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DucksNuts 09-24-2008 09:36 PM

I am nearly 100% certain, that my very best and most productive hairdresser is stealing cash from the till.

I'm uncertain how to approach it, because she has a HUGE client base and brings in 70% of the business. When my partner and I bring up the subject of end of day takings and the fact that they dont balance, she tries to tell us that one of the girls must of rung up the till wrong.

I've know this lady for years, and her family, she's REALLY well paid.


My name is mud 09-24-2008 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 486704)
I am nearly 100% certain, that my very best and most productive hairdresser is stealing cash from the till.

I'm uncertain how to approach it, because she has a HUGE client base and brings in 70% of the business. When my partner and I bring up the subject of end of day takings and the fact that they dont balance, she tries to tell us that one of the girls must of rung up the till wrong.

I've know this lady for years, and her family, she's REALLY well paid.


Eye in the sky...

classicman 09-24-2008 10:04 PM

A security camera is definitely the way to go. The irrefutable proof will say it all.

footfootfoot 09-24-2008 10:19 PM

kick her in the cunt?

Aliantha 09-24-2008 10:29 PM

Maybe if she's the manager you can set up a meeting to discuss the money missing from the till and impliment some new procedures - possibly only one cashier - although I know that's tough in a hair salon, but just let her know that you're not prepared to put up with it any longer, and the person will be caught and dismissed immediately.

Maybe she's got some financial issue which is her reason for stealing. I know that's not your concern from a professional standpoint, but good staff are hard to find. Perhaps if you have that convo with her, she might own up and let you help her, if you feel so inclined.

Aliantha 09-24-2008 10:36 PM

Oooh...something I just thought of too. My hairdresser found that one of her best hairdressers was not even ringing up most of her customers that paid by cash. Just be very thorough in your investigations. The rabbit hole could be a lot deeper than you even suspect.

classicman 09-24-2008 10:42 PM

Hey wait a minute - I thought you worked at a car dealership? Where did this salon come from?

ZenGum 09-24-2008 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 486737)
Hey wait a minute - I thought you worked at a car dealership? Where did this salon come from?

Mixed business. Couple comes in, she gets her hair done, he gets a new V8, they both leave happy. There are computer games for the kids.
Don't you have that there?

classicman 09-24-2008 10:57 PM

lol, uh no.

DucksNuts 09-25-2008 01:11 AM

I am at the car dealership.

I am just a partner in a hair salon. Girl cant sit idle on her arse you know.

Ali, she doesnt have any financial problems. She lives with her sister, has an investment home that wipes its own nose, owns her car (which I think the salon has paid for) and has no drug problems :) I think she does it because she can, or she has some sort of *ism* or *mania*.

She's not the manager, my partner manages the salon, but she is the head technician and is very popular. If I sack her, she can work into any dozen salons locally and with her goes a HUGE chunk of the income.

J (Partner) is putting pressure on them regarding the till balancing, and tightening up a lot, but I am thinking a camera will be the go, because I want proof to discredit her around town if it comes to that.

Nasty? Possibly, but you have to reallise if someone else puts her on, we lose all her clients.

Aliantha 09-25-2008 01:55 AM

Well, some people just get jealous and take ownership of the money they bring into a salon, or any other business for that matter. They feel they aren't being rewarded for what they do and that the business would suffer if they weren't there. That's how they justify their actions, even if they're historically loyal and trustworthy people. Maybe she's disgruntled and is thinking about making a move anyway. Get the proof you need to avoid any slander suits and then put the word out around town. I'm sure some of her clients will consider her actions inapproriate too.

Sundae 09-25-2008 07:44 AM

If she wants to justify it to herself, ahe will do. The why isn't your concern - all you have to do is make it too difficult for her.

If she is intent on stealing, she will leave you and go to a salon that it is easier to steal from. That's going to hit you hard, but if she's committed to stealing your only other option is to put up with it - not an option in my opinion.

So yes, tighten up procedures and get a camera. She will either go back to being an honest employee or leave. And in the mean time, make sure you keep an eye out for up and coming honest talent.

ZenGum 09-25-2008 07:56 AM

How would this conversation work?


Oh my god, did you hear about what happened in (city not too close but not too far away)??

No, what?

Well, there was this hairdresser, right...

Like us?

Yep, just like us. Any way, she was good. Really good.

Like me, right?

Yeah, you're good, true. But anyway, terrible thing, one night when she was just going home from work, and she was getting into her car, some guy attacked her!

Holy crap! What did he do?

Well, he grabbed her hand and pulled it into the door frame and slammed the door, and broke all her fingers.

Oh my god, no! That's terrible!

Yeah, the poor lass, she won't be able to work for ages, and she'll never be as good.

My God, who did it?

They have no idea, but apparently the cops think it was someone paid to do it.

Hell, why did they do it?

No idea. No one knows. She didn't have any problems or enemies or anything. Might even have been the wrong person or something.

Hell, that's horrible.

Yeah, terrible.

[Long silence]

Clodfobble 09-25-2008 11:01 AM

The ideal situation would be if she stayed at the company but stopped stealing, right? Just make sure you make a big deal about installing the camera, and telling all the employees about it, etc. Convince her she'll be caught if she does it again.

glatt 09-25-2008 11:12 AM

I was thinking the same thing. When you install the camera, don't point fingers at anyone, that's bad for morale. Just explain how much money is being stolen and how seriously you take it. Make sure they know that you know.

Is there also a way to track that for each customer, you are getting money in the register? Or is the camera aimed at the whole store and not just the register? If the money never makes it near the register, a camera pointed at the register won't catch anything.

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