiting periods, safety training, etc. And I don't believe civilians should be allowed to have crazy stuff like AKs. But every time somebody gets shot there's all this "OMG no one should have a gun!" and that rubs me the wrong way.

rkzenrage 04-18-2007 03:32 PM

Why not AKs? I had one, it is not a very powerful weapon, what I own now is far more powerful.
Good beginner gun over-all though. What is your issue with em'?
The "men/women" language in your post concerns me.

glatt 04-18-2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by some dude named jsm on the internets
Many people will use this terrible tragedy as an excuse to put through a political agenda other than my own. This tawdry abuse of human suffering for political gain sickens me to the core of my being. Those people who have different political views from me ought to be ashamed of themselves for thinking of cheap partisan point-scoring at a time like this. In any case, what this tragedy really shows us is that, so far from putting into practice political views other than my own, it is precisely my political agenda which ought to be advanced.

Not only are my political views vindicated by this terrible tragedy, but also the status of my profession. Furthermore, it is only in the context of a national and international tragedy like this that we are reminded of the very special status of my hobby, and its particular claim to legislative protection. My religious and spiritual views also have much to teach us about the appropriate reaction to these truly terrible events.

I'm right and you're wrong.

TheMercenary 04-18-2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 334867)
Why not AKs? I had one, it is not a very powerful weapon, what I own now is far more powerful.
Good beginner gun over-all though. What is your issue with em'?
The "men/women" language in your post concerns me.

The "ugly gun" issue rises to the surface every time something like this happens. Typical. I have a few SKS's, they are fun to shoot. Events such as the shootings at VT just give the gun-grabbers foder to pedal their nonsense.

Hime 04-18-2007 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 334875)
The "ugly gun" issue rises to the surface every time something like this happens. Typical. I have a few SKS's, they are fun to shoot. Events such as the shootings at VT just give the gun-grabbers foder to pedal their nonsense.

People should not have guns because they are "fun," they should have them if and because they need them. I don't believe that anyone really needs a fully automatic rifle, who isn't fighting in a war.

And RK, why shouldn't I refer to men and women? This is a feminist issue. People I have argued about this with in the past have said that women being raped is preferable to the risk of shootings, and I believe that that is a concern for those of us who seek to eliminate/reduce sexual assault.

TheMercenary 04-18-2007 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Hime (Post 334877)
People should not have guns because they are "fun," they should have them if and because they need them. I don't believe that anyone really needs a fully automatic rifle, who isn't fighting in a war.

And RK, why shouldn't I refer to men and women? This is a feminist issue. People I have argued about this with in the past have said that women being raped is preferable to the risk of shootings, and I believe that that is a concern for those of us who seek to eliminate/reduce sexual assault.

Well I would disagree with you on the first point, because shooting them is actually great fun and a fun hobby. There are many people who shoot just for the shear joy of it. I don't know if you are not familiar with the laws in the US about ownership of "fully automatic rifles", but it is a very difficult thing to do. Don't be fooled by the press or anyone else telling you that if you own an AK/AK variant/ or SKS implies that the rifle is fully automatic, because they are not. They are all semi-automatic. A huge difference.

rkzenrage 04-18-2007 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 334873)
I'm right and you're wrong.

I didn't write the article, reduce the writer's IQ or social savvy.

What is wrong with shooting guns for fun?

This is in no way a feminist issue. Guns have no sex, anyone can pull a trigger at will for fun or self protection. We often forget that men need that just as much as women. I happen to be very close to a man who has been raped.
Self-defense is self-defense.

The class 3 permit really just takes patience, been thinking about it and going to Knob Creek.
If you are worried about an AK you really don't want to be near my next Christmas present, Barrett M468 assault rifle.

Hime 04-18-2007 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 334880)
Well I would disagree with you on the first point, because shooting them is actually great fun and a fun hobby. There are many people who shoot just for the shear joy of it. I don't know if you are not familiar with the laws in the US about ownership of "fully automatic rifles", but it is a very difficult thing to do. Don't be fooled by the press or anyone else telling you that if you own an AK/AK variant/ or SKS implies that the rifle is fully automatic, because they are not. They are all semi-automatic. A huge difference.

I know. I have shot guns before, when visiting my fiance's family in Tennessee. His stepfather and uncle are hunters. It was a lot of fun, but I don't believe that the fun is worth the risk of accidents in most cases. I think that people should have guns, if they have them, for practical reasons (hunting and self-defense).

Cloud 04-18-2007 04:24 PM

I'd rather see it rekindle awareness of young people at risk.

Spexxvet 04-18-2007 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 334858)
...This is an idiotic argument, guns are not allowed on campus...

Is it objectively "idiotic", or do you just disagree with it. Show your work.

glatt 04-18-2007 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 334888)
I didn't write the article, reduce the writer's IQ or social savvy.

I was joking, rephrasing what I had quoted from elsewhere on the internet.

Hime 04-18-2007 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 334888)
I didn't write the article, reduce the writer's IQ or social savvy.

What is wrong with shooting guns for fun?

This is in no way a feminist issue. Guns have no sex, anyone can pull a trigger at will for fun or self protection. We often forget that men need that just as much as women. I happen to be very close to a man who has been raped.
Self-defense is self-defense.

The full-auto permit really just takes patience, been thinking about it and going to Knob Creek.

Most feminists are also concerned with preventing sexual assaults against men. Feminism is not just about protecting women, it is about preventing sex and gender from being used to oppress people. When someone uses their sexual organs to perpetrate an assault on a defenseless person of any gender, that is against the philosophy of feminism.

rkzenrage 04-18-2007 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Hime (Post 334891)
I know. I have shot guns before, when visiting my fiance's family in Tennessee. His stepfather and uncle are hunters. It was a lot of fun, but I don't believe that the fun is worth the risk of accidents in most cases. I think that people should have guns, if they have them, for practical reasons (hunting and self-defense).

So, you think it is your place to remove target shooting, the cross country skiing with shooting, trap and others from the Olympics and all other shooting sports from the world?
What an elitist.

Hime 04-18-2007 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 334904)
So, you think it is your place to remove target shooting, the cross country skiing with shooting, trap and others from the Olympics and all other shooting sports from the world?
What an elitist.

I don't understand how pointing out that something is dangerous makes me an elitist. I'm sure driving drunk is fun, too.

And of course it isn't "my place," I'm just saying on the internet that I think that's how it should be.

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