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Telefunken 07-01-2007 10:01 AM

Is romance overrated?
I'm back to actively dating. Earlier in my life I used to be a romantic fool. But I've been burn bad in the past and vow not to repeat my mistakes. These days I'm approaching my dating more rationally. I used to fall deeply in love and get hurt because of it. Now I'm reserving my emotional energy until after my first few dates or until I am able to "feel" out if the woman I'm dating is mature and balanced. I get the fact that romance and physical attraction helps build the first stages of a relationship. What happens when the romance stops and both of us have to face realities we ignored during the first stages of our relationship? Is romance overrated or am I overlooking the importance of romance?

freshnesschronic 07-01-2007 01:38 PM

No. Romance is not overrated. It's just hard, man. Good luck though, hope you can pull through!

piercehawkeye45 07-01-2007 02:17 PM

It depends on the person and what "phase" you are in.

Some people love relationships and the highs and lows that come with them. Other people see relationships as overrated. There are people that will only look for long-term relationships and others that will never have one. It just has to do with preference.

Personally, right now I have no intention in having a long-termed relationship but in 10 or 15 years, I will hopefully settle down, get married, and start a family. If something happens, it happens, if nothing happens, then oh well.

My best advice is to not try to control what happens, just ride it and see where it takes you. But that also works best for my personality so if you have a different personality it may be different....

skysidhe 07-01-2007 06:05 PM

I used to think it was overrated. Now I think people have a big idea of what 'romance' is and can't jump that hurdle in their mind. Is it something you feel or something you do? Maybe it's emotional maturity and courtesy?

I think what people are really looking for is emotional honesty and deciding exactly what 'romance' looks like to them and if they are willing to put out the money to create the reality that romance is suppose to look like.

oh and you know. There are alot of unbalanced men looking for that reason to not commit so don't look to hard for faults you'll find them when all the while she might be overlooking yours.

kerosene 07-01-2007 10:46 PM

Romance without love is overrated. That may be an oversimplified statement, but my definitions of love and romance are very different. romance with love is not overrated at all.

rkzenrage 07-01-2007 10:57 PM

I think insincere romance is overrated. Most "romance" is something used for manipulation, not a sincere expression of love.

skysidhe 07-01-2007 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 360515)
I think insincere romance is overrated. Most "romance" is something used for manipulation, not a sincere expression of love.

or the stroking of one's ego. ( not hers )

Aliantha 07-02-2007 12:16 AM

Romance is having someone else stack the dishwasher.

rkzenrage 07-02-2007 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 360529)
or the stroking of one's ego. ( not hers )

That is part of what I was talking about.

Hime 07-02-2007 02:01 PM

Yeah, it depends on the definition. I think that a lot of culturally indoctrinated ideas of romance (the rubbish about an engagement ring having to cost at least 2 months' salary...) are either hopelessly materialistic or patriarchal -- which come down to the same thing ultimately, that is, a man trying to prove that he is capable of buying the woman's affections.

If a guy showed up for a date with me bearing an armful of roses (which I don't like), diamond jewelry (which I don't wear), etc, took me to the most expensive restaurant in town regardless of whether there was anything vegetarian for me to eat, etc, that might look like romance from the outside, but to me it would feel like someone preferred to spend money on impressing me rather than spending *time* on getting to know me and figure out what I really like. Remember that a lot of what we think of as "romance" was created by advertising!

On the other hand, my husband and I just got back from our honeymoon, so I can't really say that I don't believe in romance... but I think it comes more from really knowing and appreciating one another. More about a moment being personally meaningful than flashy or expensive.

Cicero 07-03-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Telefunken (Post 360378)
I'm back to actively dating. Earlier in my life I used to be a romantic fool. But I've been burn bad in the past and vow not to repeat my mistakes. These days I'm approaching my dating more rationally. I used to fall deeply in love and get hurt because of it. Now I'm reserving my emotional energy until after my first few dates or until I am able to "feel" out if the woman I'm dating is mature and balanced. I get the fact that romance and physical attraction helps build the first stages of a relationship. What happens when the romance stops and both of us have to face realities we ignored during the first stages of our relationship? Is romance overrated or am I overlooking the importance of romance?

I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself.

bani 07-04-2007 10:18 AM

*balanced* is the keyword.

If he/she is balanced, then romance is good, can evolve to somethiing better, and deserves lot of fun and good things.

If he/she is not balanced we go to the

"Most "romance" is something used for manipulation, not a sincere expression of love.
or the stroking of one's ego. ( not hers )"

part, no way out

piercehawkeye45 07-04-2007 05:31 PM

Here is the Triangle love theory and the different types of relationships.

bani 07-05-2007 01:27 PM

there is no nut people variability. too easy!

elSicomoro 07-05-2007 02:02 PM

I've been overly romantic and under-romantic, but I think April and I have the right balance. At least, it works for us...I think some would argue that we're too mushy. Of course, I could give a shit. :)

As a whole, I don't think romance is overrated at all. I just think that the two people need to be on the same wavelength.

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