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bbro 10-25-2013 02:04 PM

I love them. I have been working at a gym that specializes in them for a month and a half about 3 times a week. I say about because I missed a couple days. I haven't lost much weight (yet), but there are these things that are starting to stick out. I think they are mucl....musle....muscles??

I had been thinking about it for a while and finally took the jump thanks to a social fitness website I joined. I just cannot express how glad I am. I want to put together a gym at home with kettlebells, but they are PRICY! I will have to eventually, though, because I am moving even farther away from the gym. No point in trying to move closer to work if I am using the same amount of gas to get to the gym! lol

They do have a pass that you can get with 12 visits. I figure I could do that, get the new workouts once a month and call it good.

That is all :) I just wanted to share :)

xoxoxoBruce 10-25-2013 03:46 PM

Pricy, but you don't have to buy them all, I don't think you need a 75 or 100 lb to stay in shape. You can even buy them one at a time as you can afford it.
You go Girl. :thumb2:

bbro 10-25-2013 07:56 PM

Thanks Bruce :) I priced some of the ones I use now and they are 50 and above for the good ones. They are in kg and I am deadlifting 28 right now and want to move up. I think they only have one more bigger - lol. I do have people I can ask for the good deals.

Lola Bunny 10-27-2013 11:09 PM

I have some exercise dvds that use kettle balls but I just use a barbell instead. I know it's not the same but i've been avoiding buying one. They are expensive. I don't know even which weight I can handle.

BBro, you're deadlighting at 28 kg now? Wow! I'm such a wuss. :facepalm:

bbro 10-28-2013 07:47 AM

LOL - No you aren't :) I am working with a trainer. Last workout, I lifted a bell once and he said "Put that down". I did and he replaced it - I don't really get a choice a lot of times - lol. I only do 5 reps, so, it's a lot easier.

Barbells and dumbbells are fine . I think, if you are really interested, find a gym with a KB certified trainer. That way, you can learn the correct form for everything. You'd be surprised how picky my trainers are! And I still managed to hurt my shoulder :facepalm:

Lola Bunny 10-28-2013 10:48 PM

Dumbbells, I mean dumbbells, not barbell. :p: I know what you mean by correct form. I thought the woman on the video did an exercise weirdly. Turned out I was doing the wrong form. I found that out when I worked out with a friend who does cross fit. I guess I could ask my friend to show me the correct forms when she has the time. Don't worry, if I ever to do it, I would use light weights. As for going to the gym, I can't really afford it. I just have to contend with working out at home. Be careful with your forms. It would really suck to get injured. Good luck! It's always so nice to hear someone working out and enjoying it. :D

bbro 10-29-2013 12:46 PM

That's why I love this gym even though it is expensive on time and money - the trainers there CONSTANTLY will correct your form if it is incorrect.

Try the free videos at - I have heard they are by an RKC Certified instructor. Also, there is a book called Enter the Kettlebell that is held in HIGH regard in the KB community I am in. If you PM me your email, I can send it to you. It definitely has great tips on form, weight to use. Sometimes a smaller weight is actually more harmful than helpful - like with swings. Too low and they go wild easier

bbro 10-30-2013 11:09 AM

I started doing what they call finishers at the gym. It's what they call high intensity high energy workouts AFTER you finished everything else.

They have a list of 9 on a white board and you roll a pair of die to determine your tortu....I mean exercise

I have only done them 3 times and 2 different types. I have YET to finish an entire finisher :)

Finisher 1: Breathing ladder - Do x swings and take x/5 breaths then do x+2 swings. So 4 swings, 2 breaths, 6 swings, 3 breaths, 8 swings, 4 breaths etc, all the way up to 16, then back down again.

First time I did that, I got to 12, was able to do 12 twice and that was it - I was having too much trouble with the breathing
Second time, I got to 14 and quit. It was better, but not quite

Finisher 2: Tabata
20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 4 mins.
Only time I did it, I did battle ropes, then swings. This calculates out to 1 min. I did 3 rounds for a total of 3 mins. The trainer stopped me there, but I think I can do the whole 4 minutes next time.

I skipped yesterday's because of my shoulder. On the drive home, I was kicking myself that I should have at least tried. Instead of just being down on myself, I mentally committed to doing it (at least trying) for the next two gym days.

I also punished myself with push ups, crunches, bicycle abs and vertical leg crunches :)

Who knew I would actually do that??? LOL

lumberjim 10-30-2013 07:12 PM

My 40 Lb dumbells just sit there and mock me.

Lola Bunny 10-30-2013 10:37 PM

BBro: Damn, girl! I remember you had trouble with Insanity. Look how much you can do now. Impress! :thumb2:

Lola Bunny 10-30-2013 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 882078)
My 40 Lb dumbells just sit there and mock me.

Well, then, just don't sit there and take it. Pick them up and toss them around some. ;)

bbro 10-31-2013 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 882088)
BBro: Damn, girl! I remember you had trouble with Insanity. Look how much you can do now. Impress! :thumb2:

Thanks :) I think I would still have trouble with Insanity, though :rolleyes: Gonna try that in place of my cardio at the start of the new year.

I think it is easier to push when there is someone there cheering you on saying "Yea - you got this"

Excited about today! This is the day I normally do two sets of swings since I can't do cleans with my shoulder. We're on 4 sets so I will get 80 swings in WOOT!

bbro 11-05-2013 10:49 AM

We started a new format this month - I think it may be the end of me....

The following will be done twice a week. I don't know what is in the middle, yet, but it will be an easier workout if they follow the same trend.

First, do some warmup exercises. Some weird ones, too. Like, lay on your back, hands over head and use your right leg to turn yourself over WITHOUT using the upper body at all. Do it again so you are back to the starting position. I feel a little odd, but whatever :)

Complete exercise list 3 times with 5 different exercises (which might change)
Goblet Squat
Chest Press
Low Row

Here's where it gets bad
First week - :30 sec on/:30 sec rest
Second week - :40 sec on/:20 sec rest
Third week - :50 sec on/:10 sec rest
Not sure about the last week...
Rest 1 minute between sets

After all sets, rest for 2 minutes then complete finisher
Last Friday, it was :30 sec on/:30 sec rest for 4 minutes doing KB swings. I thought I was gonna die. He gave us that because he was going to change what he had originally planned.

I don't know how I am going to do the last week!! Shit, I don't know how I am going to do week 2! And, he has harder exercises that we can do. Ummmm, I think the timing is going to be hard enough for me!!

Wish me luck.....I will update again, soon......unless I can't move....

Lola Bunny 11-05-2013 09:34 PM

Wow, you are getting stronger! :thumb2: Don't worry, you'll be able to handle it. Take one week at a time. Good luck! Oh yeah, make sure you know all the stretches needed. Don't think "I can't do this."

bbro 11-06-2013 10:07 AM

I just completed a finisher for the first time! I go to the last round and was like "I'm done" and the trainer was like "You got this! You can do it!" I may have taken a few extra seconds rest than I should have - but I FINISHED!!!

This finisher was :20/:10 with swings and what they call walkouts. I think last week's had the same timing, but I misnoted it up above. I may haven't gotten many walkouts (they are harder than you think), but I still did them!

Walkouts are when you stand with your feet apart, hinge over at the waist and put your hands on the ground, then walk to a plank position, hold and walk back. You don't bend the knees, either.

Thanks Lola - it kind of sneaks up on you - lol. Ask me a month ago or even two weeks and I would have never believed I would have been able to get through the entire workout twice now. It just goes to show that you are your worst critic. I haven't even lost much weight according to the scale, but my pants are (finally) getting bigger and I am seeing muscles everywhere. My body is definitely changing for the good :)

It also helps to have a community like Fitocracy. You "level up" in real life by doing workouts and gaining other achievements. The points are skewed a bit towards barbell and dumbell work, but I still think it's worth it. Nothing like getting to level 14 :D....I am trying for level 20 before the end of the year!

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