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DanaC 01-03-2011 09:05 PM

Quick question about teeth and standards of beauty (possibly mildly nsfw)
2 Attachment(s)
One of the forum communities I frequent is a gaming site. There is a thread on there called The Hot Girl thread. In it, unsurprisingly, there are pics of hot girls.

One of the guys posted some pics of a model called Reon Kadena. Most were quite saucy, but i one of the pics she reminded me quite a lot of my eldest niece. Meels isn't asian so her eyes aren't as almond shaped, but Reon's colouring and something about her really reminded me of Meels.

So, I mentioned this, and after the various calls for 'pics', one of the regulars posted this:


That would explain her horribly jacked up teeth. She has a British dentist:P

I don't care how hot a girls body is, if her teeth are as messed up as Reon's its a compete turn off and not going to happen for me
Now, I am well aware that British have different notions when it comes to teeth than Americans. But I still am struggling to see this girl's smile as 'fucked up', which is how he later describes it:


Lol. It would take a lot of Jack. My problem with girls and their teeth is that girls talk a lot. A LOT! That is what they do, talk talk talk talk talk. So I'm looking at their mouth a lot and if they have fucked up teeth it is just going to annoy the fuck out of me the whole time and that will be the only thing I am thinking about rather than listening to what they are talking about and saying to myself... "WTF is she going on and on about?" or "Can I fuck her with out thinking about those teeth?"
Here are two of the pics of Reon: one which shows her with her mouth closed, and one that shows her awful, awful smile.

What i want to know, from the American guys in particular is: does this girl's smile count as a dental carcrash to you? Is it just my British sensibilities that make me think that this guy is being waaaay too critical of a minor flaw? Are her teeth bad enough to warrant a bottle of Jack Daniels just to get through the act?

classicman 01-03-2011 09:27 PM

What teeth?

The guys a dickhole without a life or a girl on a gaming site.
Need I say more?

Bullitt 01-03-2011 09:27 PM

Minor flaw, too critical. That said, as an American male I too focus on a woman's teeth and I cannot find a woman attractive if her teeth are not at least in decent shape. My two main things are more gum than tooth when she smiles, or a big gap between the two front teeth.

monster 01-03-2011 09:29 PM

Bit of both. Not everyone here gets their teeth fixed. but everyone who poses for professional photos does. And pretty much everyone who doesn't live in a trailer park or ghetto. So they do rather stand out, even though they're not really fucked up. But seriously, if he's let those teeth put him off a shag, he's gay and looking for any excuse.

Clodfobble 01-03-2011 10:52 PM

Like monster said: noticeable, and surprising to see on a model. But certainly not enough to detract from the rest. A lot of models nowadays actually do the "one minor but noticeable flaw" thing, popularized by Cindy Crawford in the 80s with her face mole (though of course the concept of "beauty marks" had gone in and out of fashion before then.) Padma Lakshmi's got a 7-inch scar going down one arm, and she frankly wears it as a mark of pride.

Sperlock 01-03-2011 11:04 PM

I have no problem with her teeth. I rarely find teeth that bother me all that much. I definitely wouldn't kick her out bed. ;)

zippyt 01-03-2011 11:09 PM

I haveNo Problem with her teeth , as Long as she doesnt bite !!!

xoxoxoBruce 01-04-2011 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Bullitt (Post 703129)
My two main things are more gum than tooth when she smiles, or a big gap between the two front teeth.

I love that Terry Thomas gap. :p:

Gravdigr 01-04-2011 02:16 AM

I have looked and studied, studied and looked, thought and pondered, and pondered and thought...and I can't find a damn thing wrong with her breasts.

Gravdigr 01-04-2011 02:18 AM

She has a little bit of the Jewel thing going on, but I wouldn't say she--who am I kidding, I wouldn't be able to say anything.

Gravdigr 01-04-2011 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 703130)
...if he's let those teeth put him off a shag, he's gay and looking for any excuse.


TheMercenary 01-04-2011 06:25 AM

Crooked, yes. Jacked up, no. Americans are obbsessed with getting braces on teeth that are not straight, if you can afford them. Most everyone in the US gets their "Wisdom teeth" out at some time in their late teens or early 20's, because they are the ones that crowd the front teeth and cause the look the girl has in the pic. If you have insurance, or care to pay for it, most of us also get our teeth cleaned professionally every 6 months or so. I did not do that until I got married because to this day I hate going to the fucking dentist. For anything. When I was little I use to throw up in the dentist chair every time I went.

glatt 01-04-2011 07:16 AM

Her teeth are pretty bad for a model. But for a real person, she's beautiful, and the teeth are a minor flaw.

Undertoad 01-04-2011 07:21 AM

Fark used to post this at times like these

TheMercenary 01-04-2011 07:33 AM

Heh. I have not looked at Fark in a long time. I will have to revisit.

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