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mansouryar 09-25-2010 02:52 PM

Gravity Control by Laser
Hi everybody. My name is Mohammad Mansouryar & I like the idea of the faster-than-light travels. When I look at the night stars, I ask myself would we see someday that we could travel to those star systems & their galaxies?
There is no way that mankind could go those places with the limitations regarding the speed of light. Fortunately, there are physically meaningful methods to solve that problem. I mean two classes of solutions for the Einstein’s gravitational field equations in the general relativity theory, called the traversable wormholes and warp drives. Such solutions (especially wormholes) do allow one to make a shortcut in the fabric of spacetime to reduce the needed time of passing a distance between two remote points. Those are famous notions in sci-fi literature (movies/books …) and you can find many data on them as the text, image and video throughout the internet.

The basic obstacle with them, is the required energy; they need negative energy! As far as I know, there are two main approaches to generate the negative energy density in the literature. The Casimir effect and the squeezed vacuum effect. The Casimir effect is pretty well-known, but it is confined in the walls and cavities, while we need a remarkable amount of the negative energy in free space to engineer them rather easily.
Recently, I’ve released a preprint which I think that deserves to be considered as a solution candidate, or at least part of the solution. I believe we need to focus on the concept of transporting the targeted (negative) energy localized in space, to another region of the space. That seems appropriate with the squeezed vacuum caused by the laser beams. One tool for that goal might be the soliton theory. A soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave (a wave packet or pulse) that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed.
An interesting feature about my paper is that its category is quantum physics (mostly because of the quantum vacuum energy implications), the framework is about the laser beams, most of the references are from nonlinear topics, and it tries to deal with a need in the gravity! So as you see, it’s quite dependent on various branches of physics and math. In my opinion, it could be verified in a proper lab by present technology and with ordinary cost.
I hope the scientific activities could help all to have more peace and a better life. As an example, I am Iranian and I applied five papers from an Israeli author, Boris A. Malomed et al, and found them useful for my work. I believe these affairs could help different nations to understand each other better and respect each other more. Not to mention if this “physics of distance reduction” would be realized, there would be no definite sense for the words like: nations, borders, and countries!
Good luck,
P.S: Anyway, I thought it's a good idea to let you know the problem of necessity to the exotic matter for FTL travels has been moved one step forward toward its solution. I hope all the star trek science fans would find this interesting. Also, I hope a common wise of people would cause this innovation to be used in a good manner. :morncoff:

xoxoxoBruce 09-25-2010 03:03 PM

Welcome to the Cellar, mansouryar. :D
We don't ordinarily allow links in the first post but I'm making an exception, after checking them for spam, they seem integral with the subject matter.

Undertoad 09-25-2010 03:04 PM

The IP address checks out from Iran. Welcome mansouryar.

footfootfoot 09-25-2010 05:23 PM

Welcome Mohammad Mansouryar, that is an impressive first post. Not sure why you chose us but, and I think I speak for all the dwellars, well some of the dwellars, ok actually I speak for squirell nutkin and myself ;) , we are honored. I will volunteer to try out the travel when my kids have grown up.

On an unrelated note:

I'm secretly in love with an Iranian woman. I guess I was secretly in love with an Iranian woman.

footfootfoot 09-25-2010 05:26 PM

here is a link to a pdf of a q&a with Mansouryar. With illustrations of what he is talking about.

spudcon 09-25-2010 08:52 PM

OK, I thought I was smart, but now after reading Mansouryars writings, well...let's just say I'm humbled.

xoxoxoBruce 09-25-2010 08:59 PM

Being able to understand only the basic concept, which has been touted in science fiction and comic books for years, I'll leave the determination of whether it's feasible, or bullshit, to experts.

mansouryar 09-26-2010 06:26 AM

xoxoxoBruce, Undertoad, footfootfoot, spudcon, :thankyou:
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. Well, I had found this forum at months ago while googling some interesting words and then I bookmarked here to deal with it at a right time later, but that affair took so much time. Since here seemed a good website to me, I decided to bring up my concerns with you members.
Based on my experiences, I don't think we can have a technical discussion on the related physics; so I think it would be cool to hear your opinions on the social ramifications of this technology instead. I mean the one I've devoted my life for that: Creating a Traversable Wormhole!


I'm secretly in love with an Iranian woman. I guess I was secretly in love with an Iranian woman.
That's cool! :thumb: Let me confess this for the first time: One great motivation for me to work on this research, was the love of a woman! In my dreams at the age of 16, I would kidnapped (or impressed) her (by this thing) to become my bride … :hugnkiss: as you know this has been the main reason for nearly all the great events in the history of mankind … :rolleyes:

sexobon 09-26-2010 07:16 AM

Society isn't ready for an accomplishment of that magnitude. The ramifications far exceed those of the development of even something like the internet which governments already have difficulty regulating. It would be like using fractal patterns instead circular spherical boundaries for the holes in your plates.

I expect that nation states would commandeer such a project early in its development and that the private sector wouldn't realize any benefit until long after it became possible to do ... if ever.

xoxoxoBruce 09-26-2010 09:07 AM

I suspect you're right about nation states seizing control of that technology. Of course there would be a worm hole race... guaranteed Israel would steal it first, and the Russians would claim to have done it in the '50s. :haha:

footfootfoot 09-26-2010 09:25 AM

I think you need to partner with the guys at google and wikipedia who are the most egalitarian of the big companies. Certainly don't want mainstream companies getting involved.

But seriously, I think a Cellar think tank considering this idea would be great. Let's leave aside the issue of government control or people not being ready and think about how life would be different if it were fait accompli.

ZenGum 09-26-2010 09:27 AM

Those damn Russkies are going to get a worm-hole gap on us!

xoxoxoBruce 09-26-2010 12:42 PM

A Red under your bed. :eek:

Undertoad 09-26-2010 02:52 PM

My guitarist's wife (soon to be ex) has an unlimited supply of negative energy.

I think society could handle FTL travel just fine. The sooner we discover other livable planets, the sooner we find the aliens that are similar to us and then we can take their money.

Hopefully they will have solved a lot of the messy problems we have here.

Griff 09-26-2010 05:02 PM

I think society would handle FLT but States are not going to be great supporters of uncontrolled use of it. Consider where we are with space travel since the go go sixties... :tinfoil:

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