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TheMercenary 04-22-2007 07:34 PM

This is just about dogs or if you grew up with one.

Do you own a dog?

And or, did you grow up with a dog?

How many?

What kind(s)?

And the big one, does owning a dog change people or affect their behavior? Has man owning dogs changed the way people have lived?

piercehawkeye45 04-22-2007 07:52 PM

Never had one, my mom was very scared of them.

If I get one it will probably be a roommates or wife's decision.

Cloud 04-23-2007 01:05 PM

I've never had a dog, and consider myself a cat person. As a kid (and, okay, as an adult) they scare me--sometimes. As I've grown older, I've really come to appreciate dogs. I think it would be really interesting to own one someday.


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 336590)
does owning a dog change people or affect their behavior? Has man owning dogs changed the way people have lived?

Oh yes. And yes. Mankind is infinitely richer for its partnership with dogs.

Pie 04-23-2007 01:13 PM

Had a golden retriever when I was growing up. My parents now have an Aussie. I would have a dog myself, if there was someone at home to look after it.
Dogs are like people, YMMV. Some are infinitely enriching to their owners, others are merely pleasant to have around... still others are a problem, or a menace. Usually, you get out what you put into the relationship.

Shawnee123 04-23-2007 01:18 PM

I love dogs. Grew up with a couple black labs, and one darling little white fluffy sweetie we had named White Shadow who was hit and killed. My brother recently lost his Golden, and he was more our family dog than any dog ever, so still grieving him.

I have never had my own dog in adult life: never enough room, or time to spend to be fair to the dog, but I've always wanted one. I'm partial to big dogs, for the most part. My dream is an Irish Wolfhound, or a German Shepherd, or a Goldie...something smart and sweet.

I love animals like crazy, and have had 4 cats of my own. The oldest has long since passed, but the other 3 are living with my ex where they have room to run and hide.

Now, I just have plants. I've been thinking of a fish tank, and maybe eventually a chinchilla (after seeing duck duck's chinchilla.)

Best dream? Living in a log home in the woods with tons of land and having a couple dogs, cats, fish, african grey parrot, and a pet cow.

TheMercenary 04-23-2007 01:55 PM

I grew up with a Shetland Sheep Dog.

Everyone in my family, adult brothers and a sister, own dogs.

Since I have been gone from the college scene I have owned 4different dogs in this order:

A full Collie (mine) and a Dachshund (wifes) when we met.

A Basenji, for a short time, he was crazy.

An Akita, after we lost the Collie and Weiner Dog.

And now we own 3 full sized Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and are raising a rescue mutt for my oldest child.

duck_duck 04-23-2007 01:56 PM

Are there barkless dogs?

Cloud 04-23-2007 02:02 PM

I don't like little yappy dogs much at all. My daughter has a red doberman that's really sweet. and neurotic.

I think a lot of people get dogs and don't train them properly and don't spend enough time with them. Then they get stuck in the backyard barking at passersby for enjoyment.

And there are too many of those pit-bull type dogs around, 'cause people get them for stupid reasons.

Shawnee123 04-23-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by duck_duck (Post 336785)
Are there barkless dogs?

Yes, there are. Basenjis, who actually yodel and climb trees. Ancient Egyptian descent.

And any smart dog can be trained not to bark its fool head off at every whim. A couple warning barks is good. A non-stop yap is fodder for drop-kicking.

duck_duck 04-23-2007 02:13 PM

If I were to ever get a dog it would have to be one of those. :)

barefoot serpent 04-23-2007 03:08 PM

I've had a few dogs -- all mutts from the Humane Society or other adoptions. All lived >15 yrs. and all even-tempered. So I'm a great believer in 'hybrid vigor' or Heterosis. I will probably never own a 'name brand' dog.

Dagney 04-23-2007 04:18 PM

I've had dogs around for most of my life. We're a 'small breed' family. Schnauzers, Yorkies, and Cocker/ShiTzu mixes in my side of the family - Dachshunds, Dachshunds, and More Dachshunds on my husband's. (3 of them currently in various blankie piles in our house.) We also have a border collie mutley dog. Any future doggies will either be Schnauzers or Dachshunds - more than likely adopted from local rescues.

bluecuracao 04-23-2007 10:33 PM

I grew up with three dogs--two German Shepherd mixes and one Alaskan Malamute. Our first dog was pretty nutty, having survived parvo virus, and eventually ran off happily into the bosque (this was in New Mexico). A neighbor last reported seeing her bounding after jack rabbits. :)

Our other GS mix was with us for almost 15 years--I still have dreams about her, and still miss her so much. The Malamute actually belonged to some family friends who traveled a lot, so she spent long stretches of time with us. She eventually developed cancer, and we had to have her put down. That was a horrible night.

So, I'd always considered myself an unreformable dog person, until my fiance brought Bosco the Snarky Tabby Cat home. We didn't get along at first (he made me cry in frustration a few times), but now I love him utterly and completely.

zippyt 04-23-2007 10:47 PM

Growing up we had various dogs , wire haired terrier , Rosie the wounder Mutt , yellow and black lab , egggggselant dogs all , (well the black lab was a total dooofus , but he tried !! )
Now we have Boston terrier named Oliver , he is sleeping on my feet as I type this , one of the BEST dogs ever !!!!
Utterly useless but cute , bold , and funny !!

bluecuracao 04-23-2007 10:56 PM

Dog (or cat) sleeping on feet = strongest shackles ever!

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