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Rexmons 06-11-2007 07:34 AM

The Sopranos
So what did you guys think? Just so you guys know, I actually stopped watching the Sopranos about 3 years ago when they were originally going to end it. I felt that it became less about the mafia and more about his family and it started feeling too "soap opera-ish" for me. I had been hearing about the episodes however on my morning commute on the radio so last night I literally tuned in at 10:00pm to watch the last 5 minutes of the finale and I have to say it sucked gargantuan balls.

lumberjim 06-11-2007 09:36 AM

Crimson Ghost 06-11-2007 11:45 PM

It was one of the biggest "WHAT THE FUCK?" moments in recent years...

Happy Monkey 06-12-2007 10:42 AM

I think he got shot.

Dagney 06-12-2007 10:58 AM

The ending left me with a "Is that IT?" feeling for most of the evening. Too many loose ends didn't get tied up - perhaps leaving room for a series revisit or a movie?

I dunno..too odd at the end - and who taught Meadow how to park?

Happy Monkey 06-12-2007 11:26 AM

She never has to. 20 cars could park in her driveway.

Crimson Ghost 06-13-2007 03:18 AM

A buddy of mine emailed me this, and it makes some valid points.
See what you think.


couple of things I came across that may interest you about the final episode of the sopranos:

He was obviously killed and it was genius.

in fact, if you've paid attention to the show or are just a fan of well developed well thought out plots that all tie together but let me tell yall why and explain in detail...
There was 3 people in the room total who had a reason to kill tony.....

the two black guys, they were paid before to kill tony but he was only shot in the ear, this was in one of the earlier seasons

also in the earlier seasons, the trucker who was sitting at the bar
stool, who the camera kept focusing in on, is Nicky leotardo, Phil
Leotardos nephew, he was in one of the early season episodes where Phil and Tony have a sit down....

heres where the genius comes in....

When tonys walking in the diner,you see the camera focus on him, then it switches to HIS perspective, and you see him looking @ the booth hes gonna sit at...

then the camera switches back to tonys face, then it once again
switches to HIS perspective, and it shows him looking @ the door and looking @ the people come in..... Everytime the door opens the Chimes sound....... Carmela walks in, Chimes, AJ walks in Chimes, this when Meadows parallel parking, still trying to get inside the restaurant....

at this point the camera switches back to the trucker who goes in the bathroom......

Then it goes to a scene where meadow finally parks and starts running in the diner....

the doors about to open, Tony looks up....

and No Chimes......................

No Music............

Everything just goes black...............


a couple weeks ago, tonys talking with bobby about what it must feel like to die..

Bobby says "at the end, you probably dont hear anything, everything just goes black"

part of that was revisited in the second to last episode during the
last seconds of it, when tonys about to go to sleep and he flashes back to the memory of him and bobby on the boat... "You probably dont hear anything everything just goes black"

so in the end, the Journey song was playing, the chimes on the door sounded but when meadow came in, the guy in the trucker hat came out and killed tony...

its the reason you didnt hear, or see shit when he died.... it was from HIS perspective.... and everything went black, then the credits rolled.


Body: ok listen guys...u gotta watch the end of the episode again and watch is wat u will c...when tony walks into the diner he looks at
himself sitting down at the table...u can be sure of this b/c he is
wearing different clothes when he sits down...i dont no wtf that previous seasons it had been told to us that tony's dad died
just as his daughter (janice) walked in...if u watch closely u will see
janice walk in shortly after tony sits down...this is used to signify the
possibility of that happening again...then u will c the sports store
owner who tony destroyed walk in wearing a brown kinda hunting
jacket...he is the guy that a couple seasons ago got into gambling
trouble with tony and tony took over his store...HE IS THE 1 WHO WACKS
TONY...he comes in and sits down hunched over...hiding his eyes as not
wanting to be noticed...and alas..."u probably dont even hear it when it
happens right?" (this is bobby talking to tony in the 1st episode of the
season...tony had this flashback as he was laying down in the last
episode...there would be no reason to have had that in unless it had
some huge significance)...and finally...tonys daughter walking in to c
her dad get shot just as janice did so many years ago...u hear the bell
of her walking in and then signifies the
neverending cycle of the soprano family...aj will become tony...meadow
will become janice...carmela will become olivia (tonys mom)...and cycle of
violence goes on and on and on....absolutlely amazing...i HATED the
ending at first...but when i watched it again...and understood is
really the most amazing ending possible for the show...we really would
not have been satisfied with the boring u c tony get shot ending...this
was priceless...remember..this was not an action was a drama
about a FAMILY....


I'll be honest.
I didn't catch what Bobby had said in the boat flashback.
But it does seem to make a lot of sense.

1. "u probably dont even hear it when it happens right?"
Note that Sil doesn't seem to hear anything when the guy is hit sitting next to him at the restaurant. (Foreshadowing?)

2. "also in the earlier seasons, the trucker who was sitting at the bar
stool, who the camera kept focusing in on, is Nicky leotardo, Phil
Leotardos nephew, he was in one of the early season episodes where Phil and Tony have a sit down...."
Revenge for the Phil hit.
I was going to say he got popped, but considering what happened, I'll save the pun for later.

3. "
the two black guys, they were paid before to kill tony but he was only shot in the ear, this was in one of the earlier seasons"
If I recall, didn't Livia or Junior contract these guys to kill Tony?
If so, Livia's dead, so she ain't paying, and Junior is... well, more on that later.

4. "
so in the end, the Journey song was playing"
Notice that the sound stopped with the lyrics "Don't Stop---".

5. Back to the scene with Junior. When Tony said "I'm Johnny-Boy's son", Junior responded with "Whadda want, a fuckin' boutonnière?" He seemed quite lucid at that point. There have been moments when it seemed that he was faking his illness, ala Frankie "The Chin" Gigante. However, I might be reading too much into it.....

Clodfobble 06-13-2007 09:40 AM

So I've never watched an episode at all, but what I gather from the above plus the general news coverage is that they did something symbolic and subtle and the average viewer was too dumb to get it?

glatt 06-13-2007 09:53 AM


Happy Monkey 06-13-2007 10:48 AM

1) The black guys were not the same ones from earlier.
2) The trucker has never been seen before, much less as a relative of Phil.
3) There were chimes just before the end, when Meadow presumably walked in.
4) The sports store owner (the T1000 from Terminator 2) was not in the scene.

Crimson Ghost 06-13-2007 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 354514)
1) The black guys were not the same ones from earlier.
2) The trucker has never been seen before, much less as a relative of Phil.
3) There were chimes just before the end, when Meadow presumably walked in.
4) The sports store owner (the T1000 from Terminator 2) was not in the scene.

I agree.

1. I thought that the black guys were the same ones.
2. The trucker was cut to several times, so it does seem to make sense, in a way...
3. Chimes, Tony looks up, "Don't Stop", black. Yup.
4. Robert Patrick's character was killed off, I think...

As I said, it was emailed to me, and as we know, everything on the 'net is true...

Ibby 04-06-2012 06:26 PM

I just started watching Season 1, having never watched any Sopranos at all before.

Gravdigr 04-09-2012 05:04 PM

Watch every single one in order.

Watched all of them till the last season in about two weeks, thanks to Comcast On Demand, a couple years back.

I always saw it as more about Tony The Guy, rather than The Mob, or Tony The Mob Boss.

Ibby 04-10-2012 07:40 PM

No, yeah, thats the beauty of it. It's a meditation on fatherhood, middle-management, and mid-life crises, and they threw in the mob to have a frame for it. Just like, The Wire isn't about drugs or cops, its about Baltimore, and the plots are there just to have someone to talk about.
I'm on the penultimate episode of season 2 now. of COURSE in order. i always watch everything in order.

Ibby 04-17-2012 02:11 PM

i think the one jerseyism from the Sopranos that bugs me more than all the others is that the word for a person who has sex for money is pronounced “hoooo-uh”. That’s worse than drinking “wudder”.

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