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Undertoad 01-09-2003 12:24 PM

1/9/2003: Weapon chic

This is a new line of handbags being introduced in Rotterdam as one response to growing Euro crime and fear. There isn't an actual gun or knife in these bags, just an *outline* of one, get it?

They also have a third model which outlines a large crucifix. The line is called "Guardian Angel" and the terribly-designed website that sells them says "Guardian Angel: Armed with a gun, a knife or faith, nobody will harm you..."

My skepticism cannot be contained. What you're really saying when you use a bag like this is "I'm frightened of crime so I'm going to wear a bag that suggests I'm both frightened and unwilling to carry an actual firearm. Please threaten me with deadly force and I will fold immediately like a cheap house of cards."

People buying this will stand out as if they were highlighted with an orange pen. Given the false sense of security that they are somehow protected AND the complete lack of knowledge about what to do if actually threatened, my guess is that it can only lead to worse trouble. If I'm going to carry, I'm not going to let you know, and I'm especially not going to let you know which bag it's in and where it is in the bag. I mean, come on.

wolf 01-09-2003 01:01 PM

I have seen some stupid fashion accessories in my life (legwarmers, plastic jelly bracelets, and underwear as outwear) but this has to take the cake.

I suppose some eurotrash designer thought it spoke strongly of the american culture of fashion and violence or somesuch ...

Oh well ... only an idiot takes a fake knife to a gunfight. Might clear out the shallow end of the gene pool a little bit.

There's a very simple concept involved when carrying a concealed weapon ... and that's that it should be, ummmmm, CONCEALED, dammit.

I've heard a lot of discussion about "printing" (that means the weapon shows through your clothing) and whether or not that violates a particular state's CCW laws (in PA it does not, but does defeat the purpose of carrying concealed).

I wonder whether upsetting the populace with the outline of a gun on a handbag would be a chargeable offense in some states/cities (probably would be in New York, where toy guns are now banned, if I recall properly). The Fashionistas will be in a tizzy over this one ...

Now, more importantly, please tell me that those are NOT the colors for this year. Oh my GODS how awful!!!!!

Uryoces 01-09-2003 02:21 PM

I'll cast a few times...

I'd like to point out that America doesn't celebrate a culture of violence. It makes for dramatic story telling, and this is not lost on the news and the entertainment industry. News and entertainment are somethimes the same thing, indeed, many entertainment octopi -- I mean corporations -- own major news outlets.

I highly suspect that life in America is much like life elsewhere in the world, but in this infotainment climate, we'll never really know. I was listenting to NPR this morning, and they were talking about the Spanish American War. Remington gets to Cuba and says "It's pretty quiet here". Hurst exclaims, "You get me the pictures and I'll get you a war!"

These bags are ridiculous. Poorly designed delivering a questionable statement.

Elspode 01-09-2003 03:36 PM

Awhile back, I recall having seen handbags, briefcases and other daily carry items that were constructed in such a manner as to accomodate a real gun. The purses were made so that a woman could walk with her hand discreetly inside, finger on the trigger, and all she had to do was point her purse at point blank range (ther business end, of course) at an attacker and, zowie, no more mugging!

Much more sensible design than the atrocities in the picture. I can't wait until some bozo (excuse me, bozette) tries to get on an airliner with one of these. Talk about confusion...

wolf 01-09-2003 04:00 PM


Originally posted by Elspode
Awhile back, I recall having seen handbags, briefcases and other daily carry items that were constructed in such a manner as to accomodate a real gun.
There are several companies that produce items like this. Some of the nicest are made by Coronado Leather. In addition to purses, briefcases, and really nice leather jackets with concealed carry pockets, they have a variety of other accessories.

I want to get one of their dayplanners, which even has a section for a calendar, as well as holding a pistol and two magazines.

Kramer Handgun Leather also makes a variety of concealment holsters, but their primary products are just "regular" but extremely well-made holsters. They also have a line of "ThunderWear" undershirts for men and women that include a concealment holster panel. I recently read an article that said they are working on horsehide bomber jackets.

I have an item or two in of this sort ... there are just some outfits where it's more difficult to carry a pistol ... spoils the line of a "little black dress", you know?

Elspode 01-09-2003 04:14 PM


Originally posted by wolf

I have an item or two in of this sort ... there are just some outfits where it's more difficult to carry a pistol ... spoils the line of a "little black dress", you know?

How refreshing to encounter a woman with both fashion sense and a penchant for self defense.

My wife used to work in intake in a psych hospital, BTW. Lots of fun tales about the "oh shit, come a-runnin'" calls in the wards. She was lucky. Only had to dodge a chair once and a pool cue once. She can *still* take me down in about .5.

Nothing But Net 01-09-2003 04:34 PM

Is that a pistol in your pocketbook or are you just happy to see me?
Essential accessories for the "Fashion Police"

wolf 01-09-2003 04:49 PM


Originally posted by Elspode

How refreshing to encounter a woman with both fashion sense and a penchant for self defense.

Thank thee, kind sir! :blush: Merry to meet you as well.


My wife used to work in intake in a psych hospital, BTW. Lots of fun tales about the "oh shit, come a-runnin'" calls in the wards. She was lucky. Only had to dodge a chair once and a pool cue once. She can *still* take me down in about .5.
Very cool. I don't meet/hear of a lot of other people that work intake. It's definitely a very different kind of job, getting to deal with the patients coming in fresh off the street. One of these days I'm going to get around to writing down all of the good stories and seeing if it's publishable. I've seen a lot of "funny things that happened in the ER books, but there aren't any about psych hospitals.

I haven't had to use my considerable "nonviolent crisis intervention" skills on my boyfriend. The knowledge that I can kick his ass keeps him in line ;) ... I'm still on no patient contact restrictions from my injury. I should be back in the game come February, though.

elSicomoro 01-09-2003 07:54 PM

Must be a European thing...perhaps the designer had a bit too much hash at the hash bars.

SteveDallas 01-09-2003 08:46 PM

My first thought was that maybe the woman from slang's "big racK" topic would want one of these, then I saw that they're fakes.

I wonder what the chances are that one of these purses would be snatched by somebody looking to snag a knife or a gun?

slang 01-09-2003 09:10 PM

Re: 1/9/2003: Weapon chic

Originally posted by Undertoad
People buying this will stand out as if they were highlighted with an orange pen.........
I think UT's got this nailed. If truely used as a defense strategy it only spells trouble.

I can imagine that some chicks may think it's cool to have one of these handbags, but only for laughs. They're probably too pricey for the tough gals that might find this appealing.

What I'm waiting to see (alert: bad joke coming up) is the muggers using them to intimidate their victims. Can you envision some homeless guy saying something like "dont make me reach in this handbag and cap yer ass, gimme all your!" (dude starts opening the bag in a threatening manner)

And then, when or if the cops show up and busts them, they'd say "what? This is a handbag, are you going to arrest me for carrying it?"

It may very well even develop into it's own black market. You may not want to actually hurt someone in the commission of a crime and having the bag submitted as evidence against you in court would be something I think would be pretty funny. "This guy held you up with that!? Case dismissed."

But that's just the crazy movie running in my mind. :D

MaggieL 01-09-2003 11:23 PM


Originally posted by Elspode

How refreshing to encounter a woman with both fashion sense and a penchant for self defense.

Well, there's a couple of us here. :-) I actually have a flaming pink fanny pack from Uncle Mike's with provisions for a holster, got it *cheap* from <a href="">CDNN</a> but when it arrived I found out why it was so cheap: it's a *hideously* bright color that screams "this person is carrying *something* dangerous". I'll have to look into dyeing it or something.

Meanwhile my carry weapon is small enough that it conceals very easily on-body most of the time. No Thunderware (or Thunderbra; unfortnately I don't have Thunderboobs) necessary.

The purses do scream "You're in a victim disarmament zone" though.

wolf 01-10-2003 12:32 AM


Originally posted by MaggieL
I actually have a flaming pink fanny pack from Uncle Mike's with provisions for a holster,

EEEEEEAAAAUUUUWWWW!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I don't DO pink.

In fact, the only remotely pink item in my wardrobe is a sweater that the well-meaning mother of a dear friend gave me.

I heard a rumor that Kel-Tech makes the polymer receivers of their P-32 pistol in colors, although I've never seen one. Pink is supposed to be available. (I've also heard about royal blue and green. I would have thought there would be some reg. about that to avoid manufacturing real firearms that look like toys.)

quzah 01-10-2003 12:38 AM


Originally posted by MaggieL
but when it arrived I found out why it was so cheap: it's a *hideously* bright color that screams "this person is carrying *something* dangerous". I'll have to look into dyeing it or something.
You'd do better with a shirt that says: "I'm going to kill you. No, I'm not joking, so fuck off." Or you could be clever and wear one that says something like, "Violators will be shot."

On a side note, they should become very popular, and then acutally stick a weapon in them. That way people assume it's fake until you pull out that butcher knife and debone them.

Heh. I slay me. I really do.


slang 01-10-2003 02:04 AM


Originally posted by quzah
"I'm going to kill you. No, I'm not joking, so fuck off."

Very funny. Not bad for a vegan. ;)

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